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[__ Prayer __] Prayer Request To Each and Everyone


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I am new to this site.I just wanna request a prayer from all you out here.I have always believed that whatever I achieved in my life is only and only because of my Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit's blessings. A few days from now on I will start my college education in Engineering for being a graduate.The course is having a duration of about 4 years..Its divided into 8 semisters .

The first year of this course is said to be very difficult and most difficult of the whole part. I always believed that if God's on my side then I will sure achieve everything. I want God's blessings to be with me.I don't want any distractions during my studies.
I want to do well and its hopefully my final major step in formal education. I want to study these 4 years with extreme care and I want to pass out well.I am bit slow in studying few things and also my hand writing is not that good.I am not good in drawing . I know I have certain limits but if God's with me anything is possible.If your prayers are with me then I can do well.

I just want to do well all these coming four years well,without losing any paper. I want the blessings and wishes of all you out there.Each and everyone of you is special for me.I know if you truly wish me success then I will.Please pray for me to make me more interested in my studies,keep me away from devil, pray for me so I that I give the maximum to my elders,seniors and also my teachers there.I also want you to pray for my loving parents ,who have high hopes on my future. I am a bit backward in practical classes ,please pray for that also. Please pray for me so that I can overcome my fears and achieve my goals,do problems systematically,so that my confidence level increases,my ability is utilised.

I have the ability I know ,but only and only if God's blessings is there then I can use my abilities to the best of the use.Please pray so that I am not lazy.

Please also pray for all those students who are struggling in their education and I am a also a struggler.But all is possible if God's on my side.

I need the love and support of all of you out there.I will truly remember you all in my prayers and I hope you too does the same. Each one of you is special.I love you all from the bottom of my heart.

God Bless You
Hi Jerin and welcome! :wave :).

Remember, God will answer our prayers. The answer may not be a yes, but he will answer.

I always don't like it when people pray that they will do well. It implies that it is them that will do it, and it also implies a bit of selfishness. Sorry to sound harsh, but I just want to clear this up.
It may not be in God's will or His plan for you or any other student to do well. You may not see how this could not be so, but God is all knowing, and has a plan, and it is a big picture plan. We cannot see the whole picture. It is too big for our 'eyes'. So trust God.

So I always pray that God will help me to do the best that I can, and that He can guide me, and that I can live my life in accordance with His plan. I always pray these things if they are in God's will.
For example, I pray that if it is in your Will Lord, that you would heal my brother. Because it may not be in God's will that my brother is healed, for reasons only known to God, but perhaps to us later down the track.

So.....I will pray for you and all the other students (I"m a student as well) that we will be able to concentrate on our studies, and be able to glorify God in our studies, and let everything happen to His will, and let's pray that He will help us to do our personal best, and to really give it a good go.
But I also pray Lord, that we will not get our eyes off you Lord, and that we will keep you as our number 1 in our lives, and not let our studies take over our lives.

Hi Nick

Thanks for your kind and humble reply.

I know personally the fact that everything that happens in our life is as per God's plan and nothing else.If it is there IN His plans ,it will be there.

Whatever God Plans for us is for our good and whatever he doesn't offer us is also for the good of us ,because He has seen something better in His plan for us.

His plans are Master Plans,he exactly knows whats good for us and whats not for us.

I truly believe that every moment of our life is just a blessing of God ,if he wants he can take it from us.Everything what we gain in life is just His blessings.

I just mentioned in the previous post that if God wishes something which He feels is good for us,then anything what we think is impossible ,is made possible by His Blessings.

I pray for you Nick and for your studies,also for all the students in this world ,I am sure God knows whats right for us and He will do the rightful thing for all of us.

God Bless You ! :amen

WELCOME to the forum Jerin!:waving I pray you will be blessed here~ and that you may also be a blessing to us! :biggrin

I understand and need prayers for my studies as well~ my first day in my last semester starts on Monday. :yes

Dear heavenly Father~ Thank You for putting this wonderful truth into Jerin's heart (that all his achievements have been the blessings You have given thru the Spirit and Christ! Is is wonderful to frame our understanding around Your word, this is such comfort.

Lord~ You know all that jerin will walk through during this next school semester, and I ask that You will inspire him to be more diligent than ever to study and read and do all his assignments, so his witness for Jesus will shine as a good example of what You do in the life that is given to You. I ask that You will especially help him during this first more difficult semester Lord, that You will guide his decisions closely, and grant him favor as he is tested.

I alos ask that You will teach him what to do and how to respond to distractions, so he may accomplish the task he has undertaken, and become a stronger person of integrity by the power of Jesus Christ. I alos ask that where he feels inadequate that You will endow him with grace and mercy and let him do well~ that You power in his weakness may be known to all. I ask most of all~ for his life in You to be safely guarded and for boldness to be a loving true witness of You in all!

Father~ for Nick and myself I ask these prayers as well~ for we each require and desire Your wonderful hand of help in our schooling. In Jesus name, according to Your will be done...
Father /// Daddy /// Lord God, I come to Your throne and ask that my prayer be accounted for all here.

I humbly ask that our prayers are added to the prayer of your child. That your child may boldly go toward study with Your Fatherly blessing and in the prayers and well wishes of the Saints of God.


~your little one
Thanks a lot for your kind and humble prayer.I need your prayers and support throughout my life.

I thank you Nick,Sparrow, and sheshisown
God Bless You,your family and your loved ones.

For sheshisown

I pray for you and you are lucky its your last semster :yes .Oh Lord please bless this good human being and help him in his studies.God please shower all your blessings.Forgive him if he has offended You.God please give him strength to withstand anything.

I am sure and confident that God will bless you and you will do well.

Nick_29 said:
:amen. Anyone else?
Amen to the prayer of Jerin and Nick for the author of the posting known as ShesHisOwn.
Amen and amen. And from my heart, blessing to any who bless that one!

Maybe this is a little inspiration for you.
Exodus 31:2  See, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah:
3  And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,
4  To devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass,
5  And in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship.
6  And I, behold, I have given with him Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan: and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted I have put wisdom, that they may make all that I have commanded thee;
And I hope God sets you up with some good friends to aid you in your worthy venture. Just remember everyone seems to have something that they are better at. I'm hoping you find those friends that are able to help you achieve your goals.Serena Williams says... you have to believe you can do it, or else fear makes you quit. Serena and Venus knew they were going to be champions before they ever won their first match. It's in an early video on them. That's the faith part. The rest is a whole lot of hard work... and yes, help from God and friends.


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