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Practical Implication

Often, the message the prophets brought was to repent of sin and turn back to God. If we believe that they were "inspired by God" then practically in our lives today I would say that the essence of their message is still true. We must repent and turn back to God.
The historical events written by God through His Old Testament prophets serve as examples for us. Apostle Paul used the word "ensamples" in 1 Corinthians 10.

1 Cor 10:5-12
5 But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
6 Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.
7 Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.
8 Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.
9 Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents.
10 Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.
11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

But alas, not everything written through God's OT prophets was history. There's still much written in the Old Testament Books yet to be fulfilled. There are events yet future written among Scripture that was fulfilled. That's one of God's test upon us, to see if we will read and study all of His Word. And how do we recognize which Scriptures in the OT haven't been fulfilled yet? Simple, study all of God's Word, asking our Heavenly Father through His Son to bless your understanding, and with self-discipline it will come to you, The Holy Spirit helping you.

Some Churches (very few) have an evangelist that only preaches The Gospel Message, and a pastor who only teaches The Bible, both Old and New Testament Books. That pastor role is pretty close to the level of a Biblical scholar, familiar with the Bible languages, Hebrew expressions, etc. Smaller Churches don't have the resources to have both.

Then there's the problem of denominational creeds, beliefs that differ between different denominations which may seem to be Bible based, but are really closer to doctrines of men from a religious organization instead of direct Truth from God's Word. God's Word full strength is not popular. Most seminaries train ministers to steer away from controversial topics in The Bible, and instead stay on the 'milk' of God's Word. That leaves gaps in one's understanding of The Bible, sometimes very important Messages left out.

We are in a time close to the end of this world where it's time to get off the milk bottle of God's Word, and get to the "strong meat" (Heb.5). This is why our Lord Jesus showed you don't put the "new wine" into old bottles lest they break, but you put new wine into new bottles so both are preserved. Those heavy into men's traditions will be hard to reach is the idea.
I apologize for my lack of knowlege in the prophetic department, but how do we know what has been fulfilled and what hasn't? The strange arrangement of the books frustrates me. And I have a hard time understanding the parts of scripture that are past, present, and future.
Amazed said:
I apologize for my lack of knowlege in the prophetic department, but how do we know what has been fulfilled and what hasn't? The strange arrangement of the books frustrates me. And I have a hard time understanding the parts of scripture that are past, present, and future.

No apologies needed, for many in the West have over 16 years or more of public education and are still Biblically illiterate.

The first requirement is that we must truly believe on The Father through His Son Jesus Christ. We must sincerely appreciate His Word as The Truth, not doubting. We shouldn't view His Word as religion, but as The Truth. If we are sincere in wanting to know His Truth, and sincerely ask The LORD to help us in it, He will show each of us according to our Faith and our ability. I can promise you, He will give it to you if you ask Him sincerely, talking to Him in prayer through His Son.

Beyond that, we must discipline ourselves in Bible study, line upon line, slowly. For that I recommend a 1611 KJV Bible the 1800's Christian scholar E.W. Bullinger put together, called The Companionn Bible. His side margin notes are on a scholarly level, short and sweet with not as much pushing of traditons and doctrines like modern study Bibles being printed today. Read a verse, then look over into the side margin for any historical and Massorah notes Bullinger included in the margins. It's the only study Bible I know of with Massorah notes that were included within the margins of the Hebrew OT scriptures. Some of those notes are very important anchors that help seal in Truths in God's Word. Studying that way line upon line will force you to go slow. You'll grasp more on your first coverage of all The Bible that way.

That first coverage is very important. We should never stop studying, because God's Word is continually being opened up to us as we study. That's why God's Word is also called The Living Word. We will never get it all down. It's a life-long study. For husbands that are to be the spiritual head of the family, they should set aside a private Bible study period, daily if possible. For those in Christ Jesus, He has made us priests, so His Word is given to us if we'll just take time to study it.

First coverage is especially important, because that's the first stage in becoming a "workman" in God's Word like Paul told Timothy. If done line upon line, an amazing thing can happen from The Holy Spirit. Much of It becomes 'sealed' in your mind. It won't happen until you've shown God you're willing to be disciplined in it. The Holy Spirit can overcome our weak limited minds. After a while, a time may come when The Holy Spirit may use you, and cause you to recall examples in God's Word on the spot, to give a witness for Christ based on the situation. I'm serious about this, it's for real. And it didn't start happenning until after I had gotten down to disciplined Bible study, asking our Lord for understanding.

I'm a firm believer that The Holy Spirit will cause us to recall points in our own life experiences that apply directly to a Scripture we might be studying. I know I've experienced that many times during my Bible study sessions, even about places I've been in my travels that at the time I didn't know the place's importance in Bible history.

If you stay true to God's Word as written, catching the difference when something is meant literally, vs. an idea that is meant allegorically, you'll come upon Truths you'll have a difficult time reasoning with. There will be many moments asking yourself, "how can that be"? Put it on a shelf, and continue in study, and more of it will come forth, if it is given for you to know. Two or more Bible witnesses are required to confirm a Truth in God's Word. Most often, if it really is a truth from God, there will be many Bible witnesses for it. However, all the different Bible witnesses of a truth might be spread out among different Books of The Bible. Leave just one of those out, and your understanding of it can still be lacking. This is how so many different traditions of men get started, some deciding too early they've come to know all there is to know about a certain Bible Truth, or, they've decided to leave one or more important Bible witnesses out and go with just what understanding they have. All those well studied in God's Word have done that, so don't let that be a shock. The Holy Spirit will correct our understanding if we stay sincere and open to Him.

You might want to get some Bible study tools. I highly recommend BibleSoft software (I like version 2.1 best; too many tools and commentaries can confuse your study when starting out). The minimum I recommend is a 1611 KJV Bible, a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance (older pre-1991 edition if possible), and a work called The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (for topical Scripture research). There also exists an Old English dictionary which gives the definitions of Old English of the period. I like the Brown-Driver & Briggs Hebrew Lexicon just for looking up OT names and places from the Hebrew. Some OT chapters in God's Word won't be fully understood until you look up the meaning of the names and places in Hebrew, since the KJV translators did not always translate that part for us. Some of those definitions of names and places are strongly to the point God's is making within a chapter.

Seems like a lot of work, but is it really? I wonder how many on this forum have over 16 years of education through college level, little or none of that being within God's Word.