Is this a sudden change in her behavior, or has she been withdrawing from you increasingly over some time?
I, personally, would want to find out what is causing this...it could be (and you don't have to share anything more) that your influence is affecting her. That could be good or not so good. It could be that she can't handle whatever pressures your relationship is causing. Again, good or not, IDK.
Regardless of the reasons, I would suggest that you back off from the relationship a bit...but not quietly. By that I mean, have a talk with her, if she will, and share how you know that she feels she needs more space to make decisions (or whatever God lays on your heart to say along those lines.) That you want to stay in her life, and stay friendly. Sometimes that's enough, when followed through, to keep the communication flowing.
Doing that may keep the relationship even if she does follow some worldly ways... and you'll be there in her life still to help her when she crashes, if that occurs.
If it's because of your faith in Christ that she feels is too strong for her, then again, back off but be there...and gently, lovingly, be patient and caring.
It could be other things or a situation she hasn't shared with you, that is causing her distress to change. I hope it's just indecision on her part.
I wish you well my friend.
It seemed sudden to me, but when she first decided that she wants a break, she mentioned she was mulling over the decision for a week or two before she brought it up.
See, she is VERY busy. She is part of a sorority, in a very demanding major (time-wise), and tutors, along with having a part-time job. I knew she was and would be busy before I dated her and it wasn't any problem for me, but apparently, just the fact that when she would get a small bit of free time and would just want to hang out with her friends (which I encouraged!)..she'd feel bad and get stressed because she was worried about NOT hanging out with me.
I don't think..and she never brought up that I was overbearing in any way. In fact, she mentioned that I was conducting myself great as a boyfriend, which is what made her feel so bad...she felt she wasn't giving me what "I deserved." I told her I didn't care, and understood she's busy, but it was just stressful for her.
I have not pushed my faith on her AT ALL during our relationship. I know she is Christian and sins just like I do, so I never slammed her with Scripture scoldings or anything like that. I think she NOTICED, through the involvement in my youth group, that I appeared to have a more solid relationship with God than her, but this was not something that I ever brought up or even flaunted.
We have talked a few times on the matter and her answers are similar, but something is added or tweaked each time, so I honestly think it IS more indecision on her part, like you said. I plan on talking with her more on the situation now that we are talking more and she seems to be opening back up to me again.
Thanks again, and I'll give updates as to what ends up happening.