hi. can you try CBD and/or medical marijuana? they may not replace the opioids, but they could help you "get more mileage" out of your prescriptions, maybe even make it possible to taper a bit w/o major problems.
other than that...there's bunches of CNS drugs used "off label" for various sorts of pain. The big ones are various antidepressants (some older tricyclics, such as Elavil, plus Cymbalta) and antiseizure drugs that are used in psychiatry and for migraine people. Just...personally speaking, I'd skip the tricyclics. I took one for a bad bout of depression way back when, and...whoa. They're effective, in a sense, but they're also very rough during treatment, and they are -extremely- toxic in OD, have loads of drug-drug interactions, etc. I'm not a big fan of antidepressants in general, but I'd go for a newer drug over a tricyclic any day of the week, especially if you're looking at long-term treatment.
I think its worth noting that the opioids have been with mankind for millennia, and modern science has yet to come up with a better solution for pain. Seriously. In the 50s, doctors were wary about using opioids even in severe pain, and for a while there, various brain operations (including full on lobotomy) were used to "treat" severe pain, sometimes with rather disastrous results. I read this one woman's story...her mother had crippling migraines back in the day, she was given a frontal lobotomy, and later on she ended up in a state hospital, long-term. Ugh.
Anyway, its kind of interesting...opioids are also used for mental anguish. I once read Confessions of an English Opium Eater. Its and an 1840s book about a well-to-do Englishman who loved some opium, lol. Kind of like a 19th century tell all, I guess. These days, some doctors use Suboxone in severe, "treatment-resistant" depression and such. Ultram is also sometimes used in mood problems.
Rambling...guess I'm just trying to say...I -do- feel badly for your situation, and I'll keep you up in prayer, but opioids are pretty much the gold standard for managing severe pain, so...try not to be too hard on yourself about taking pain killers, just because they're currently stigmatized.