That is a good response of your heart to these people. The Lord loves these people and died for them also. That they are Satanists is not something to be held against them. They are on the wrong path and a soul is at stake! The lord is not willing that any should perish. They need love, as you say and to know and experience the Lords love for them. Be cautious, and love the hell out of them.
Similarly, when a husband or wife cheats on their spouse, many will run to the pastor and ask advice. Almost every one would be advised to divorce them, and this is not right. You are not the victim if your wife cheats on you, she is! She has lost her way and is in need of love and spiritual guidance from the spiritual leader of the home! (I know, I know, one is able to lawfully divorce their wife for adultery, but this was a concession given to the people only, there is a better way to handle it.) So we must practice not being the victim when someone wrongs us, but to let the love of God flow through us and to help them get pack onto the straight and narrow. Are we to imitate Christ Jesus life? Are we to have the mind of Christ? Then forgive her (for she knows not what she does) and help her to repent and turn her heart back unto the Lord. Don't be offended and "righteously" turn on her...the devil will laigh his butt off while you go further from the Lord.
"Spiritual Diode", I like that brother!

Yes, I agree. We are in control of our minds, or can take control if need be. Sure, the enemy will whisper lies and hateful urges to us, but must take these thoughts captive and tell them NO. Consistently. Every time.
What are hateful words before you speak them? Hateful thoughts! Do not think hateful thoughts, this will change you. Just as our Lord said that he who commits adultery with a woman in his heart is guilty of the same, there is a huge lesson in here that we should pay attention to. If we think or dwell on sinful acts, this affects us in our heart. To have a sinful thought come to you, is not sin (it's the enemy)...but to entertain the idea, whatever it may be, is sin, and more importantly, it causes it to whoosh, down into our heart where it will affect us in a negative way.
We will be judged by our very thoughts! For this is who we will become.
We are "born again" people of the Lord Jesus, and are looking forward to the promise of a renewing of the mind and heart. What? Do we think that a spiritual lightning bolt comes upon us and changes us? Nosiree, my brothers and sisters...The renewing of mind is effected by our own effort of meditating on the Lords words day and night, searching the scriptures daily, and praying for strength and help from our Lord. Then this effort goes Whoosh, down into our heart and affects us. renews us over time. Be careful what you think about! For all we know about the spiritual realm, our thoughts could in fact be tangible and very very real in the spirit world. We do not have to think about evil things, cast them down and think of heavenly things and scriptures. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Evil is like oil in a glass of water. We can change the way we think by displacing the evil with the Lords words. Search those scriptures daily until your cup runneth over and the evil pours out and is replaced by the Words of the Lord, His laws and precepts and all manner of righteousness.
What were the scriptures before they were written in a book for us? The very thoughts of God my brothers and sisters! Real? You bet! Do you want to have the mind of Christ? Do you want to know the Lords will? Consider His thoughts as they were written down in the book for you. We call it scripture, but it is the very thoughts of our Lord. You get these Words in you and your heart and you will know the thoughts and will of the Great Almighty. You will have the mind of Christ.