God is not subject to our circumstances. His power, His promises, His truth are the same no matter what situation we're in. If, then, the verses I offered you don't "work," it isn't that
they are unable to do so, but that
you are unwilling for them to do so.
Not for the Christian who is a temple of the Holy Spirit. The devil cannot possess those who are possessed of God.
Again, if you are not a prisoner, held captive by this person, then you cannot be "possessed" by him unless you allow it. If he controls everything in your life but you are not his prisoner, then
you have given him control. But if you've given him control, you can take away that control.
And you are not literally possessed by this "servant of the devil." Only the devil (or his demons) can literally possess a person, forcing them to act in ways they would rather not. Not even the Holy Spirit dominates a person in the way demons do. Anyway, your abuser is not the devil and
cannot possess like the devil can, even though you've told yourself the lie that he can. It actually sounds like you're making excuses for the abuse you're living in.
Well, are you his prisoner, kept in a room or jail cell, unable to leave? If not, then such experiences you have allowed and thus ought to be blamed. A person who sticks his hand in a fire and will not remove it cannot complain that it burns him. The only reason he is suffering from the fire is because he won't remove his hand from it.
No man has greater power than God. If God, the Spirit, is within you, no man has the power to overcome Him in you and within your mind make it hard for you to read the Bible; for the only way to do the latter is to first accomplish the former.
Who is greater? The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, within you, or this abusive man? Can a mere man overcome God? Surely, you don't think God is so small and weak.
But you aren't possessed by him. You can't be; not if you're one of God's children and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. It is a lie you're telling yourself that this man has the power over you that you believe he has. Have you left the company of this "servant of the devil"? If not, why do you remain? Have you lied to yourself and told yourself that you cannot leave?
It's actually very clear that your claim to have "tried" God's word is false, since the outcome of your trying does not align with what God's word says. I've already offered you a number of verses which, if you'd been living by faith in them, and acting upon them, would have liberated you from the lies - and abuse - under which you've been living.
Really, though, we've only got your word, your side of things, about what's going on in your life. For all we know, everything you've written could be totally false. Perhaps your abuser is no such thing. Perhaps things are just as you say. We can only trust that we've got something like the truth from you and realize we can answer with only a part of the full picture of what's going on. And so, our advice is correspondingly limited.
What isn't subject to circumstances, or to our limited knowledge, though, is God's Truth, promises and power. And so, we can only tell you about these things and hope God will use our doing so to some good end in your life. None of us, though, can save you from your situation. That's God's domain - and yours - not ours.
Did you first submit yourself to God - and remain submitted to Him - in the years you prayed for, and fought the devil? Read
James 4:7. If you are not humbly submitted to God, you are in rebellion to Him and cannot hope, then, to resist the devil successfully. And in any case, you are not relieved of prayer and resisting the devil because you don't see the results you'd like to see. God changes people on His schedule, not ours. We are to remain faithful in those things He's told us to do, regardless of what we do, or don't, see.
So? This is how the unsaved are toward God. It's natural for them. You can't expect a lost person, bound under the World, the Flesh and the devil to love God, or have warm feelings about the Gospel. This is why we must pray and continue to do so, manifesting Christ to them, perhaps for many decades. This is our "job," not to decide when they ought to like hearing about God and salvation.
Of course, God is watching. But He isn't harmed, or lessened, by a sinner acting like a sinner. (What else would they act like?) God's perfect. He doesn't need us to want Him; He is not diminished by our disdain toward Him, or our blasphemy. He commands us not to do these things, for
our sakes, not His.
We're damaged by our sin; God isn't.
Don't project
your responsibility onto God. If you're poking an angry bear with a stick and it turns and savages you, it isn't God's fault but your own. Remaining with your abuser when you aren't his prisoner is a choice you've made and for which you - not God - is responsible. That remaining hurts you doesn't somehow shift the blame to God. If you want the pain to stop, run away from the bear!