Barbarian wrote:
The Earth is demonstrably billions of years old. This is consistent with Scripture.
Ok, well, thanks for talking to me a bit about your theory of the Young Earth origins... I had never heard that before. I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, by the way, by calling you a brother in Christ. I think alot of times the YE deal is a percieved barrier for people to come to Christ. You'd be a breath of fresh air for them I would think. I pray that the Lord will work through you for them.
Usually, I avoid this discussion ie. evolution/old earth/science vs. creation/young earth/creation science. Personally, I don't think it REALLY matters either way, as far as salvation is concerned, or I should say I hope not. Our acceptance of the saving grace of Jesus is what matters.
On one hand, I can see how Moses' choice of the word day may be allegorical. He was living in the distant past without much or any scientific knowledge himself, writing about events that he never witnessed.
On the other hand, All things are indeed possible with God, and "day" could mean just that.
Personally, I think "science" is great, but I always doubt it. Isn't that the point of it anyways? It is no place to put your faith ;)
Maybe I should go back a little more to the topic, somewhat that is...
Seth, I think the dangerous part about evolution is not so much the science but the philosophy that goes with it if our Lord is taken out of the picture. I think
jwu, and
Barbarian both believe the Bible is the innerrant word of God and have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior... Right guys?
But a purely evolutionistic (I'm not sure if this is the right word) philosophy strips us of our specialness. And like you said, I too, think dangerous ideas can come about because of this; like the idea that people's lives don't really matter.
Implications of some scientific discoveries are indeed humbling... we are on a tiny speck of rock going around an indiscriminate star among one hundred thousand million stars in our galaxy, and our galaxy itself is only one of millions upon millions of galaxies in an infinite universe.
But, we are special, you and I! And we do matter very much to God! And that is a glorious thing! Something to rejoice about!