I have to say I joined this site five years ago so I don't know the politics or the makeup of this place as well as some. However, I find it shocking that a thread that make jokes, pokes fun, and is full of banter, and even one post that dismisses the severity of this tragedy that is ongoing, has nearly 8 pages of replies . The posts of which outnumber the serious natured one's that ask for prayer or update the situation in Texas.
While this thread has a minor number of views and not one other post but for mine.
Amazing, what is prioritized in this age. Truly.
For instance, in matters of priority, this thread being the only one in this section that asks for prayers for Houston's people, this thread is new and has 10 views and 5 replies already.
I had wondered how the memory stick that I'd backed up my computer with got lost right after my computer was attacked and wiped out. Now I know why. The last thing I saved on that stick was the registration information for this forum. I wasn't meant to log back on because God knows this Christian isn't meant to be here.
Thank you all for your time. When it comes to man or God, choose God. :yes
Imagine if manna from Heaven to sustain the people of Houston depended on the fruits that entered here and sent good tidings and well wishes to those unfortunate suffering souls. That one member here said shouldn't be felt sorry for.
They'd starve to death for lack of attention. But what to replace an ipad? Oh, that's very important.
I wish you the best on your purchase. Imagine what that money could do for a family that lost everything in Texas.