Again a very interesting post Odon.
I don't claim to be an expert so I won't even try to deal with most of the things you say, I will just observe that you do appear to have made up your mind not to accept any scientific 'proof' - and that is of course your privilege; many people do the same. I will ask just two main questions.
Thank you so much Aardverk, it is a pleasure to debate with you.
First, we must establish a standard for 'scientific proof', and not get it confused with Sci-fi fairytales. We can prove that a rock exists, and we can prove that it contains different elements, gold, iron coal etc. but if I say this rock came to earth upon a Klingon warship, ... well that wouldn't be necessarily scientific proof now would it?
the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment
Interpreting photo's of our universe that have been taken by different color lenses and calling it background-radiation and then identifying the color red as being light moving away from us, is NOT scientific proof that the universe is expanding. This is no different than saying to our kids that the dollar they found under their pillow was left by the Tooth-Fairy. So let's keep science within its definition, and fairytales within theirs. I love science, ... it proves ID, the existence of our God. Another words if anyone can make the world and the universe disappear, they can 'prove' God does not exist, but until I can see, feel, taste and smell this here earth, I will continue to believe in our Creator.
1. You effectively question the very existence of 'nothing'.
Sorry if you misunderstood me that's probably my fault, but I actually said the opposite, that
'nothing' does exist and I can prove it with a scientific experiment. It is the Big-bang Evolutionists that claim 'nothing' no longer exists because they now believe 'something' (like the speck of universe) has always existed, which would mean that there is really no such thing as nothing. We cannot have a pin-sized universe, or and infinitely big universe expanding in nothing, ... that would no longer be 'nothing', am I right?
If we took all of the matter and all of the energy out of the universe, what would we be left with? If we would not be left with 'nothing', what would be there? I would say, 'nothing'. What would you say?
Exactly. So where did this claimed
pin-sized universe reside in if 'nothing' is as you described above?
It is similar to the dilemma, God created light and saw that it was good - but who created 'dark'? If God didn't create 'dark' then 'dark' always existed - so why can't 'nothing'?
(remember that I believe nothing exists, I can prove it does)
Darkness is not a dilemma look, ... God CREATES, right? If God created the universe, the earth and man, that means it wasn't there before, right? Otherwise we wouldn't read in Genesis that "God created the heavens and the earth", it would have simply been there.
Now if God creates, He must have created the 'things' He used to create this universe out of, right? So let's look at Gods image man, maybe we can find the answers?
Before we start to create something we gather all the materials for our project, right? Well God has to 'create' even the materials (atoms, matter so on) and this is what darkness is, a bunch of materials and
"Work still in progress".
"Let there be light!" and God puts everything in order, then when He is finished He looks at it and says;
"Hmm... it's good, ... it's all good!"
Dark is when there is still a lack of 'order' (chaos), like when Jesus came to earth there was darkness (sin), and He was the light, or brought back the perfect order;
"Love one another as I have loved you" remember? So even when the sun is shining we can have darkness in the world, ... does that make sense now?
2. One of the things that was left on the moon was a reflector to enable us to double check the speed of light. Fire a pulse of light at the reflector and it takes a few seconds before it is reflected. From that delay, the 'speed of light' can easily be calculated. We can all do that experiment for ourselves (if we have suitable equipment) so there is absolutely no point anyone lying about it.
I'm sorry my friend but there are a lot of reasons BB Theorists and Evolutionists lie about things like this. One is that it supports their Evolution theories like the evolution of the universe, and the evolution of man just as Stephen Hawking announced that
"There is no longer a need for God to have created the universe" (He was referring to the string-theory as the 'answer to everything')
Please check out how and
when they established the Speed-of-light at 186,282mps? It was 200 some years ago by observing Jupiter's moon IO. This was way before they knew that Jupiter had some 60 plus moons and natural satellites orbiting it.
Even if they still claim that the 'timing-variance' in IO's orbit as Jupiter moves away from earth year to year is correct, I can prove that it is a either a lie, or a terrible miscalculation, even if light did have speed.
As a by-product, the experiment also proves that the reflector is indeed sitting there on the moon, still aligned as the astronauts left it - which rather removes that particular conspiracy theory.
There is no way to time such incredible thing as light, even if it did have a speed. The only true way to time it would be if the source and the target stood absolutely still, ... and we know our earth is rotating, right? Then there is the elements that supposedly slows light down to different speeds, deflect and absorb light, ... there are just too many variables to consider to be able to use some mirrors on the moon to reflect light back to even remotely same spot on earth. It's a lie.
Have you seen the experiment where light has been slowed down to 32 MPH, and even stopped in some frozen saline solution?
This would mean that light has mass, right? Then imagine the mass of a light beam the size of a sun billions of years long?
If I put a flashlight in a can and closed the lid, did I stop the speed of light? If I keep putting paper bag after paper-bag over a lamp till the light is no longer visible, ... did I slow down, or even stop the light?
If a cars headlight coming towards us at 500mph is white, would it turn red if the car was going backwards (away from us) at 500mph?
So far all the BB Evolutionary experiments on the SPEED of light is a lie to keep the BB Theory (Actually if we went by the book it's not even a theory until we observe a mini-big-bang in a perfect vacuum) alive.
You also asked where all the matter was and speculated (in jest?) about another dimension. We are getting beyond my level of confidence here but we both seem to have some understanding of a singularity/black hole being matter incredibly compressed beyond anything we have ever experienced or that I, for one, can't visualize. If not even light can escape, we have no way of seeing it or measuring its dimensions but we can observe the gravitational pull of these invisible, dimensionless(?) objects.
All I know is that if we put all the mass (planets, our sun) in our solar system together, we would have a very visible and big rock in space. Now this Sci-Fi
'fabric of space' where all these
'black hole masses' are laying on, creating these funnels that the nearby planets are slowly rotating into is far from being fact, matter of fact it is not even good science. It is all created by sci-fi fairytales to keep God out of Creation.
We all know that matter can be converted into energy (nuclear fission for example) and that, theoretically, energy can be converted back into matter so the concept of a big-bang, from my limited knowledge, seems plausible.
Theoretical is not science;
concerned with or involving the theory of a subject or area of study rather than its practical application : a theoretical physicist | the training is task-related rather than theoretical.
• based on or calculated through theory rather than experience or practice : the theoretical value of their work.
Add to that the measurable 'fact' that the universe is expanding, into the 'nothingness', and I would feel rather uncomfortable dismissing a theory that certainly seems to have some, absolutely convincing, supporting evidence.
First, you CONNOT have an expanding universe in 'nothing'. Nothing is a perfect void, and soon as we place 'something' in it, it is no longer nothing. So again, the universe is NOT expanding, especially not in 'nothing', or into the nothing.
There is no 'measurable fact' that our universe is expanding only some pretty color pictures of the galaxies with different color lenses.
Also, putting marshmallows an inch apart in a microwave till they start melting does not 'prove' the speed of light either, but proves there is microwaves.
Also, an Astronaut in a Spaceship traveling at 186,282 mps (the claimed speed of light) for a year will be 1 year older just as if he was traveling at 5,000 MPH for a year. The reason they claim that
'time would stop' at the speed of light is because light has no speed, but is instant. So a light from the source to its destination is instant, which means no time has passed, ... not that time stops at 186,282mps.
Something, or someone, must have caused, or is still causing, the universe to expand. Given the
unimaginable amount of energy required to move the incredible mass of the whole universe, it must have been a hell of a big bang

The expansion alone
proves little but it certainly is not something which should be dismissed lightly. I would be interested to do the math to work out the energy required to get the universe to move but I don't have enough paper to write all the numbers on ;)
The universe is not expanding, or retracting but is there containing all these galaxies just as God spread them out.
If Einstein's theory is correct, (E=MC^2) why did he square the speed of light if light was the fastest thing in the universe at the time? I believe he did that because he understood that light had no speed, but being pressured that it does, he simply squared it to fit more into his imagined equation.
Besides, according to that equation, a mass the size of a grain of salt would have the energy to run a 5,000 sq ft house with electricity for months. Now imagine squeezing an entire universe of Mass down to a grain of salt... this is when quantum physics steps way, way beyond science.
I like 'God did it' much better because it coincides with science. The only way anyone could deny the existence of God is by denying the world around them, including themselves, and the Theory of Evolution is working hard on that too. So far it got man believing he evolved out of a single-celled bacteria, and that now he is nothing but a hairless ape.
When trying to imagine the energy required to get things moving, just remember that planet Earth weighs only 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000 tons and the solar system only weighs something like 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons. If we stood back so that we could see the whole of the universe, our solar system would be so minute that we couldn't see it even with a telescope a million times better than any that we have at the moment. The weight/mass of the whole universe is mindbogglingly huge :shocked! When people talk about a big-bang, that is very much an understatement. In comparison with 'the big-bang', a nuclear explosion would be far, far less than the sound of dropping a grain of sand onto a soft carpet. Imagining it is way beyond our ability - as indeed is imagining the size of the universe.
I can imagine it and so can you, just remove the limitations the Big-bang Theorists placed on you're mind with their indoctrinations.
Now imagine a rock in your mind.
Now make that rock grow as big as the earth, then the sun, then as big as our entire galaxy. You got it?
I know it's heavy, but no matter how big you imagine it, you will be able to lift it, I promise. Now make that rock as big as you wish, ... even twice the size of our universe.
This is why God CAN't make a rock so big that He
couldn't lift it, and neither can you. However big or heavy a rock (or anything) God makes, He can lift it, because all things are possible with God.
Only we have to remember that we are the
created, NOT the
Creator. This means that we have to depend on God for everything we create, while God is not dependent on anyone, nor is He limited by anything.
Trying to visualize and understand these things in every day, man size, 'common sense' terms is absolutely impossible.
Not if we have the Spiritual mind of God through Christ, then all things are possible.
Thanks again my friend