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So it has been prophesied over me that i would be a minister and i would be placing hands on people bringing them healing through Jesus. Well i have dealt with so much opposition in my life. No matter where i go i seem to find it difficult to make friends. Women just seem to not tolerate me very much in particular. I tell myself that it is the spirit of the world that is within them. Maybe i am just too spiritually sensitive. Maybe it is because of the particular calling that God has on my life. I also get signs tha i believe are from God telling me not to go down a particular path. But i thought God gave us signs to confirm that we are on the right path. I am so confused with all of this. I know that God has given me the gift of revelation. He speaks to me through my dreams all the time. I don't know is there a way to find out exactly what gifts God has given me and how to fine tune them? Also, is there a way to find out what God's calling is for my life SPECIFICALLY. Because i want to be 100 percent on the right track here. i want God to use me to his fullest potential? I reallly could use a direct conversation with Jehovah about now. I feel as if He does speak to me but i am so very much afraid to be wrong. What does HIs voice sound like to you all? Do i really have discernment and am just sensitive to the different spirits that are within other individuals? I feel as if there is the spirit of pride, fear, anger, homosexuality's, self righteousness, sexual immorality, Is there legion? is that real? I have so many questions and i want to make sure i am discipled properly. Can you help me out y'all??? Thank you so much I am even willing to message one on one if anyone is up for that. I need some help here. Thank you and God bless!!! May His face shine upon you!
I will teach you how to hear his voice -
1. If you wish to be used by God in powerful ways, you must remove your grave clothes, (John 11:44) kick your old man to the curb (Romans 6:6, Ephesians 4:22, Colossians 3:9-10) and renew your mind with the mind of Christ. (Romans 12:2) To achieve a mind of Christ, you need to read your bible. The word of God is not only going to feed your spirit man, it will also starve your old man (desires manifested from your soul) who previously ruled your life before you became a new creation (born-again)

This will also help you to recognise his voice. There are many voices out in the world. You know his voice because you know his character his qualities and his expectations which is made manifest...
What does HIs voice sound like to you all? Do i really have discernment and am just sensitive to the different spirits that are within other individuals?
So many questions with so many answers. I am glad you received a calling to devote your life to God in ministry. I can relate with alot of what you said, and yes it is the world mentality. The devil doesnt want people representing God in this world, because light exposes the darkness. Friends are hard to come by because worldly friends do not typically have a Christians moral guidance and essence in mind when making friends with them. Worldly people are more suspect to being used by the devil. John 15.19. Paul says that you are supposed to test your faith daily, to see if you can sustain. Being in ministry is important. You are not setting a standard you are the standard. God bless.

Reading through all you have said here I do believe God is preparing you for greater works He has for you, but not yet revealed until He knows you are ready. Be careful of those who prophecy over you as they can feel this is what you will do, but God might have other plans. God usually uses us where our hearts are for Him and others.

Example: I to am a female and to try and make a long story short, at one time I had suicidal thoughts as I was physically and mentally beaten down and felt like Jesus was no longer there. It got so bad that all I could do was cry out to Jesus and poured out my heart and soul to Him in desperation. When I had no more to give and laid there in silence there is where Christ Jesus met me and the first and only time I have ever heard Him speak audibly to me. He wrapped His loving
arms around me as I saw the brightest light and great warmth consume me as He spoke to me and told me He had great things for me to do. I had no idea what He was preparing me for, but that I needed to be Spiritually trained in His word by allowing the Holy Spirit open my Spiritual eyes and ears and start studying the Bible by allowing the Holy Spirit, not man to teach me all truths.

I too wanted to become a Pastor over a church as I felt that is what I wanted, but God had other plans for me. When I was prepared and ready God called me to become an Evangelist for a time and a season to minister His word in the local prisons, in which my husband was an inmate and then on parole when I met and married him. He too found Christ while he was incarcerated as this became my desire to go preach the word of God to the inmates. In order to go into prisons I had to be a state certified Evangelist licensed from the church I attended and was very involved in. I had to take classes on teacher training that was very helpful before I got my Evangelist licenses. Anyway, just wanted to share this with you.

I do feel you do need to mature in His word gaining the Spiritual knowledge you will need to work within what ever ministry He is preparing you for. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to a church that teaches truth and get involved with that fellowship as you grow in the word and having that close fellowship with other Christians. Don't even give it a thought who likes you or who doesn't as God is going to open you up to a new Spiritual world that you have never seen before. I like teaching Colossians 3:1-17 to others as this is who God wants us to be in Christ.

God bless and if you ever need to talk I am only a PM away. God bless :pray
We're always glad to hear from others what we already think, or want to hear. But the Bible warns about the "false kisses" of an enemy and the "faithful wounds" given to us by our friends.

Proverbs 27:5-6
5 Better is open rebuke than love that is concealed.
6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.

There will always be around you folks who are eager to stroke your head, and pat your back, and tell you encouraging lies while they do. These are not your friends, though they often believe they are. The one who has godly love for you will tell you what the truth is, what God's Truth is, even when it may not please you to hear it. Rather than the "false kisses" of agreement and support of ungodly thinking and conduct, the one who is truly a friend to you will give you "faithful wounds" of challenge, and constructive criticism, and hard truth, above all, directing you into God's Truth. If you are a wise person, you will embrace the "wounds" and be made wiser still, and reject the "false kisses" of tender words and lying encouragement.

Do you know what God's "battle plan" is for those times when you're attacked spiritually? Here are a few bits of Scripture that tell you how to deal with the attacks of the Enemy:

2 Corinthians 10:3-5
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh,
4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.
5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,

There is no help for you in the flesh, in your physical strength, or power of will, or cleverness when you're fighting spiritually. Paul the apostle wrote, "In me, that is, in my flesh, dwells no good thing" (Romans 7:18) and that Christians ought to have "no confidence in the flesh" (Philippians 3:1-3). Instead, Paul says here that the "battle plan" for spiritual combat is to submit every thought to Christ, forsaking any thought that does not obey him and that does not conform to the truth and will of God and in its place holding fast to what is true, to what God says in His word, the Bible (Philippians 4:8; Psalm 1). Of course, this requires that we know well what God's word says, what His Truth is.

So, what's your thought-life like? Are you taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, or do you allow all sorts of thoughts to enter your mind (and maybe your heart, too) that defy Christ and the knowledge of God? The World and the devil spew a torrent of wicked ideas, values and behaviors at us constantly. Just turn on the t.v. for five minutes and you'll be quickly covered in the filth of the sin, evil philosophies and false "truth" of the World and its "god," the devil. Secular music, too, is often overflowing with vile thinking that is in deep rebellion to God. And the internet can be a source of the darkest, most Satanic stuff you could possibly imagine but packaged as light and truth. If you've allowed the "voice" of the World and the devil to put sinful ideas, and values and practices in your mind unchallenged, you've already been giving ground to the Enemy in your life.

James 4:6-10
6 ..."God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
7 Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Anyone who thinks to resist the devil whose life isn't fully submitted to God first will find the devil unmoved by their "resistance." In fact, the Christian who is not all day, every day, submitted to their God is not only opposed by the devil but by God Himself, too. Such an unsubmitted person is a rebel toward God, His child though they may be, and so are "easy meat" for the "roaring lion seeking whom he may devour." Be sure, then, to be in a place of submission to God before you start dealing with a spiritual attack.

1 Peter 5:6-10
6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time,
7 casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
8 Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
9 But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world.
10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.

Like the apostle Paul, Peter also understood and taught that before one resists the "roaring lion," the devil, one must first humble oneself under God's mighty hand, yielding oneself to Him as a "living sacrifice" (Romans 6:13-22; Romans 12:1), and then, settled well in one's faith, keep a sober eye out for the devil, resisting him when he approaches to devour. Is this you? Are you submitted to God, humbling yourself throughout each day under His mighty hand, settled firmly in your trust in Christ?

Ephesians 6:10
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.

Nowhere in the Bible are Christians ever instructed to take the fight to the devil. They are never told to walk city streets and "take back" the "territory" they travel by prayer. In the Bible, Christians are never told to command or rebuke the devil directly, charging the Enemy in aggressive action. Instead, they are to be strong in the Lord, not in themselves, and then, grounded and settled (Colossians 1:23; Colossians 2:6-10) in Him, they are to stand. Not advance, not charge, not engage in spiritual "guerrilla warfare," not shout the devil out of some place or other, but simply to stand. And by "stand" the Bible means "yield no ground," "remain in place, unmoved."

Ephesians 6:11-14
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.
14 Stand therefore...

1 Corinthians 16:13
13 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

Galatians 5:1
1 For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

Philippians 1:27
27 Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel,

Philippians 4:1
1 Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand firm in the Lord, my dearly beloved.

1 Thessalonians 3:8
8 for now we really live, if you stand firm in the Lord.

And so on.

Are you standing firm in the Lord? Are you well-established in the doctrines, commands, and spiritual principles of the Christian faith, confident of their truth and immovable in your commitment to them? If not, you have little chance of resisting the devil effectively.
Thank you so much! This confirmed that i am on the right track spiritually because this is exactly what God was telling me just within the past few days. I have been so worried that i am doing the wrong thing but i see all i have to do right now is the next right thing, and stand FIRM. That is all He wants from me right now. I guess i can overcomplicate things. Also i was going aroung rebuking the devil when all i was supposed to do was withstand the attacks i was going through. Funny because I was just asked today to give three adjectives for myself. One of them was steadfast. I could say that with confidence as well because the Lord has made me that way. I faced one of the worst spiritual attacks of my life this week and i stood my ground. I prayed up before and after. Even as i was going through it in the middle of a "staff meeting" I felt as if my spiritual antenna was up and clear. All of these attacks are making me so much stronger than i used to be. I am just so grateful i have joined this forum because i finally had a day of no anxiety. How did i make it through a full day of no anxiety? I haven't experienced a day like that in at least three years. God is good and real. I am grateful that when i hit my knees and poured my soul out to Him. He met me exactly where i was and is doing something pretty mighty and amazing in my life. Thank you so much for all you said.
Thank you so much! This confirmed that i am on the right track spiritually because this is exactly what God was telling me just within the past few days. I have been so worried that i am doing the wrong thing but i see all i have to do right now is the next right thing, and stand FIRM. That is all He wants from me right now. I guess i can overcomplicate things. Also i was going aroung rebuking the devil when all i was supposed to do was withstand the attacks i was going through. Funny because I was just asked today to give three adjectives for myself. One of them was steadfast. I could say that with confidence as well because the Lord has made me that way. I faced one of the worst spiritual attacks of my life this week and i stood my ground. I prayed up before and after. Even as i was going through it in the middle of a "staff meeting" I felt as if my spiritual antenna was up and clear. All of these attacks are making me so much stronger than i used to be. I am just so grateful i have joined this forum because i finally had a day of no anxiety. How did i make it through a full day of no anxiety? I haven't experienced a day like that in at least three years. God is good and real. I am grateful that when i hit my knees and poured my soul out to Him. He met me exactly where i was and is doing something pretty mighty and amazing in my life. Thank you so much for all you said.
Hi SweetP4Christ
So nice to have you as a member on our Forum!

You'll be getting different advice and responses from different persons....
I just want to say that there will be something to take away from each response to you.
And.....just that we take one day at a time or we get overwhelmed.

If you're a Christian person, you will always be doing God's work.
That's what we Christians do....even when we don't realize it.

AND, I can also attest to the fact that HOW God uses you in this life will be changing forever.
When you think back on your life many years from'll see a big part of the puzzle which God is putting together for you.

Stay strong in your faith. God will always be with you if you allow Him to be.
This post has made me so excited for ministry! The opposition even after posting about opposition just puts the icing on the cake for me. See i know i am on the right track when someone has to tell me i am wrong. I am so glad that my relationship with the Lord has become as strong as it is! I am glad that i know even more in depth as to what i may be doing as a minister, what i will be up against, and that i have so many other strong fellow believers in Christ out there. I am excited about how much my heavenly Father loves me that i am being nurtured, provided for, and now starting the process of being properly trained for ministry. I have this peace within me that i never thought i could ever have.

Please understand that I am not in opposition to you. Far from it. I desire God's best for you and it is to this end, and from this motive, that I wrote what I have to you. My words are offered to you in an effort to help, not hinder, you. If you can find anything unbiblical in what I wrote, anything that actually misrepresents God's word, then discard it. But I am very sure that everything I told you is entirely and carefully in accord with God's truth. If you have any doubt about this and want clarification and/or explanation about what I've written to you, simply say so and I can reason with you further from God's word. In any case, be assured that my posts to you are made to encourage you in the Lord and to steer you away from false doctrine and an unbiblical conception of Christian living that will only harm you in the long run.
So it has been prophesied over me that i would be a minister and i would be placing hands on people bringing them healing through Jesus. Well i have dealt with so much opposition in my life. No matter where i go i seem to find it difficult to make friends. Women just seem to not tolerate me very much in particular. I tell myself that it is the spirit of the world that is within them. Maybe i am just too spiritually sensitive. Maybe it is because of the particular calling that God has on my life. I also get signs tha i believe are from God telling me not to go down a particular path. But i thought God gave us signs to confirm that we are on the right path. I am so confused with all of this. I know that God has given me the gift of revelation. He speaks to me through my dreams all the time. I don't know is there a way to find out exactly what gifts God has given me and how to fine tune them? Also, is there a way to find out what God's calling is for my life SPECIFICALLY. Because i want to be 100 percent on the right track here. i want God to use me to his fullest potential? I reallly could use a direct conversation with Jehovah about now. I feel as if He does speak to me but i am so very much afraid to be wrong. What does HIs voice sound like to you all? Do i really have discernment and am just sensitive to the different spirits that are within other individuals? I feel as if there is the spirit of pride, fear, anger, homosexuality's, self righteousness, sexual immorality, Is there legion? is that real? I have so many questions and i want to make sure i am discipled properly. Can you help me out y'all??? Thank you so much I am even willing to message one on one if anyone is up for that. I need some help here. Thank you and God bless!!! May His face shine upon you!
Now this is a forum on questions and answers. You may not like the answer I am going to give you however.

The "Opposition" you seem to be having maybe coming from God Himself. You see my dear, God had Paul write in his epistle to Timoth that it is only men who can be ordained as deacons and ministers.

1 Timothy 3:1-2.................
"This is a true saying, If a MAN desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 2A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

The Greek word in verse #1 MAN is "masculine" and means MALE/MAN and does not mean humanity in general.

That being said, I have to tell you that who ever "prophesied" over you did not read and understand the Word of God. When we oppose the Word of God there will always be opposition to what you are wanting to do.

Now I ministered for 50 years in a Christian church. I had a woman as the music director, a woman as the financial officer, and several Bible class teachers. But the Bible does not allow a woman to be a deacon or a Pastor.

Now there are several denominations which ignore the Word of God and I am sure one of them would allow you to minister in them, however you must know that you would be in direct opposition to God!
This post has made me so excited for ministry! The opposition even after posting about opposition just puts the icing on the cake for me. See i know i am on the right track when someone has to tell me i am wrong. I am so glad that my relationship with the Lord has become as strong as it is! I am glad that i know even more in depth as to what i may be doing as a minister, what i will be up against, and that i have so many other strong fellow believers in Christ out there. I am excited about how much my heavenly Father loves me that i am being nurtured, provided for, and now starting the process of being properly trained for ministry. I have this peace within me that i never thought i could ever have.

Sister, this is Q&A and is not supposed to be a debate forum, but I can assure you there are those here who have a VERY solid foundation under their feet and are behind you, so don't go anywhere. You are needed here in more ways than you may know.

Blessings in Christ,
Hidden In Him

So I've got good news! I'm at the discipleship school i was telling you all about! Crazy how things ended up. I'll write more in a bit.

Looking forward to it. :)

Was watching a little of Lloyd Nicks' testimony, and it might be encouraging to you if you need someone to relate to on suffering the attacks. He ends it by saying, "No matter where you are, no matter what you've experienced, there's a God who wants to enter into your story..." (6:00)

I am so grateful for the positive feedback i have received. So today I had a full fledge spiritual attack. I believe it is because of not only are you all praying for me as i am sure others are as well. But i believe God is using this adversity i am suffering through to propel and prepare me for ministry. I may or may not be able to get back on the computer for awhile. I truly hope so. I am currently on parole right now. TBH. almost three years ago i was heavy on drugs and my inner being was screaming out for help. I went to prison for mismanaging a fire and not following the fire band stipulations the current county had that i was residing in. I had set a blanket and trash on fire. What i should of gotten a ticket for God used to sit me down. He made me fall head over heels in love with Him in prison. I never knew i could have such an amazing personal relationship with Him the way i do now. He showed up and showed out in so many miraculous and mysterious ways while i was in there. He showed me things i never knew could be. The world searches for supernatural and creates its own version of it. When the whole time we have such a loving and adoring Father who is so much cooler supernaturally than anything we can ever think up or imagine. He has bestowed so many blessings upon me spiritually than i can ever imagine. Well after spending alot of time in Faith Based dorm in there i have devoted my life to HIm. Well now i am in a half way house serving parole time until November. I had it planned to graduate this program here by completing the full year. Then i was going to go to this discipleship program that i felt led by Him to go to when i graduated. I was going to complete my year there. Then see where He led me next. I am just His curious adoring daughter. Well now i am being ostracized for my faith and being forced to leave here early. I am super excited but super hurt. I wanted to finish this program. But of course He knows what He is doing. Well i have to wait awhile to get transferred. So please keep me in your prayers. So yeah this place i deal with so much opposition. I was willing to endure to the end but i feel He has had enough of my suffering. My faith has been proven i guess. Well please pray that the transition is smooth and swift. Please pray that God provides all i need and that i am a light in the darkness continually. I am always in constant contact with HIm. He is my counselor, friend, confidant, refuge, safe place, He keeps me anchored. Because this sentence has been VERY tumultuous. So please keep the feedback coming. I did join your spiritual warfare website. I read the article on being a spiritual athlete. Crazy because i had just gotten done reading the whole article (which has been difficult for me to do with anything else lately) then they called me into the office and bombarded me. I honestly felt like out of all four of the "staff" i had two different spirits against me at least. One is self-righteousness and the other is homosexuality. Does that make sense that there would a spirit attacking me from those two categories?

Not perhaps a direct A to your QQQ, but on God's fatherhood you might find this a helpful book: . All the best.
This really wasn't supposed to be a debate thread. Anyway, I figure that the opposition that I do face Is because that's part of my ministry. Maybe the man didn't necessarily mean that I'm gonna be an actual pastor of a church, But that I will be a minister of sorts. Which means I will be used in different parts of ministry. And honestly I believe that scriptures are taken out of context all the time. What I believe happened When we open that bible is that the holy spirit Takes those scriptures Speaks to us On a personal level So Really What we as Christians are supposed to do Is read our word and apply it to our own lives. We are to live out our faith And be living examples. My Jesus may not be the same as your Jesus. My faith is not the same as your faith. But where does it say in the new testament with the new covenant that a woman cannot be a pastor of a church? I think nowadays Individuals focus too much on nit picking each other About religion And don't spend enough time ministering to one another. You can have all that knowledge of scripture but it becomes pointless when that person lacks love. What God truly cares about is our heart posture.
This really wasn't supposed to be a debate thread. Anyway, I figure that the opposition that I do face Is because that's part of my ministry. Maybe the man didn't necessarily mean that I'm gonna be an actual pastor of a church, But that I will be a minister of sorts. Which means I will be used in different parts of ministry. And honestly I believe that scriptures are taken out of context all the time. What I believe happened When we open that bible is that the holy spirit Takes those scriptures Speaks to us On a personal level So Really What we as Christians are supposed to do Is read our word and apply it to our own lives. We are to live out our faith And be living examples. My Jesus may not be the same as your Jesus. My faith is not the same as your faith. But where does it say in the new testament with the new covenant that a woman cannot be a pastor of a church? I think nowadays Individuals focus too much on nit picking each other About religion And don't spend enough time ministering to one another. You can have all that knowledge of scripture but it becomes pointless when that person lacks love. What God truly cares about is our heart posture.
I have no dog in this fight.

I do not argue and I am not debating you.

All I said was that according to the Bible, the literal Word of God, woman can not be a deacon or a Pastors.

As I said and it seems that now you have said the same thing that you will be "Ministering" to others.
That is Biblically acceptable as I myself have had women music ministers and financial ministers and nursing home ministers and those are positions and not ordained Pastors.

I hope that you do well and that God will bless you and please do not think of me as an enemy.


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