"And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. 5 But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years."
My question is what is your interpretation and understanding? There is also questions within my understandings below.
These are things I've understood from this scripture alone while taking it within:
-The souls had been beheaded for thier witness of Jesus and the word of God, meaning they were already spiritually Christ's, having accepted the blood of the Lamb, they were beheaded for beng saints of Christ.
-Those who dont live again are called "the rest of the dead" which means the first must also be referred as dead, since the second group is "the rest of the dead" yet the first group are saints, spiritually they cant be dead, physically they could be referred also as dead, making the "rest of the dead" fit in signifigance of both being referred as "dead"
-the saints who were beheaded, live and reign for a thousand years, yet the dead do not, meaning at th beggining of the 1000 the saints live again, how can spiritual life recieve spirtual life? They were beheaded for spiritual life they had in Christ and we are told they "live/d" again twice in these scriptures.
So what is this living again after already recieving the blood of the Lamb, which is life, redemption, Christ's purchase?
If not literally bodily resurrection as Christ recieved and we are promised and have the Holy Spirit in gaurentee of, what is "live/d again?"
-If the spiritual are beheaded for their faith and following of Christ, for thier sainthood in Christ, and they live for 1000 years, what makes that thousand years not literal considering what is mentioned above? (saints cant be killed spiritually, yet those saints are beheaded and refrenced as dead twice (living again and the second group called rest of the dead, signifying the first as also having a "dead" meaning) and if saints cannot be spiritually killed by another, how then do they "live again" for a spiritual 1000 years? wouldnt they live again bodily for that 1000 years?
So I'll leave it at that for now, my biggest question for others which i like to show again so how can saints (as the were beheaded for thier witess to Christ and the word of God) be beheaded (which if they live again signifies a cut off of some form of life, and we know His cannot be taken from Him spiritually) and how can the those wit life in Christ recieve life again?
I leave tomorrow for my 28 days or so of work, I'll check out each persons replies as available before I leave, if I dot respond to your personal reply before that time I will when it becomes available if/when I come back.
thanks for your time, grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
My question is what is your interpretation and understanding? There is also questions within my understandings below.
These are things I've understood from this scripture alone while taking it within:
-The souls had been beheaded for thier witness of Jesus and the word of God, meaning they were already spiritually Christ's, having accepted the blood of the Lamb, they were beheaded for beng saints of Christ.
-Those who dont live again are called "the rest of the dead" which means the first must also be referred as dead, since the second group is "the rest of the dead" yet the first group are saints, spiritually they cant be dead, physically they could be referred also as dead, making the "rest of the dead" fit in signifigance of both being referred as "dead"
-the saints who were beheaded, live and reign for a thousand years, yet the dead do not, meaning at th beggining of the 1000 the saints live again, how can spiritual life recieve spirtual life? They were beheaded for spiritual life they had in Christ and we are told they "live/d" again twice in these scriptures.
So what is this living again after already recieving the blood of the Lamb, which is life, redemption, Christ's purchase?
If not literally bodily resurrection as Christ recieved and we are promised and have the Holy Spirit in gaurentee of, what is "live/d again?"
-If the spiritual are beheaded for their faith and following of Christ, for thier sainthood in Christ, and they live for 1000 years, what makes that thousand years not literal considering what is mentioned above? (saints cant be killed spiritually, yet those saints are beheaded and refrenced as dead twice (living again and the second group called rest of the dead, signifying the first as also having a "dead" meaning) and if saints cannot be spiritually killed by another, how then do they "live again" for a spiritual 1000 years? wouldnt they live again bodily for that 1000 years?
So I'll leave it at that for now, my biggest question for others which i like to show again so how can saints (as the were beheaded for thier witess to Christ and the word of God) be beheaded (which if they live again signifies a cut off of some form of life, and we know His cannot be taken from Him spiritually) and how can the those wit life in Christ recieve life again?
I leave tomorrow for my 28 days or so of work, I'll check out each persons replies as available before I leave, if I dot respond to your personal reply before that time I will when it becomes available if/when I come back.
thanks for your time, grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
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