Not trying to break in on your guys debate, but it is not in the one on one catagory, so I thought I might step in and throw something out for examination.
I would prefer the term semi-rational discussions...
God's Promise DOES extend to evil that is in "mankind";
Whoa! You do know that there are a myriad of scriptures against that view, right?
ESV Romans 8:3-4 "For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit."
When we walk in the Spirit God's promise extends to the flesh.
IF there were a SINGLE named instance of a SINLESS FLESH OR MIND of MANKIND other than GOD HIMSELF in the flesh, you'd have a point, but the facts of the entirety of the text and the entirety of humanity will assuredly NOT bear fruit to that fact.
We are 'requested and advised' to not let SIN REIGN in our mortal body, but that assuredly means it is also there to POTENTIALLY REIGN and when it does, we can and DO become slaves of same even post salvation. A christian understanding is that the MORTAL BODY is already DEAD because of SIN therein.
Romans 8:10
And if Christ be in you,
the body is dead because of sin
I do not find ANY credibility in stating that a 'reckoned dead' mortal body 'because of' the presence of sin has any promise other than the 'real physical death' that body eventually does receive because of that presence.
ESV Romans 8:7 "For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot."
Here is where I think you might be coming from smaller, when we live in the flesh we will ALWAYS sin. We CANNOT submit to the law, ie; not sin, when we are living in the flesh.
Not so at all. Even in 'statis' meaning 'non external actions' SIN remains as a 'power' in the flesh. Note I am not saying the FLESH itself, but THAT POWER is a present tense reality that instantly comes to the surface anytime any person thinks they can PICK UP THE LAW and follow the 'fleshly ordinances' contained therein.
The LAW proves the presence of SIN active in ALL mankind, believer or unbeliever. That presence is WHY no one is righteous and no one seeks and no one understands.
I submit to THAT reality for myself. I believe the Apostles openly submitted to that reality as well. And from there we begin a process of both understanding, but more importantly SEPARATION. That SEPARATION is made complete when we depart the FLESH in 'reality,' that is at the moment of ACTUAL DEATH.
In the meantime we DO have to understand DYING DAILY is a requirement because of the reality of that OTHER WORKING POWER that remains in us and with us. Separation begins when we see it is NOT us as believers, but the power of EVIL and DARKNESS that is NOT US as Gods children.
Each and every time that SATAN inserts A SIN THOUGHT in our heads, we acknowledge that we are simply NOT ALONE in these matters and that we do have REAL 'internal' enemies. Those ENEMIES are NOT christian fantasies. Those enemies are REALITIES that come to us because it is IN US that The Word has been sown and it is THERE within us that THE BATTLES with 'real' internal enemies begin, not end.
ESV Romans 8:9 "You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him."
Here is where a proper understanding of 'who we are' comes into play.
IF you want to understand ONE THING about what I write about (which same I see openly in the scriptures) it is this. We are not JUST WE. You can claim YOU ARE any given blessed man of God. The reality of the scriptures however both PROVE the power of SIN and that power being CONNECTED TO Satan and devils.
So no, 'we' are not just that. We also carry that OTHER working and should know it as such and DIVIDE ourSELF from that working as BEING us and not 'succomb' to same. Dig?
We are NOT flesh that has a soul, we ARE a soul that has flesh. When we get the right perspective we find that we live in the Spirit, therefore condemning sin in the flesh, applying His promise to the flesh.
It is not as simply as spraying GRACE upon ourselves. There is no working of GRACE to the INPUT of SIN THOUGHTS to the entity from which they come. That is simply NOT going to happen, EVER. Satan HAS NO GRACE available. When you consider that TEMPTATION THOUGHTS for example are NOT OF YOU you may understand the COMPLETE insufficiency of GRACE SPRAY.
It IS and CAN BE for you as Gods child, but you should understand that is NOT ALL that is going on within any of us. And you should be FURTHER advised that SATAN loves to have GRACE SPRAY applied to himself and his works and workers. This is one of his greatest delights. To masquerade and hide. When you read the Gospels it should become abundantly clear to you 'where' Satan and devils are and that is IN MAN. Remember this principal and it will do YOU well, but when you know it, you may very well become instantly BLINDED to this fact by that POWER, as that is what SATAN does.
If anything, THE LIVING WORDS of GRACE will bring even stronger resistance and patent predictible blindness from the ENEMY, SATAN and yes,
IN believers.
Just as THE LAW caused BLINDNESS to come upon the unbelievers of Israel, Grace is an even MORE potent ENHANCER of BLINDNESS.
Jesus APMPLIFIED the LAW to make us understand this reality. The 'inside' of the cup is a hard place to look 'honestly.' The Pharisees were BLINDED by that SAME POWER, and Jesus openly addressed CHILDREN OF THE DEVILS in those men.
Why? Because it was there, IN THE TEMPLE, where THE WORD was sown and THEY were the 'first to fall' from the 'real' enemies whom they COULD NOT perceive.
It is no different today.
This is very, very true. There is always resistance. That is why a Christian life is a continual life, not a one shot 'say a prayer' 'go down front' 'get baptized', way of life. When we step into faith, the faith He laid out for us and gives us each day, we will find resistance just the same as Christ did when He was here IN THE FLESH.
I will always say that a man IN TRUTH will not deny the FACTS of SIN 'within.' Any man or person who says otherwise has BEEN BLINDED by the very 'god' of this world that I am writing about.
Paul and John were very OPEN and HONEST about these matters and DID NOT in any way DENY this reality. Paul had EVIL present with him and even A DEVIL put upon him to REMIND him of this fact and to KEEP HIM HUMBLE.
A man who DESIRES TRUTH will sooner or later be FORCED to eat a very big piece of HUMBLE PIE on this matter or REMAIN BLINDed within to the FACTS.
Be of good cheer though! He has overcome the world, and so to have we if we are in Him!
ESV 2Corinthians 4:11 "For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh."
ESV Galatians 5:1 "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh."
We can at times not "feel" the resistance, but only when we walk according to the Spirit. When we step out of that walk, into our flesh, we meet resistance. The resistance should be a warning sign to believers that they are not walking in the Spirit but in the flesh.
I have met many a believer who can only paint themselves with THE GOOD SIDE of the ledgers of scriptures. When you understand that YOU, that is IN YOUR FLESH carry the POWERS that will for A FACT receive THE DARK SIDE, then you may understand the FULL SPECTRUM of SCRIPTURE. The BAD WORDS that are so easily painted upon the blinded UNbelievers are in fact for that SAME WORKING that works in BELIEVERS as well. Few are meant to TAKE THIS MEAL FACT because SATAN will not allow them to see or understand.
Oh what peace we often forfeit, oh what needless pain we bear....
Sing away. I too sing, but I sing for reality of GODS LOVE to me and my fellow believers
and the DESTRUCTION that is to come upon the other workings that are IN us. I will NOT deny the latter as A FACT because the truth of that matter is revealed to me by HONESTY. TRUTH brought this into me, AND for that I AM THANKFUL unto GOD IN CHRIST for the disclosures.