Prayer - ask we like to say - is communication with God. So is communication all about someone giving us something? That is, do we only talk to God so that He might "Grant" us something?
Usually it's through a prayer-grant process such that you will be able to speculate a pattern how your prayer would be granted. However faith still plays a large part, as the "grant" comes from both how strong your faith is, and how close you can be to God at the moment of your prayer. This usually works for Christians/believers only (as long as faith plays a part of the process).
If say you were king. Perhaps people would look at you only as a way to get things from. As king you might sometimes grant them their requests, but are they ever going to be your friend if they only came to you so that you might "Grant" them something. Ok, that might be the king servant relationship, but there is a relationship that God promotes, that is far more than that!!!
There were some that were called the friend of God. There were some that it was written that He loved. There are things written about some being like the bride, and as for me and my wife we talk about things that don't involve me "granting" her things. We talk, but if she wants something she can go get it and take from our joint possessions.
Now unlike a king or leader of this world, the Lord can be and is in all places. He is able to have a personal relationship with all people who wish for it, and as a person, even though Jesus Christ is the King of kings, He likes the personal relationship. What does He say?
Is 1:18 "Come now, and let us reason together," says the Lord, "Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow"
Does the above verse give you the impression that prayer is about going before the king so He may grant you something, or does it give you the idea that you need to listen to what He has to say concerning your thinking? Does it give you the impression that prayer is in the pattern of you requesting and Him giving, or does it give you the impression of you putting forth your ideas and listening to what He has to say about them? If God just a wish machine there to give you what you want, or is He the Teacher who we need to be taught by?
Too often the church, it's teachers, it's leaders, it's pastors, and it's 'wise men' have given people the wrong impression of God!!! And I am not talking about "Hawkins". This is wrong impression of God is constantly put out there, and so people honestly get this wrong impression and think it is correct. It is not what the Bible says. It is not what Isaiah was trying to get across. Isaiah present a God that is going to teach you and give you instructions, not a king that you seek only if you really need something.
Is 30: 20,21 ... He your Teacher will no longer hide Himself, but your eyes will behold your Teacher. Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right of to the left.
So my friends, Isaiah wrote this because this was how it was between Him and the Lord. The Lord was His Teacher. The Lord gave Him instructions. Yeah, God could get you things, but it was not about that! Prayer is not God granting you things, but a conversation with the Teacher. So what is your relationship Him like? How do you think it should be?
The Holy Spirit once told me, "
So what do you think? Is it better that you just go tell God what you want, or is it better to seek the Lord for what He has to say to you and listen? And if reasoning and listening to the Lord is better, what spirit promotes just seeking God for what you want?
There should be a pattern when talking to the Lord. It is something like you saying, "Lord, there is something that seems to me to be a problem. What do you have to say about it?" --- then you listen! Try that pattern and see if it doesn't change your life.
Prov 5:1 My son, give attention to my wisdom, Incline your ear to my understanding
Yeah, that is it. That is the pattern of prayer we need to have. Give attention to His wisdom, and incline your ear to His understanding, just like it is written. It is not about the "Grant" it is about His wisdom.