OK Barbarian.
I have waited and waited for you to post your transitional proof. You keep on stalling Barbarian, and you’ve tried to set up pre conditions which I’m am to agree to before you’ll bring this “proof†out into the light.
However, it has become painfully apparent that you’re attempting to have me agree to terms which would make it almost impossible for me to put forth an honest rebuttal to.
Agree to these terms or I won’t post my solid proof" Listen my friend, if macro evolution is so air tight, then just post the proof and be done with it.
The fact that you have kept stalling should be a red flag even to your buddies here, who get so angry at me because they don’t understand their own theories! I don’t hesitate one second in posting anything because that’s how confident I am that God has not lied to us, and God has not been wrong, and that God does not communicate to us in secret code that only atheists can decipher!
So, I am delivering a pre-emptive strike in regards to what I’m almost certain you will be offering as proof of macro evolution and then you can relax and stop worrying about getting me to agree to sketchy terms in order to give your “proof†even a slightest of hopes of going unexposed as well dead wrong.
OK here we go.
The following is taken from the book “Foolish faith†By Judah Etinger
With my own commentary added.
According to your theory, the earliest fossils are micro-organisms such as bacteria and blue-green algae correct? The oldest ones appear in rocks which have been incorrectly dated at 3,500,000,000 old. The oldest animal fossils which have been incorrectly dated at about 700,000,000 years old come from small wormlike creatures with soft bodies. The first vertebrates, appeared about 400,000,000 years ago (if you believe the evolutionists sketchy dating methods) and the first mammals less than 200,000,000 years ago. The Encyclopedia Britannica, from an evolutionary viewpoint, states that “the history of life recorded by fossils presents compelling evidence of evolution.â€
Now that 200 million fossil specimens have been catalogued of over 250,000 fossil species, the fossil record allows for meaningful analysis. If living things have in fact evolved from other kinds of creatures, then many intermediate or transitional forms of creatures, with halfway structures, should be evident in the fossil record. However, if God created different kinds of animals separately, as creationists believe, the fossil record should show creatures appearing abruptly and fully formed.
Would you agree with this Barbarian?
Have a look at this image Barbarian.
A is a typical example of how evolutionists have dishonestly represented their “
proof†for evolution by placing a scattering of real fossilised bones and drawing in the rest including those which are essential for their evolutionary wannabees to look like a transitional.
So section A at first glance does appear to be an excellent candidate for a single transitional.
Now look at section
B Barbarian.This is what was
actually discovered – the real fossilised bones. The dotted bones are what were discovered together and the shaded bones were discovered 5 metres above them. I wonder how many millions of years 5 metres would represent? Hmmmm.
The critical skeletal elements necessary to establish the transition from non-swimming land mammal to whale are drawn in additions! These critical skeletal elements never existed except in the minds of desperate evolutionists Barbarian! You’ve been duped!
This is actually great news Barbarian because it means you don’t have to continue reinterpreting Genesis to fit this lie. You can now become a strong and faithful man of God. Just think of what an inspiration you can be barbarian! I truly pray that you will not be too weak or proud to see the truth Barbarian. I honestly pray to our Lord that you have the fortitude to admit you’ve been lied to and that He will use you as a powerful leader who can bring others who have been deceived back to His truth! Come on brother, suck it up and turn away from this satanic deception!
If this example isn’t enough for you to turn away from the lie, then read on my brother there’s more deception to be uncovered.
Evolutionists point to a few transitional animal forms that they believe show evolutionary transition in the fossil record. However, such intermediates are often speculative and much disputed, even amongst evolutionists themselves. For example, one commonly used transitional form is the
Ambulocetus natans(above) (“walking whale that swimsâ€), discovered recently. It is believed that whales evolved from some form of land mammal, and that the
Ambulocetus natans is transitional between the two, with halfway structures between land mammal and whale. But when reconstructed fossil drawings of
Ambulocetus natans are compared with
the actual bones found, it is realized that the critical skeletal elements necessary to establish the transition from non-swimming land mammal to whale are missing! See diagram (above).
Barbarian, this kind of artistic deception is rampant in the evolutionary literature.That's why I ask for photograph, and not illustrations.
The media often sensationalize fossil “
proofs†of evolution reported in scientific journals. But when these journals later report disproofs of the same fossils,
the media rarely mention it.
For example, in 1996 there were headlines like “
Feathered Fossil Proves Some Dinosaurs Evolved into Birds.†This was about a fossil called
Sinosauropteryx prima. About a year later,
four leading paleontologists, including Yale University’s John Ostrom, found that the “feathers†were not really feathers at all — they were just a parallel array of fibers. Another example is when the cover of Time magazine illustrated a dino-bird link with feathers,
although not the slightest trace of feathers had actually been found!
OK, you mentioned
Turtles Barbarian. Let’s get that deception resolved.
The Encyclopedia Britannica contains an interesting article on turtles which claims “the evolution of the turtle is one of the most remarkable in the history of the vertebrates.†However, in the next sentence it states, “
Unfortunately the origin of [the turtle] is obscured by the lack of early fossils, although turtles leave more and better fossil remains than do other vertebrates.†T
he article affirms that “intermediates between turtles and cotylosaurs, the primitive reptiles from which turtles probably sprang, are entirely lacking.â€
If turtles leave “
more and better fossil remains than do other vertebrates†but t
ransitional forms are “
entirely lacking,†what can this say for intermediates between all other vertebrates?
In reality, the fossil record seems to fit the creation model well — the record is in fact characterized by abrupt appearances of fully formed organisms, with large systematic gaps (
lacking transitional forms) between different types of creatures.
Geologist David Raup, curator at Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History, explains, “Instead of finding the gradual unfolding of life, what geologists of Darwin’s time, and geologists of the present day, actually find is a
highly uneven or jerky record; that is, species appear in the sequnce very suddenly, show little or no change during their existence in the record, then abruptly go out of the record.â€
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