Joshua said:
St Francis said:
I have a question for allhart: Do you believe in God?
I shall assume (if I may) that the answer is "Yes". So let me ask you next: Are you still open-minded to the idea that there is no God? If not, are you "close minded" or simply being true to your beliefs?
See what I mean?
Very good point. I agree that all people are "close minded" on certain issues.
If I can restate this in presuppositional terms, there are no people that do not approach the issue of the existence of God without presuppositions. The question is not do we have presuppositions, but are those presuppositions defensible. Nevertheless, the concept of an open mind is a fable.
I am not philosopher, and I know that, but I would suggest the scriptures teach that the suppression of the knowledge of God is a natural thing for men to do.
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hinder the truth in unrighteousness;
The word for hinder (καÄεÇονÄÉν) is at times translated suppress. The scriptures tell us that the truth of God is found in nature. Verse 20 tells us more specifically what revelation of God is found in nature.
20 For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse:
The "everlasting power and divinity" is what can be seen through creation. Who can watch the proverbial thunderstorm and not see the power of God. Who can study the expanse of the universe and not think about God's attributes of deity? The answer is those who suppress the revelation of God back in verse 18.
The suppression of the knowledge of God from verse 18 is elaborated upon in verse 21-22.
21 because that, knowing God, they glorified him not as God, neither gave thanks; but became vain in their reasonings, and their senseless heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Vanity of reasoning then starts with a presupposition that there is no God.
The whole discussion of evolution is filled with presuppositions, and circular reasoning. Evolutionist see dinosaur bones, and they say Ahh, proof of evolution. Creationist see dinosaur bones and say "ahh, proof of the flood." The same evidence is used, but two different conclusions are drawn for that same evidence. Why? Presuppositions! The only axiomatic truth is that those dinosaur bones exist. We really dont know how they got there. What observer was there when that dinosaur died?
What happens when one starts with the wrong presuppositions?
24 Wherefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts unto uncleanness, that their bodies should be dishonored among themselves:
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature:
28 And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
Our philosophers can shake their angry fists in Gods face and deny God. They do this with presuppositions that start with the demand for scientific evidence that God exists, like we can put the almighty God in a test tube and do repeated experiments with him. Science is one way to truth, but science is not all truth. (Can a scientist put that last proposition in a test tube and test it?) The end result of atheistic presuppositions is that God will give them over to the cultural results of their philosophy. Look around, the sovereign ruler of the universe has given us over.