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Premarital Sex - Not A Biblical Conflict Extensive Biblical Discussion


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You guy's have got to read this stuff, I will post a little of it, but the rest can be read at the link below. I can't believe some of the stuff that is out there. And then again yes I can, go to the below link and read on.

Premarital Sex - Not A Biblical Conflict Extensive Biblical Discussion

There is absolutely nothing in the bible forbidding premarital sex. It is one of the traditions that is man made to control people. The only reference is in the OT and in the NT only the total mistranslation of the Greek word "porneia" as "fornication" - a clear lie that has no basis.

I hear from so many Christian women who say there biggest mistake was not having more sex before marriage and now find themselves in such a totally unsatisfying relationship physically. Where is one to learn good sex skills when both partners are ignorant? There is far more to sex than just having intercourse. Studies show about 40% of women never have an orgasm from just intercourse and most women enjoy far more. That is why so many women are sexually frustrated when a man doesn't have a clue- how is he supposed to learn, or the women learn of her own sexuality if they go into marriage clueless without much experience?

Due to the patriarchal society, a family with sons was stronger than a family with daughters. However, cultures find ways to balance wealth and power. In the OT culture, a man seeking marriage would pay the father of the bride. The value of the bride was determined by many factors including her beauty, ability to bear children, strength, various household skills and even her status as a virgin. You find an example of this in the story of Jacob and Leah and Rachel.

Also remember in biblical times most young women were betrothed based on a family financial deal. Sometimes she never even had met her husband until the wedding day. And once betrothed they families had to wait until the girl was 12.5 year old before they could marry. Since most boys and girls were married by the time of puberty and there was little dating, singles sexuality was never an issues.

In biblical times there was nothing wrong with a married man having as many wives as he could afford, concubine and "common" prostitutes. Adultery was only wrong for a married women, since it violated her husbands property (and sexual) rights over her and his other wives or concubines.

In biblical times men were masters, and ruled over women and their children. Women had very few rights, and men often bought women from their families or at an auction usually at age 12.5. Women were owned property of a man. Father own women (daughters, wives, concubines, handmaidens, servants etc) and if you wanted to have sex with one of his property, then you had to ask him permission.

To sell a daughter they would get more money if she was a virgin, non-virgin were cheaper to buy. If a man bought a daughter at a virgin price and she was not (after he had sex with her and the bedding was not bloody), then he could return her to the father and get his money back.
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I hear from so many Christian women who say there biggest mistake was not having more sex before marriage and now find themselves in such a totally unsatisfying relationship physically. Where is one to learn good sex skills when both partners are ignorant? There is far more to sex than just having intercourse. Studies show about 40% of women never have an orgasm from just intercourse and most women enjoy far more. That is why so many women are sexually frustrated when a man doesn't have a clue- how is he supposed to learn, or the women learn of her own sexuality if they go into marriage clueless without much experience?

How did Adam and Eve learn?

When a couple who does it God's way come together in the marriage bed as pure and unlearned in sexual activity, they don't have a problem! They learn together, which is part of the wonder of it all!

Sex is not a degree subject!

Look up porneia in any reliable concordance.

You will see that generations of Bible teachers have not got it wrong.
lewis used to be an adulterer and he doesnt believe in pre-marital sex, this is his way of bringing up a topic and us commenting on it.
not saying i fully disagree, but the argument of having sex with a lot of people to find out what good sex is ridiculous. I will agree lots of people (espically women) have sex issues, but it stems largely from them not being comfortable. Some of my wives friends have NEVER talked about sex to ANYONE or read any books, etc.. some of them had sex with other people and have issues.... i know of people in marriage that have only had sex with just their partner that have great love lives because they are open and have great communication, read, etc...
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I have always taught the biblical view on marriage, when to people couple they become one flesh, and I am always, verbally, spit at for the instruction. You are guilty of attempting to teach the truth of God's Word to folks and they are guilty of rejecting Jesus, not you. Try as I may and try as you may, just like Pharaoh, you cannot save stiff necked people! They are too busy choosing to be lost.


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