Orion said:
Uh, I thought that, if it is in the Bible, it WAS from God, so what is in even Leviticus is directed to us as well. If this isn't the case, then I may be misinformed.
But anyway, we can talk about "killing witches", since my brother and his wife are professing witches, and I'd rather not kill them!!
Well, relax, because you don't have to! And, yes, you do seem to be somewhat misinformed.
Whatever is in the Bible is from God, but you have to place all things into their proper context. There are basically two types of laws from God in the Old Testament; temporal laws directed to Israel as a theocratic nation, and God's moral laws, which all mankind are expected to follow. There is a lot of confusion over what constitutes a temporal and a moral law, but there really needn't be.
The key is why there needn't be. It isn't because there is some list somewhere which separates the laws specific to the nation of Israel and God's moral laws. It is because we aren't under ANY Law; we are under Grace. This doesn't mean we now have a free for all and any behavior of any kind is accepted. What it means is that if one is born-again of the Spirit, one is also under the grace of the Spirit and the Spirit actively lives in one. As one responds to God in love with all of one's heart, mind and soul, one is then under the conviction of the Spirit as to how to obey God in love. This is part of the reason why James said that faith without works is dead. The Spirit is alive and active in our lives, and if we say we believe, but have no fruit to show for it, then there is something amiss.
Yeah, it helps A LOT! to have the Spirit!
Going back to burning witches though, yes, there were laws on the books of Israel in which God commanded that witches be put to death. I don't know if this was to be by burning, but I guess it really doesn't matter. Those laws were suspended when Israel ceased to be a nation anyway.
Look at it this way: Let's say that Bush's grand plan for Iraq actually gets fulfilled and Iraq becomes a modern democratic society. As of now, if a man kills his daughter for becoming a Christian, there really isn't anything done about that, many, if not most Iraqi men thinking that he is perfectly within his rights to do so. BUT, if a democratic society truly does take hold, and a man kills his daughter, he would be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Same holds true for witches today. If I lived in Israel during the time of the Old Testament and participated in the killing of a witch, I would not be punished. If I did it today, I would be thrown in prison and rightly so.
God had a plan and a reason why He did what He did with the nation of Israel in the Old Testament. That is all fulfilled now (and I hope no-one hijacks this thread regarding a future "kingdom" of Israel with Christ as King. Please post all such responses in eschatology!) and we need to be concerning ourselves with living under the new covenant of Grace rather than the Old Covenant of Law.
This isn't to say that the Old Testament has no place or value today. All Scripture, both Old and New is inspired and profitable. But, the Old Testament has a context, and we need to place it in it's proper context as foundational to the New Covenant, but not superceeding the New Covenant.
Hope this helps! And I'd much rather pray for your brother and s-i-l than kill them to be sure!