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Leviticus 19:28

<sup class="versenum" id="en-NASB-3310">28</sup>'You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the LORD. (NASB)

Sounds to me like a commandment, Farouk. I think I'll stay away from them.



The same passage says about men not trimming their beards. How many preachers have you seen who have shaved?

Maybe the context of the passage relates to Old Testament Jews in the land, under the law? I'm not saying this to promote tattoos; just wondering how to be consistent exegetically.

The same passage says about men not trimming their beards. How many preachers have you seen who have shaved?

Maybe the context of the passage relates to Old Testament Jews in the land, under the law? I'm not saying this to promote tattoos; just wondering how to be consistent exegetically.
Dear farouk, Christians are instructed by St. Paul in the NT not to give into the spirit of legalism. All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable (expedient). We are free in Christ. Christian men, however, should not shave; shaving is not biblical. But trimming one's beard is necessary, for there is no commandment to grow one's beard down to the floor, and a beard would become too wild and too long if one never trimmed one's beard. We're not commanded to grow the beard all the way down to the ground. As for tatoos, the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and was not designed by God to have silly markings made upon it. Common sense also forbids tatoos, as these are jokes and God has a better sense of humor than to let his children defile their bodies with nonsensical markings. The mark of Christian is love, not a tatoo. In Erie PA Scott R. Harrington
Dear farouk, Christians are instructed by St. Paul in the NT not to give into the spirit of legalism. All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable (expedient). We are free in Christ. Christian men, however, should not shave; shaving is not biblical. But trimming one's beard is necessary, for there is no commandment to grow one's beard down to the floor, and a beard would become too wild and too long if one never trimmed one's beard. We're not commanded to grow the beard all the way down to the ground. As for tatoos, the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and was not designed by God to have silly markings made upon it. Common sense also forbids tatoos, as these are jokes and God has a better sense of humor than to let his children defile their bodies with nonsensical markings. The mark of Christian is love, not a tatoo. In Erie PA Scott R. Harrington


So if I get you correctly, you're saying it's wrong to shave?

(Ty for your considered post, anyway.)
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Farouk, let me put it a different way. I like the body God gave me, and therefore I see no need to "improve" it by getting a tattoo. I don't want one. If you want one, feel free to do so, but I don't like them.

Farouk, let me put it a different way. I like the body God gave me, and therefore I see no need to "improve" it by getting a tattoo. I don't want one. If you want one, feel free to do so, but I don't like them.



This is just fine.

And I'm sure Mrs Harvest-Tailgunner would say something similar, too.

(But it's a separate point from the one you made earlier, I guess, which is fine, too.)
"Hi so in view of the potentials of ink for faith related designs, when did folk either get their first tattoo, or when do you intend to get your first, or maybe you intend never to get one?"

I don't see any sense whatsoever in having an "Artist" stick me repeatedly with an ink coated needle - could never figure why anybody would even want to do it. - although all my kids have 'em. Go figure.

On the other hand, since I've had over 18 Angiograms, 11 of which turned in Angioplasties over the last 20 years, I had considered tattooing a circle on my Right leg right at the Femoral artery entry site with the label: "Insert Catheter Here"

Nah - They already KNOW where to "stick it".
could never figure why anybody would even want to do it. - although all my kids have 'em. Go figure.


Sorry about your health problems.

So all your kids have tattoos? well, you know, it's not unusual. If you have girls as well as boys, it's very popular with the ladies, too.

So how old were they, roughly, when they got done?
"So how old were they, roughly, when they got done?"

Mid teens to mid '30s as I recall. I wasn't going to pay for 'em, so they had to use their own funds for any tattoos, or piercings. My younger son got his in the Navy, and My older son (who's 40) got another one only a few years back.
But anyway, you'd be surprised how many somewhat more mature ladies are getting them.

I know this wasn't directed at me, but I am not surprised by how many "mature" ladies get tattoos. I need only go to a park in the summer! :o By the time skin starts to said, it's never a good look, IMO.

Christian men, however, should not shave; shaving is not biblical. But trimming one's beard is necessary, for there is no commandment to grow one's beard down to the floor, and a beard would become too wild and too long if one never trimmed one's beard. We're not commanded to grow the beard all the way down to the ground. As for tatoos, the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and was not designed by God to have silly markings made upon it.

I really couldn't stop myself from commenting on this. "Shaving is not biblical." :confused I don't have to list the things you adhere to that can't be found in the Bible, and the argument is made that, "Just because it wasn't modeled in the bible, doesn't mean we shouldn't do it." It puzzles me that you started your post by saying we shouldn't be legalistic, and then you proceed with legalism.

As I've said, I never had a tat and never plan on getting one. But this is more preference than a belief that it's forbidden. If we're going to apply this notion to tattoos and shaving, there's going to be a long list of "do's" and "do not's" - the very essence of legalism. This is the first time I've heard a Christian suggest shaving is forbidden. IMO, people need to stop using the Bible to condemn people with tattoos. If it's not vulgar or anti-Christian in content and it's not against someone's conscience, it is not sinful, IMO. I would say we are free to do things like this. Not my thing, but pa-leeez. Stop! Are we free in Christ or not?
I know this wasn't directed at me, but I am not surprised by how many "mature" ladies get tattoos. I need only go to a park in the summer!...


Hey, do you know what?

What you say is true....:)

They really like to have it done, too.
I was maybe 22 and got a small cross on my hand when I became a Christian. I plan on getting SEVERAL more faith based tats
"So how old were they, roughly, when they got done?"

Mid teens to mid '30s as I recall. I wasn't going to pay for 'em, so they had to use their own funds for any tattoos, or piercings. My younger son got his in the Navy, and My older son (who's 40) got another one only a few years back.


I see, ty.
In quite a few states they have to be 18, before they can get them, but in some states it's less than that, right.
I was 18 when I got my first tattoo. I was in the U.S. Army and got a tattoo of my first borns with flowers over the name. Its on my left sholder. I am now 50 yrs old and plan on getting my other childrens names put on my sholders. The girls on the left and the boys on the right.
I was 18 when I got my first tattoo. I was in the U.S. Army and got a tattoo of my first borns with flowers over the name. Its on my left sholder. I am now 50 yrs old and plan on getting my other childrens names put on my sholders. The girls on the left and the boys on the right.


I see, so do any of your girls or boys that you mentioned have tats too? did you guys ever think about going together for the ink?