- Sep 20, 2011
- 894
- 20
:waving Hi. I'm new to the site but was wondering if I can join in on this study? I believe that all who study the Book of Revelation to John are blessed for doing so!
Since it's only 2 pages so far (chapter 3 thread) I'd like to comment from the beginning?
During the Reformation, entire countries became Protestant without being born again and thus this is the reason for that "deadness". Protestantism was made the state religion, and was freely embraced by millions who did not know what it meant to become new creations in Christ Jesus (see 2 Corinthians 5:17).
Thus, Sardis became the mother of dead orthodoxy. Hundreds of churches follow Sardis' lead today, I agree.
Verse 5 would be referring to the Bride of Christ at the marriage supper, where it is the righteousness of the saints ( Revelation 19:7,8)
Next we see the message from the Lord, but it gives us four descriptions of Him:
Since it's only 2 pages so far (chapter 3 thread) I'd like to comment from the beginning?
This period of time covers the Reformation (with its dead, lukewarm churches) and is presently part of the Laodicean period as well.Sardis began in 1520 A.D., and undoubtedly extends, historically, into the Tribulation.
During the Reformation, entire countries became Protestant without being born again and thus this is the reason for that "deadness". Protestantism was made the state religion, and was freely embraced by millions who did not know what it meant to become new creations in Christ Jesus (see 2 Corinthians 5:17).
Thus, Sardis became the mother of dead orthodoxy. Hundreds of churches follow Sardis' lead today, I agree.
Verse 4 I think refers to those who did not soil their garments with compromise with the world. (2 Corinthians 6:17)Sardis was admonished to: Be watchful or alert: knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep (Romans 13:11); Strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: Her people were to do everything possible to salvage the little good that still remained in their bastion of dead orthodoxy; Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard: The Sardis Christians were commanded to recall the former days-the early days of their salvation when they were filled with purity and zeal; Hold fast: They were to retain the simple truth of the gospel and discard the excess baggage of ecclesiastical pomp and ceremony; and Repent: They were to change their minds. Christ's call was not for personal repentance but for the entire church, yea, the entire movement, to change. The Reformation churches needed to turn back to Christ, seeking His will and His Spirit's teachings rather than manmade ideas about theological truth.One of the areas of truth the Reformation churches failed to proclaim was the return of Christ. Therefore, the Lord said that this event would catch them unawares: Thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. No wonder many of the present-day offspring of the Reformation have ministers who say, No one can understand the Book of Revelation. It is a deep, mysterious, symbolical, figurative book. Baloney! Preacher, layman, you are the one Christ had in mind. Awake thou that sleepest...and Christ shall [raise you from the dead] (spiritually speaking).In the midst of this deadness, Sardis had a few who could still wiggle, spiritually.
Verse 5 would be referring to the Bride of Christ at the marriage supper, where it is the righteousness of the saints ( Revelation 19:7,8)
Next we see the message from the Lord, but it gives us four descriptions of Him:
- He that is holy: this is Christ in Hebrews 7:26;
- He that is true: Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6);
- He that hath the key of David: Jesus again said, I am the root and the offspring of David (chapter 22, verse 16);
- and He that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth. Christ is not only the One who opens the door, but He is the door (John 10:9).
quotes from : jvim.comthe church of Philadelphia extends into our twentieth century and even to the point of the Rapture, the command for each of us today is that we never deny His name, for if we deny him, he also will deny us (2 Timothy 2:12). Oh, the tremendous loss some will experience at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10). Christ also promises these faithful brethren that the members of the synagogue of Satan (false professors of religion as described in chapter 2, verse 9) will be forced to bow and worship the Lord God Almighty, willfully or unwillfully, at a future time (chapter 3, verse 9). This could be at the Judgment Day, for Paul informed the children of God that they would share with Christ in judgment. Hear him: Do ye know that the saints will judge the world? (1 Corinthians 6:2).
Christ himself spoke of that time when He stated: As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God (Romans14:11). Finally, because of their love for Christ, the Philadelphia-era believers are promised exemption from the day of the Lord's wrath, or the Great Tribulation hour: I...will keep thee from the hour of temptation (chapter 3, verse 10). In the Greek, the word from is ek, meaning out of. God promises to keep the Philadelphia believers out of-not through (preservation), but out of (evacuation)-the Tribulation. Thus, the Church will be gone when the terrible hour of Tribulation judgment comes upon all the world to try the earth dwellers. Praise God, This world is not my home, I'm only passing through. We believers are not earth dwellers, for our citizenship is in heaven (see Philippians 3:20). In the light of the coming of Christ, an admonition is given in the next verse.