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Refuting KJV Only Mythology

I like all the comments. Also, in my opinion, once we make a thread, it is not our own.
I've personally never had a problem understanding the KJV, but then I was raised reading it, learning from it, hearing people teach from it. And I was exposed to enough old English to not have much trouble with the words. I do believe the KJV to be an excellent translation, but I do know people who claim to have an easier time with other translations, too.

...I'm not sure this post is related that much to the OP...sorry...^^;

questdriven: (Hightlighted part:) I agree there! :)

I'm not King James Only, though. (As you know.)

Another nice set of videos covering much of the history of the KJV and the origins of KJVOism.

A Critique of Jack Moorman's Debate Presentation

D. A. Waite's Flub on the Comma Johanneum

Maurice A. Robinson on King James Onlyism'

Sam Gipp's Big Deal on the KJV
Psalms 12: 6-7 - The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 8 - Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation or ever.

Romans 3: 4 - ...yea, let God be true, but every man a liar.
Psalms 12: 6-7 - The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 8 - Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation or ever.

Romans 3: 4 - ...yea, let God be true, but every man a liar.
And these verses show what, exactly?
Psalms 12: 6-7 - The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 8 - Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation or ever.

Romans 3: 4 - ...yea, let God be true, but every man a liar.

Romans 3: 4 - ...yea, let God be true, but every man a liar.

This verse reminds me of one of my favorite sayings:

2 Corinthians 6:11-13
King James Version (KJV)
11 O ye Corinthians, our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarged.
12 Ye are not straitened in us, but ye are straitened in your own bowels.
13 Now for a recompence in the same, (I speak as unto my children,) be ye also enlarged.
Psalms 12: 6-7 - The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 8 - Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation or ever.

Romans 3: 4 - ...yea, let God be true, but every man a liar.
And these verses show what, exactly?
Free, if I might jump in here and explain the post by veryberry. It is common among KJV only advocates to claim this verse as the source verse to prove that the KJO is the only proper English translation. It is an argument commonly repeated by KJV only advocates. They view this text as saying that it refers to 7 english translations. The last one of the 7 is the King James, and so the KJV translation is the one purified 7 times and is the only perfect translation of the greek, aramaic, and hebrew scriptures.

Feel free to refute the use of the scriptures quoted in support of veryberry's argument. That would be a good thing to do, but I am just not interested. I am merely just explaining the beliefs of a views are not my own and passing through.
OK I got no videos But take a min of your time and do this............

1.) find a statement in scripture you like and write it down, but number each word.> {1.this 4.example }

2.) write each word down in row order.>
{1. I

3.) Then get your concordence and cross reference each word number from the concordence dictionary to the labeled word in your scripture.
{1. I -H576----[an-aw', an-aw']
{2. am -H560------[am-ar']
{3. giving -H8426--[to-daw']
{4. you -H859----[at-taw' at-taw']
{5. my -H5315--[neh'-fesh]
{6. experemint -H974----[baw-khan']

4.) Then fill out your interpretation of the word used in that scripture as follows
{1. -H576----[an-aw', an-aw']---I/will be
{2. -H560------[am-ar']------------command/declare
{3. -H8426--[to-daw']-------------giving/offering
{4. -H859----[at-taw' at-taw']----thou/you
{5. -H5315--[neh'-fesh]-----------My/own
{6. -H974----[baw-khan']---------Investigation/examination

5.) Then write it down in your own words
{I will be declaring an offering to you of my investigation.}
[Anaw anaw amar todaw attaw attaw nehfesh bawkhan]

Now fill out the same information except let someone else look up the words and write down their interpretation.

And behold the reason we have so many translations.
keep in mind,... People did translate the bible, however the bible itself is only a message. Try not to worship the bible itself. Instead you aught to be worshiping God in spirit and truth. the information in the bible is so broad that the message can and will survive even a bad translation, I know this because God designed it that way. So No worries do your own studies and earn nobility as the Bereans did. Dont rely on any one to be responsible for your studies, or your salvation for that matter.
Free, if I might jump in here and explain the post by veryberry. It is common among KJV only advocates to claim this verse as the source verse to prove that the KJO is the only proper English translation. It is an argument commonly repeated by KJV only advocates. They view this text as saying that it refers to 7 english translations. The last one of the 7 is the King James, and so the KJV translation is the one purified 7 times and is the only perfect translation of the greek, aramaic, and hebrew scriptures.

Feel free to refute the use of the scriptures quoted in support of veryberry's argument. That would be a good thing to do, but I am just not interested. I am merely just explaining the beliefs of a views are not my own and passing through.
Interesting. I figured it was something like that. My question was meant to imply that simply posting Scripture doesn't necessarily say anything at all, unless one explains exactly what the verses are saying and how what they say relates to the topic.

As for refuting them, well, they simply just don't apply to the argument being made, and are yet another example of KJVOism's most common fallacy: begging the question.
I think we should use a myriad of different get the full experience of reading the Bible.

Absolutely Jacob Perkins,......
I have heard prideful arguments about the use of sacred names. And who has the rite name or who spells it rite who pronounces it rite who has the rite derived form and so on. kinda like the kjv argument.
I also used to shun other translations other than kjv when I was young in the faith. And I should say that, a zeal for Gods Word of that type is not at all a bad thing, but one can learn as they mature in there faith that
It takes all types for humans to fulfill our present state before God. Diversity is something that God created. Just imagine, God himself is the one who changed the languages at the tower of babel. So can you honestly tell me that he doesnt want you to describe something with the words he gave you to describe it. Or can someone honestly say that when I pray to GOD in JESUS name that it is not effective because I didnt pray to YAHWEY in YASHUAS name. Seriously no pun intended but I actually use them all interchangeably. Not to spite,.. but so, as not to cause a stumbling block to a brother. and so that I understand the truth about what their names really are.

But the heart and spirit of worship that goes into a prayer or any other communication to God is what he is analyzing. Words come in all different shapes and sizes to him, and he expects that out of this creation because he designed it that way. it is the spirit and meaning of those words that he is hoping to be pleased with, Because thats what matters. Its not the outside of the cup God looks at the inward man.

When people boast about being rite about something they puff themselves up. Im not saying that you shouldnt stand up for what you believe but if you conduct your actions in love there should be no room for pride to create problems with situations you have no control over. And when one trys to control others they are spoken of as lording over. The Messiah even said in his own words to the desiples You are not to lord over one another. And so we have preferences that are as diverse as the color of tree leaves in autumn.

I feel like Gods enjoys the diversity of his creation. I cant imagine that he wanted us to all be like robots and identical people all doing exactly the same thing responing exactly the same way other than in reference to sin and obedience. But imagine Jacob wrestling with god. It was written of Abraham that he was a friend of Gods. And Abraham pleaded with God to divert his wrath on sodom and gamorrah for the sake of the righteous. And God did it. Moses also had conversations with God that went back and forth between them. and so many other examples.

My point, is that if Christ name is mentioned then the gospel may be furthered according to the will of God. And no one can come to Christ unless God call them. So it is not the translation that actually does the work it is none other than the spirit of God teaching and convicting believers that his word is devine and inspired by the holy spirit. As my faith goes I,.... I know that if Gods wants to reveal something to me he will do it as he has done so many times. That is the proof I have that his word is alive and living within me the paper book that I hold is just a reference tool for me to tap into translating what the spirit is telling me. After all if God spoke to me face to face in this physical realm I would truly dissolve before him and it would end my existence. That is why we are so filtered. it is because we are minute and frail compared to the reality or our creators realm. And so the greatest most loving thing he did for us was to make his own flesh and blood son Jesus Christ become the filter that we have to communicate with him.

It is written that the spirit itself makes intersession for us with moans and groans to wich words cannot describe. And what ever we read if done in faith can be discovered as it was truly intended to be according to the spirit of God. There is forgiveness with him there fore he is feared. And praise him for his forgiveness it is the most glorious and magnificent revelation of our creator to us. And because he loves us so we love him back and we hope for a better country and desire to be were he is. thats why he is not ashamed to be call our God. There is forgiveness in misunderstanding a translated language,... can you forgive the people that devote their work to translating the text so that it can be more easily understood. even if they make a few mistakes, or if they had to follow some rules of a comity. We should instead be verifying any translation we use our selves and comparing it with the whole bible and with Gods spirit. not just commentary. Do as the Bereans did and search the scriptures to prove those things that you hear. I know the bereans did not have the KJV. they had texts. and they needed to be translated too.
I think we should use a myriad of different get the full experiance of reading the Bible.
Some of the comments in my previous post were not directed toward you. I kinda started typing out loud, no pun intended,.............
I agree with you though.. I think we should use many different translations
Within the words of the Bible, in 2 Timothy 3:16-- "All Scripture is God-breathed..." So if all Scripture is God-breathed, then it should not matter what translation you have.
Within the words of the Bible, in 2 Timothy 3:16-- "All Scripture is God-breathed..." So if all Scripture is God-breathed, then it should not matter what translation you have.
Navigator, it might matter what translation you have. If one uses the New World Translation, it is simply not a translation.

On the other hand, I think most translation committees have done a tremendous job in accurately translating the text they chose to translate. However, there is really nothing that special about translations. All sorts of people learn 2nd languages and accurately translate things from one language to another. Johnny Mac has some of his material translated into many various languages accurately. The problem of KJV onlyism is not the translation, but the argument is really about which manuscripts are being used that are behind the translation. Someone up the thread mentioned the comma (1 John 5:7). That is a case where it is painfully obvious that a verse was inserted into the text. The evidence is indisputable. Yet KJV only advocates try to make a case that it is a biblical verse. (well, in a way it is biblical, but it was not a part of the autographs).

So then, with regard to 2 Tim 3:16, the issue is not that anyone denies that all scripture is God breathed, but rather the question is what scripture is all scripture.