Our gov't is way too big, they ARE taking our rights away, however, there does need to be laws in place for certain issues, we are a people of irresponsibilities.
I agree with you on this.
With our new awful health care system drug addiction will even more so infringe on the rights of others.
Healthcare didn't change, only insurance. I actually disagree with allot of what happened with that legislation.
Medical problems of a nation filled with heroine addicts, yes that will add to our already decreasing societal ethics.
We are not a nation of heroin addicts. That is the key. Having the freedom to do something, dose not mean people want to do it as a whole. There are those who would want to do heroin, and that should be their choice because until they actually violate a person's liberties, they are not the problem. They could have a problem though. That is a different issues.
Have you ever been around an addict? How can you not know how they infringe on others? I don't have the statistic, but could get it, on how many people were killed by drunk drivers and/or drug addicts in one year, either be it by motor vehicles and/or a crazed out drug addict wiping out his entire family because he went crazy. A person could go on and on to the social implications drug addiction has caused. If you live in America, how can you not know?
I am aware of what people can do, but I consider the acts a person dose under drugs differently then the drugs themselves. If a person goes crazy from doing drugs, the acts they do should be punishable, but banning the substance dosen't curve the actual problem.
People drink and do drugs, but they do not constantly cause massive harm. People snap, people push limits, but in the end the consequences end up being faced. Banning a substances dose not make the crime go down, because if a person is determined enough, the legality of the situation dose not matter.
Of course it's not necessarily the drugs, just like a gun is not necessarily the cause of so many shootings, it's our society as a whole and how it's all about "me", self satisfaction, now we have the entitlement generation (which I am a member) coming up, they want it all w/out having to work for it, sounds like a bunch of democrats, doesn't it?
That was funny.
![069_smile :) :)](/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/smile.gif)
. I do want to point out that every generation thinks the generation after them is worse. Its not that a generation is worse, its a part of growing up. A person has to learn the value of their work and choices. You really can't just tell someone that something is valuable, they have to understand. Chilldren to young adults have to go through life and learn. Some learn faster then others.
Think about it this way. In the 60's many people did drugs, went to war, and defied their parents. Now most of them are adults that work or are starting to enter their golden years. Most people grow up, it just takes some life experience. to get them there.
It would be a downfall of society morals and ethics,
No it is not. Society is the sum of its people and culture. A person marrying several people dose not cause society to fall, it only shows a differen't facet of society. Societies and ethics change based both on discovery and questioning the established order. Change can be good or bad, but society is not so fragile that it can be taken down just because some people are eccentric.
and it won't stop there. That was my point, you give people an inch and they take a mile! It won't stop with many wives, who knows where it will go,
Society has to face everything based on its own merit. Life and ethics aren't easy. Some things are bad and some are good, but they have to be examined on their own. That is why the first amendment allows us the freedom of both speech and expression without censorship. This is so we can discuss and evaluated based on the merit of the individual issue. The freedom of one's own religion and/or philosophy also keeps a person from being censored just because of another person's Dogma.
and then you would 1/2 the country related to the other 1/2, it's a social ill, one in which we do not need and should avoid at all costs.
You are doing the same thing you did with the heroin example. You are taking a situation that dosen't exist as a justification to dismiss another. We are not a nation of polygamists, but we do have some in our society.
Exactly! We already have a nation filled with people who are holding the gov't responsible for all of their mistakes! We buy homes that are incredibly overpriced and then whine and complain to the gov't to do something. It's not the gov't's fault that we can not control our credit card usage, it's a lack of personal responsibility because the gov't bails us out. It's pointing the fingers at everyone else but ourselves. And then you have people pointing fingers at the gov't and what do they do? They put into place even more laws, it's a cycle ALL because people need to grow up and take responsibility!
I agree with you fully on this.
but this country was founded with morals and ethics and that is what is wrong with our nation. People forgot there is an absolute truth, absolute morals, we have become a nation of anything goes, be it, some of these things are still illegal, it's still a go though.
The United States was founded on some Ethics and Morals, but they are not absolute. The founders weren't divine, so it is our duty to question what they established. At one time Black people where not considered real people in the United States. It was with the questioning of long held truths and morals that this was eventually corrected. It is our job as the people of the United States to constantly question and evaluate what the this nation is and what it stands for.
Personal liberties with alot of morals thrown in, absolute morals, not the worldly kind of morals and ethics, ones in which it's self satisfaction at all costs, no personal responsibilities - those are worldly morals/ethics.
No I disagree with your definition of worldly morals and Absolute morals. It is because of your definition that the right to Pursue happiness is demoted to a worldly moral because it can become self serving and so dose Liberty.
The Deceleration of Independence was actually a rebellion against preconceived absolute morals of the day were.
The country needs to get back to the basics!
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happyness. Though I would like to not go back to the time when Anglo Saxon white male protestants where the only people who had power.