It has been appointed to man to die once then face judgment.Not all ChristI and are like that. I have stated before that although I believe that Christ is necessary for salvation, (and the ones that believe automatically go to Heaven) I don't really believe that belief in Him is. Sure I believe that whoever doesn't believe stands condemned already, but that doesn't mean that acceptions and appeals can't be made. I'm not sure what I believe in God giving people or animals a second chance at life here on earth though.
Not all ChristI and are like that. I have stated before that although I believe that Christ is necessary for salvation, (and the ones that believe automatically go to Heaven) I don't really believe that belief in Him is. Sure I believe that whoever doesn't believe stands condemned already, but that doesn't mean that acceptions and appeals can't be made. I'm not sure what I believe in God giving people or animals a second chance at life here on earth though.
With light comes accountability. In the past pre-gospel God left the sins unpunished and even those who died in the days of Noah apart from law and pre-gospel were judged according to the flesh that they may live according to the spirit. The Spirits in prison Jesus descended to alive by the Spirit and preached/redeemed them by grace and by His blood. AS God is a just God. But "Justice to the nations" as in repent was sent to all nations.
AS the Father has stated about His Son, "Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations." (With light comes accountability) So the wrath of God has also been proclaimed with the hope of eternal ilife in Christ Jesus so that all who are willing may live and never die.
People are without excuse.
Jesus=>If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Again with light comes accountability -Justice to the nations
No one enters the kingdom of God or comes to the Father except by Jesus. No one = zero for those who love math. As in 1+1+1=3
Two asked something of Jesus on the cross and only One received a reply. "Today you shall be with me in paradise". That is the One who humbled Himself and believed in Jesus. "LORD will you remember me when you come into your Kingdom" The sarcastic one didn't receive any reply. "If" your the Son of God get us off this cross"