Poverty has harmed more already then prosperity ever will.
There is nothing good about being broke.
Being broke, living in poverty, never leads to a deeper spirituality, it only leads to bitterness, spiritual pride, and a shortened lifespan.
The most self righteous people in the world, Christian, will argue endlessly that having very little prosperity is to be more spiritual.
Money is a blessing and its a tool and your BIBLE, your NT, tells you that YOU are an INFIDEL if you dont provided *SUPPLY* for your family.
**Supply** IS = the prosperity that BUYS the food, the clothes, the HOUSE, and Pays the BILLS.
Are riches ok for a Christian?......they are as Ok as the Christian is mature in their character.
Is God rich?
Only if he owns it all.
Does he?
Are you one of his?.....then do the math.