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Question about animals.

Hey I'm new and I found these forums via looking for religious forums on google.

I just want to get as many different answers for the question I'm about to post as possible, that means going to many different types of forums and asking the same question, one of them being this forum. I hope you guys don't mind :)

Could you please give me a justification for the slaughter of animals for food?
I don't mind if you use religion or science to justify it, I'm just curious.

Thank you for your time.
Not much, really. There's no reason why we couldn't become a vegetarian species at this point in our history. There were certain benefits to a diet including meat when our species was younger that we don't really need now.

Really, it just comes down to the fact that we like the taste.

I know this article is from a vegetarian site but it does give some excellent reasons for why humans are more suited to a vegetarian diet.
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I think there might be differences between individuals in terms of what we need to keep going. I need lean meat, lots of whole grains, wholesome fats, and fruit. Some of my vegetarian friends are amazingly healthy, but I do best with meat. I also seem to require extraordinarily high doses of common vitamins to keep going. Again: individual biochemistry.

I think that if someone would prefer a vegetarian diet, and they can make it work and they look and feel better, that's great. Christians have freedom to do as they see fit, I believe, as long as it doesn't put undue strain on the earth (we are to be good stewards of our planet, after all) and doesn't become gluttonous and endanger their health.
Hey I'm new and I found these forums via looking for religious forums on google.

I just want to get as many different answers for the question I'm about to post as possible, that means going to many different types of forums and asking the same question, one of them being this forum. I hope you guys don't mind :)

Could you please give me a justification for the slaughter of animals for food?
I don't mind if you use religion or science to justify it, I'm just curious.

Thank you for your time.
Animal products are the easiest way for the human digestive system to get certain fats, Vitamin b12, and Protein. Also, if eaten sensibly, meat is helps with brain development and was/ is a key factor to human development.
Yep. Milk is often called "the perfect food". The nutrients in milk can be readily converted into blood products.

But despite it's role in early human development we could stop eating meat.
Hey I'm new and I found these forums via looking for religious forums on google.

I just want to get as many different answers for the question I'm about to post as possible, that means going to many different types of forums and asking the same question, one of them being this forum. I hope you guys don't mind :)

Could you please give me a justification for the slaughter of animals for food?
I don't mind if you use religion or science to justify it, I'm just curious.

Thank you for your time.
I am also curious. Give a justification for the slaughter of plants for food.

I like a well balanced diet that includes meat and meat by-products along with fruits and vegetables.
I am also curious. Give a justification for the slaughter of plants for food.

I like a well balanced diet that includes meat and meat by-products along with fruits and vegetables.

If plants become sentient then we may have a problem.
Hey I'm new and I found these forums via looking for religious forums on google.

I just want to get as many different answers for the question I'm about to post as possible, that means going to many different types of forums and asking the same question, one of them being this forum. I hope you guys don't mind :)

Could you please give me a justification for the slaughter of animals for food?
I don't mind if you use religion or science to justify it, I'm just curious.

Thank you for your time.

God gave instructions in Numbers concerning what was good for food and he included meat, fish. Christ asked the question if a child asked a father for an egg would he give him something else.

Vegetarianism to my mind is tantamount to the worship of animals. If God says to do so, why would someone tell me otherwise. I eat fish, I live near a fishing village and I get my fish fresh, I eat chicken and local lamb from our local sheep. I do not eat beef.

Abraham prepared a calf in Genesis and gave some to the angel.
Vegetarians talk about the eating of vegetables and fruits only....Yet when they have vegetarian products they want them to look like meat. I have no intention of eating peas and husk every day. I am an excellent cook, and I can bake good too. I love cooking and I love eating my chicken and fish.

Vegetarianism is ROOTED IN PAGANISM.:sad
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Wait. Are you saying being a vegetarian is a sin?

The majority of the biological evidence suggests that Humans are far more suited to a vegetarian diet.
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Wait. Are you saying being a vegetarian is a sin?

The majority of the biological evidence suggests that Humans are far more suited to a vegetarian diet.

I am not saying it is a sin, what I am saying is trying to claim that the best way to eat is vegetarianism is false...and it comes down to lying which is a sin. People have a choice whether to eat meat or not. But what I have a problem with isi If God says eat something if someone says it is not good is basically saying God is wrong...You are not a Christian so I am not sure if you believe this, but it does not matter. Putting human ideas above the word of God is sin.:shame
Considering the health risks associated with a diet that includes meat as opposed to a diet that is vegetarian, you could easily say that God gave us the wrong operating manual.

If you're speaking of design, the evidence points far more in favour of Humans being designed to exist on a diet that does not include meat. Look how many chocking deaths occur because of meat. Look at our teeth. Far closer to other mainly herbivorous apes. Look at the cancer risks associated with diets with a lot of meat which drop 40% when a person moves over to a vegetarian diet.

And a slew of things that are dangerous about meat-

-carcinogens from grilling etc

-fat and cholestorol

-Salmonella, E.Coli

I would say that God's advice on this one wasn't the best.
If plants become sentient then we may have a problem.
Declaring plants are not sentient does not necessarily make it so. There is evidence that plants, some of them, do seem to possess a sense of touch and react to external stimuli. Some plants have the ability to move from place to place under their own locamotion. Some plants even catch their food.

The fact still remains, that in order to eat plants we must kill.
Declaring plants are not sentient does not necessarily make it so. There is evidence that plants, some of them, do seem to possess a sense of touch and react to external stimuli. Some plants have the ability to move from place to place under their own locamotion. Some plants even catch their food.

The fact still remains, that in order to eat plants we must kill.

Yeah, apparently Banana trees move. But we have ample evidence to support that plants are NOT sentient. They may react in some ways to external stimuli but sentience is unlikely.
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I thought the topic was more general than specific to banana trees. There are some animals that have no means of mobility. Are they not animals? Why does sentience matter? After all, a being considered sentient is only done so by our understanding and definition of sentient. Who are we to make that determination? Plants are not inanimate objects but are alive. Don't they deserve the same respect as animals? If not, why not?

What makes one form of life less valuable or less worthwhile than another in the natural world? All life strives to survive and procreate. Are insects sentient? They do react to avoid danger as best they can. This can be witnessed every time we try to swat a fly or mosquito. Do we protect their life in the same way? A resounding NO comes to mind. How many insects do we slaughter on our highways every second of every day? Are mice and rats sentient? We kill mice and rats just for being in our home or within our described invisible boundaries. We kill them with any means possible including poison, crushing, drowning, etc. and we don’t give it a second thought.

Some plants can move under their own power. Valvox use cilia for locomotion. Euglena use a flagellum for locomotion. Certain animals use these same methods for propulsion.

Some plants are carnivores. Venus Fly Trap is a popular example that responds to touch and trapping its prey in a vise like trap. Pitcher plants use a pitfall apparatus to trap its prey and then wrap themselves around it as their digestive fluids do the work very much as our own digestive system. Sundew plants use a chemical adhesive to trap its prey like flypaper. The Bladderwort uses a vacuum bladder and attractant to lure and capture its prey in response to touch from feelers located near the door opening (mouth). Corkscrew plants use a chemical solution and physical shape to trap its prey.

Some forms of fungi (which are no longer classified as plant or animal) are listed as predatory fungi. These actually seek out (hunt) using long filaments to “lasso” their prey.

Plants don’t grow roots in random directions in the hope of finding nutrients and water. They intentionally seek out and follow moisture. During dry periods plants will grow roots in an attempt to follow the moisture as it recedes deeper into the soil. It has been shown that plants will even grow roots horizontally to access nearby water supplies.
Plants also intentionally open their leaves or tilt their stalks to follow the sun unless they are drought stressed in which case they fold up their leaves or invert them to conserve moisture.

Some plants excrete chemical compounds into the soil to ward off competition for habitat. </O:p
Typing on my phone is a pain so i'll address a couple of points.

Plant perception has long been confined to the paranormal. Studies looking into the ability for plants to feel have always come up with no statistically relevent results.

Not sure about thos fungii but the movement of plants towards sunlight is called phototropism or something. It's not really intentional.

Whether we should respect plantlife as wel...not sure. If we don't mind starving to death maybe we should:lol
Considering the health risks associated with a diet that includes meat as opposed to a diet that is vegetarian, you could easily say that God gave us the wrong operating manual.

If you're speaking of design, the evidence points far more in favour of Humans being designed to exist on a diet that does not include meat. Look how many chocking deaths occur because of meat. Look at our teeth. Far closer to other mainly herbivorous apes. Look at the cancer risks associated with diets with a lot of meat which drop 40% when a person moves over to a vegetarian diet.

And a slew of things that are dangerous about meat-

-carcinogens from grilling etc

-fat and cholestorol

-Salmonella, E.Coli

I would say that God's advice on this one wasn't the best.

Salmonella and e.coli can be contracted from veggies as well as meat. There have been plenty of e.coli outbreaks connected with spinach, broccoli, even beansprouts...

Fat and cholesterol only become a problem when the calories consumed become less than the calories burned. I'm sure Tim-from-PA will be happy to give you some information on that. Frankly, consuming too many carbohydrates will cause more problems than eating fat, because carbohydrate rich foods tend to be less filling than fatty foods, causing one to eat far too much and all the calories not burned are converted to fat.

If you take a good look at history... Ice Age, droughts, etc. etc. having meat in the diet was necessary. There were simply many times when there weren't enough veggies available to sustain life. In the dead of winter, when there's not a lot of tomatoes growing... a rabbit or quail will keep one alive.

Which was why God allowed for the consumption of animals in the first place. The world was devastated by the Flood and there were no plants available to eat. The animals were a ready source of protein and nutrients.

In modern times, it's more convenient to be vegetarian and people certainly have the freedom to be so should they desire. But, the ease of getting enough of the variety of vegetables and plants needed to maintain healthy protein levels into the grocery stores is fairly precarious actually. It wouldn't take much to break down the system... and then eating meat will go back to being a necessity.

And, frankly, it's very cost prohibitive as well.... I shop for my family. If I had to rely on veggies alone to provide for a well balanced, nutritionally complete diet... with the cost of veggies around here in the winter... we couldn't afford it.

When you live in more northern areas, vegetarianism is sort of an elitist thing.
The fact still remains, that in order to eat plants we must kill.

That depends on what plants you eat.

Some fruitarians will eat only what falls (or would fall) naturally from a plant; that is: foods that can be harvested without killing or harming the plant.<sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference">[5]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-5" class="reference">[6]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-6" class="reference">[7]</sup> These foods consist primarily of culinary fruits, nuts, and seeds.<sup id="cite_ref-7" class="reference">[8]</sup> According to author Adam Gollner, some fruitarians eat only fallen fruit.<sup id="cite_ref-ReferenceA_8-0" class="reference">[9]</sup> Some do not eat grains, believing it is unnatural to do so,<sup id="cite_ref-9" class="reference">[10]</sup> and some fruitarians feel that it is improper for humans to eat seeds<sup id="cite_ref-10" class="reference">[11]</sup> as they contain future plants,<sup id="cite_ref-ReferenceA_8-1" class="reference">[9]</sup> or nuts and seeds,<sup id="cite_ref-11" class="reference">[12]</sup> or any foods besides juicy fruits.<sup id="cite_ref-12" class="reference">[13]</sup> Others believe they should eat only plants that spread seeds when the plant is eaten.<sup id="cite_ref-bndnkn_13-0" class="reference">[14]</sup> Others eat seeds and some cooked foods.<sup id="cite_ref-pyzvyr_14-0" class="reference">[15]</sup> Some fruitarians use the botanical definitions of fruits and consume pulses, such as beans, peas, or other legumes. Other fruitarians' diets include raw fruits, dried fruits, nuts, honey and olive oil,<sup id="cite_ref-15" class="reference">[16]</sup> or fruits, nuts, beans and chocolate.<sup id="cite_ref-16" class="reference">[17]</sup>
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