Ya know what. I couldn't find any websites from a Catholic source that stoop near to the level of JM's Iconbuster links in his thread. JM, if you've got one post it right here. I have looked all over the web and there is no Catholic website that I know of that mocks, distorts, ridicules and ingeneral disrespects people the way the Iconbusters and JM's post does. NOTHING EVEN CLOSE! Yet in truth I have seen dozens if not 100 websites just like Iconbusters with little substance and much buffoonery. Somehow these websites are supposed to bring Cathollics out of the wicked snares of Catholicism. :-? We'll ridicule them till they start standing in line to get in to a Billy Graham Crusade. By the way, don't you think we could get creative with Protestants, posting pictures of this old feeble man. (Billy Graham) One whom I think has served Christ rather admirably, though I don't agree with all he has taught. I still have great respect for his tireless efforts and it is my hope that where he was incorrect on God will have mercy on him. But no, JM's site has antichrist slide shows mocking and riduculing sick old men with a very debilitating disease. Very low class.
You know something. I listen to liberal radio on rare occasion. Air America it is called just to see what the other side is up to. The childishness I see on Iconbusters is similar to what I hear on that radio station. Flatulations, name calling, foul language, doctored and misused pictures. Very juvenile. It seems that when people lack substance they must resort to buffoonery. Sad. Very sad.
Perhaps we can discuss in this thread Why is it that Catholics don't have websites with such nonsensical, immature, buffoonery on them? Why do MANY Protestants (though not all, drew, your excluded from this club) feel the need to get so far in the mud. Do you think Protestant leaders and apologists don't provide enough material that some creative mudslinging couldn't be done. Your kidding, rigth? :o If anyone knows of websites that are nearly as offensive, even 1/2 or 1/4 as offensive regarding Protestantism, post them. I will be glad to send them an email with my negative comments.
You know something. I listen to liberal radio on rare occasion. Air America it is called just to see what the other side is up to. The childishness I see on Iconbusters is similar to what I hear on that radio station. Flatulations, name calling, foul language, doctored and misused pictures. Very juvenile. It seems that when people lack substance they must resort to buffoonery. Sad. Very sad.
Perhaps we can discuss in this thread Why is it that Catholics don't have websites with such nonsensical, immature, buffoonery on them? Why do MANY Protestants (though not all, drew, your excluded from this club) feel the need to get so far in the mud. Do you think Protestant leaders and apologists don't provide enough material that some creative mudslinging couldn't be done. Your kidding, rigth? :o If anyone knows of websites that are nearly as offensive, even 1/2 or 1/4 as offensive regarding Protestantism, post them. I will be glad to send them an email with my negative comments.