been there, for a couple of years. I knew Scripture, didn't really know Jesus. knowledge can puff people up. other thing...I was viewing "Christianity" more as Biblical behavior modification (do this, don't this, pray about this, this is the 'correct' belief, blah blah blah), not a what it is...a living, ongoing, meaningful and saving relationship with Christ Jesus.
Thankfully, 8 years ago I hit a breaking point (read: disaster), and Jesus took compassion on me, knocked at my heart's door, and...yeah. -genuine conversion-
rambling... I think its easy, to get caught up in religion and all that goes with it, and I think sometimes (often? usually?) it takes a direct touch from Jesus to...well, come to truly know Jesus. Jesus changes people, for the better. Religion...makes good people better and bad people worse. -eek-
Praying for Michelle, of course.