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[ Testimony ] Rescued


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Toward the end of homelessness, I decided that I no longer wanted to use drugs, drink alcohol, or do bad things. I went to a park one Sunday because a church went there once in awhile to speak of God and give us food. I asked for a Bible from them and they gave me a New Testament. That day I humbled myself and prayed to God and said, "Lord, if you want me to go left I will go left. It you want me to go right I will go right." I begged Him to give me money needed to get an apartment some how. That day, the Lord sent my parents to find me. They took me to GoodWill and bought me some clean clothes. Then we went to a hotel and I took a shower. My parents told me they would take me home. Before we left, my Dad prayed to God and thanked Him for bringing his prodigal daughter back home. I still have the Bible that was given to me at that park.
Yes I have had people respond to me like that, people who were not christians, even people who some would say god has forgotten. But a hearts a heart and if it can be used then god will use it.
God is our ever-present help. He is watching us by our side. he never leaves us. The saints in the past bore good testimonies for God by their faith in God. so, we can do it by the power of God! God bless you!
Toward the end of homelessness, I decided that I no longer wanted to use drugs, drink alcohol, or do bad things. I went to a park one Sunday because a church went there once in awhile to speak of God and give us food. I asked for a Bible from them and they gave me a New Testament. That day I humbled myself and prayed to God and said, "Lord, if you want me to go left I will go left. It you want me to go right I will go right." I begged Him to give me money needed to get an apartment some how. That day, the Lord sent my parents to find me. They took me to GoodWill and bought me some clean clothes. Then we went to a hotel and I took a shower. My parents told me they would take me home. Before we left, my Dad prayed to God and thanked Him for bringing his prodigal daughter back home. I still have the Bible that was given to me at that park.
Oh:amen Precious sister in our Lord.. blessings to all who hear Gods call on their life!
Hi Angel

I enjoy reading testimonials and find your story really inspiring. You have been through so much and despite all the struggles you let God enter your life.
Your story just reaffirms me that anything is possible if you believe in God.
Angel, as i read your testimony, it brought tears to my eyes. And then the thought...this is how God feels when one of His children comes to be restored in Him.
Blessings to you!!
Hi Angel

I enjoy reading testimonials and find your story really inspiring. You have been through so much and despite all the struggles you let God enter your life.
Your story just reaffirms me that anything is possible if you believe in God.
Thanks Jack :) And I agree!
Angel, as i read your testimony, it brought tears to my eyes. And then the thought...this is how God feels when one of His children comes to be restored in Him.
Blessings to you!!
I'm glad it touched your heart, Turtle. God is so good.
I decided to look over the posts in this thread, and Chopper and GrannyJ said some things that even apply to today.

Chopper you said, "Remember this, His purpose for you has to do with your personality, and your heart. He sees in you things that you don't see, so get ready to do what seems impossible for you, but possible because of what The Holy Spirit see's way back in your heart that God placed there when you were born."

GrannyJ you said,"remember 2 Corinthians 12v9, where God says to Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness". God can actually use your imperfections for His own glory if you let Him"

Chopper, what you said helps me tonight is the fact that my paranoia bothers me and though I desire a College Degree I'm afraid I may not be able to work. I know that this desire to go to school is of the Holy Spirit. I want to counsel and teach others. I have the gift of teaching. (I got that from my Dad.) When I was 5 years old I had a dry erase board, and a marker, and I set up my animals in a circle and taught them, lol.

GrannyJ, I am so happy I saw this. As above I spoke about my paranoia/illness getting in the way of being able to go to school. So, it is a beautiful promise for me tonight because God will bless me to bless others through my weaknesses.

I'm so glad I re-read this post. :) Amen to all!
Hi Angel

I'm so pleased it meant something to you. God has created each of us to be unique, and you are the only one who is perfectly fitted to carry out the tasks that God needs you to do. He will be with you every step of the way, and make all things possible.
Oh my dear Angel. There is one Scripture that, as a Psychologist, I recommend to all who are in your position. It is John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." There is another that I believe that the Holy Spirit just suggested to my mind, and it is, Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Angel, if you write these two verses down on a piece of paper and stick it on your bathroom mirror, look at it every morning, memorize them and these two Scriptures become a great weapon against paranoia. People who I have counseled have said that it works.

So my dear Angel, I'm praying for you to overcome with the power of God's Word and Jesus Himself.
I was just thinking, a good thing to do is to write down all the things that God has done for you. And answered prayers. Then when your thinking that God is not going to come through or answer... if you have a few minutes, you can look through it to see where God stepped in. Helps to build our trust in Him, which takes away the anxiety also. And reminding yourself that God loves you is a good one to add also.


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