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Repentance is staying in good fellowship with God for your blessings. Confessing your unrighteousness, sins, and inquities. Regret is the feeling of guilt. There is good guilt and bad guilt. The good guilt is the Holy Spirit red stop light in you with a warning from God (this is a gift from God). Because you now have God in you (Holy Spirit) it no longer wants to be exposed to unrighteousness. The bad guilt is Lucifer and evil principalities wanting you to believe God has not been merciful to all of your unrighteousness, sins, and inquities. He doesn't want God to write on your heart by keeping you sin conscious.What is the diffference between repentance and regret? See 2 Cor 7:10
I can regret something while continuing to do it. My understanding of repentance is to have a change of heart and turn away from continuing to do it.
I'll use what I think is a rather simple analogy. When I was young I had a terrible problem biting my nails. I regretted it but continued to bite my nails. Eventually I quit biting my nails and today I have no desire to do it anymore. Before I quit I had not yet repented from biting my nails however I did regret doing it. I have since repented from biting my nails and therefore I have lost all desire to do it.
Does that make sense?
Repentance is staying in good fellowship with God for your blessings. Confessing your unrighteousness, sins, and inquities. Regret is the feeling of guilt. There is good guilt and bad guilt. The good guilt is the Holy Spirit red stop light in you with a warning from God (this is a gift from God). Because you now have God in you (Holy Spirit) it no longer wants to be exposed to unrighteousness. The bad guilt is Lucifer and evil principalities wanting you to believe God has not been merciful to all of your unrighteousness, sins, and inquities. He doesn't want God to wright on your heart by keeping you sin conscious.
I can regret something while continuing to do it. My understanding of repentance is to have a change of heart and turn away from continuing to do it.
I'll use what I think is a rather simple analogy. When I was young I had a terrible problem biting my nails. I regretted it but continued to bite my nails. Eventually I quit biting my nails and today I have no desire to do it anymore. Before I quit I had not yet repented from biting my nails however I did regret doing it. I have since repented from biting my nails and therefore I have lost all desire to do it.
Does that make sense?
What is the diffference between repentance and regret? See 2 Cor 7:10
Regret itself is self-centered. Regret is all about "me." I regret doing that. I wouldn't feel so badly right now if hadn't done it. People wouldn't be made at me right now if I hadn't done it. People wouldn't think I'm a doofus if I hadn't done it. Regret is never about God. Only repentance is about God, because that is the only way to forgiveness, and represents an understanding that what you did was wrong, not because of how you or others view yourself, but because it is wrong.Godly regret is God centered.
Interesting. Thanks, I will study that chapter further.
Would it be going off topic to ask is it possible to repent without regret? I ask this because I am going on the assumption that one must recognize a sin in order to repent from it.
Regret itself is self-centered. Regret is all about "me." I regret doing that. I wouldn't feel so badly right now if hadn't done it. People wouldn't be made at me right now if I hadn't done it. People wouldn't think I'm a doofus if I hadn't done it. Regret is never about God. Only repentance is about God, because that is the only way to forgiveness, and represents an understanding that what you did was wrong, not because of how you or others view yourself, but because it is wrong.
As my post indicated, I disagree. Regret, as I said, is self-centered and cannot relate to God. Repentance is oriented to God and leads to forgiveness. As was pointed out by another member, our only response should be sorrowful over how our sins have affected our relationship with God, which leads to the recognition of the need to repent in the first place. The word translated "regret" (Gr., metamellomai ) is only used twice in the New American Standard, the most literal translation available. In 2 Corinthians 7:8, Paul speaks of not regretting sending the first letter, but regrets the sorrow it brought. Two verses later, he speaks of repenting "without regret" meaning we do not feel personal loss nor should we feel badly about abandoning our old life in favor of salvation.Godly regret is about regretting something you have done because you have done something that is displeasing to God.
My first thought would be yes of course, but then again, if I did, would I now be where I am with the Lord, or wallowing in self-righteousness?