Caroline H
- Jul 9, 2008
- 5,830
- 7
What an excellent post Works4Him! I agree with every point you have made. As I was reading this thread there have been some things I agree with and some that I don't. You're absolutely right that there is no "cookie-cutter" way to teach children, and it really does depend upon the child and the parent as to what is best for the child.
I also know many homeschooled people who are at the top of their class. Actually, all of the ones I know are
They also, more so than those who went to public or private, are very secure in who they are and aren't prone to being swayed by peer pressure. I think (and this is just my opinion based on my experiences) that public and private school environments naturally enhance the "go with the crowd" mentality...sometimes it is damaging, and sometimes it isn't. That would depend upon what sort of school it is.
My parents, along with two other families in our church, decided to homeschool their children in the early 80's. Back then it was not a well-known practice and many people just didn't understand what it really meant. They said that parent's weren't qualified to teach their kids because they weren't "teachers", and that the children would suffer socially, etc.... But after they had their say, they observed that over the years the children who were homeschooled were thriving. They weren't lacking in anything, socially or educationally, and they were happy. My own family didn't do it very long because in '86 my parents became missionaries and we went to England. We were put in the school system there and it was fine for the most part. But when my parents shared with their English friends about their experience with homeshcooling in America, they were met with the same skeptic remarks and disdain with the whole idea as in the States. I think that mainly, it was because it was not understood. Nowadays in America there is a huge support system for homeschooling that wasn't there when my family and the others were doing it. And really, I think that it is much more popular in America than other countries, and so I'm not surprised when people balk at it.
I don't look down upon parents who choose to put their children in public or private school. I think that the most important thing is that parents listen to the Lord on this issue, and do what they believe He is leading them to do. Every child is different, of course, and so every approach should be tailored to that child. Pray about it and do what God want's you to do. But please don't judge people harshly for not doing what YOU think is right.
I also know many homeschooled people who are at the top of their class. Actually, all of the ones I know are

My parents, along with two other families in our church, decided to homeschool their children in the early 80's. Back then it was not a well-known practice and many people just didn't understand what it really meant. They said that parent's weren't qualified to teach their kids because they weren't "teachers", and that the children would suffer socially, etc.... But after they had their say, they observed that over the years the children who were homeschooled were thriving. They weren't lacking in anything, socially or educationally, and they were happy. My own family didn't do it very long because in '86 my parents became missionaries and we went to England. We were put in the school system there and it was fine for the most part. But when my parents shared with their English friends about their experience with homeshcooling in America, they were met with the same skeptic remarks and disdain with the whole idea as in the States. I think that mainly, it was because it was not understood. Nowadays in America there is a huge support system for homeschooling that wasn't there when my family and the others were doing it. And really, I think that it is much more popular in America than other countries, and so I'm not surprised when people balk at it.
I don't look down upon parents who choose to put their children in public or private school. I think that the most important thing is that parents listen to the Lord on this issue, and do what they believe He is leading them to do. Every child is different, of course, and so every approach should be tailored to that child. Pray about it and do what God want's you to do. But please don't judge people harshly for not doing what YOU think is right.