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Roman Catholics pray to the wrong person

Is this prayer of giving your "whole being" to Mary blasphemy?

  • Yes - it negates the need for Jesus

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Roman Catholics pray to the wrong person

The "prayer" below is what a young girl I know has been taught to pray by the Roman Catholic "church". What blasphemy!

Consecration of the Blessed Virgin

My queen and my mother
I give myself entirely to you and in proof of my affection
I give you my eyes, my ears, my tongue, my heart,
My whole being without reserve.
Since I am your own,
keep me and guard me
as your property and possession,
for love of your Divine Son

:o :o :o :o :o

No wonder there was nothing left to give to our Lord Jesus Christ!!!

:o :o :o :o :o
Uh, Catholics pray to God. Try going to a Catholic mass sometime.
There is nothing wrong with respecting Mary, I see nothing blasphemous in that.

I do worry about how God will look at someone that disrespects the mother of His Son.
stray bullet: Uh, Catholics pray to God. Try going to a Catholic mass sometime.

Gary: I have often been to mass. What you have not explained is why the Roman Catholic "church" requires this young girl to give her "whole being" to Mary. What is left to give to our Lord Jesus Christ?


You say,
"Gary: I have often been to mass. What you have not explained is why the Roman Catholic "church" requires this young girl to give her "whole being" to Mary. What is left to give to our Lord Jesus Christ?"

Well, didn't God give His "whole Being " to Mary, Jesus Himself.

You do believe Jesus is God don't you ?
Right-wing protestants are twice as bad as Catholics. Catholics idolize Mary because she carried Jesus. But, Zionists idolize the whole race that Mary belonged to.
Gary said:
stray bullet: Uh, Catholics pray to God. Try going to a Catholic mass sometime.

Gary: I have often been to mass. What you have not explained is why the Roman Catholic "church" requires this young girl to give her "whole being" to Mary. What is left to give to our Lord Jesus Christ?


The Church makes no such requirement. I've never said such a prayer and neither has anyone i know.

Do you actually 'know' this girl or is this something you cut and pasted? Did you ask HER about it?
I love it when protestant sites have polls to demonstrate doctrine validity, as if opinions mattered.

Catholics don't privately interpret the Scriptures like Protestants do, because we admit that we are fallible human beings, so any private interpretation we do would also be fallible aswell

Protestants however feel free to interpret Scripture however that feel, and they find that they disagree with every other protestant.

Poll driven doctrines are not what its about.

Jesus promised the " fullness of Truth " ie infallibility.

It is the Truth that sets us free, not fallible private interpretations of Scripture.
matto said:
Catholics don't privately interpret the Scriptures like Protestants do, because we admit that we are fallible human beings, so any private interpretation we do would also be fallible aswell

Hmmm...this is an interesting point, and I suppose it depends on how far your faith in your leaders goes. From what you wrote, I'm assuming you choose to trust the interpretation of the Pope and/or bishops?

Me personally, I read the Bible and live by what the Holy Spirit reveals to me. I believe inconsistancies in interpretation are brought about by twisting of the Scriptures to meet peoples' personal desires. The Bible isn't an enigma, as most people treat it. It's pretty darn clear most of the time.

Oh, and I don't consider myself a Protestant. I think all denominations have good and bad parts, but the fact that we separate ourselves into clean little groups of people that agree with us on everything just seems wrong. Agree on the things that matter (the Gospel), and do your best on the things that don't. That's my philosophy anyway.

Sectanarianism = bad.
Lone Ranger to Tonto... 8-)

Stray Bullet just wiped me out.. :wink:

Have fun, dude! :multi:

Ian :-D
Gary said:
Roman Catholics pray to the wrong person

The "prayer" below is what a young girl I know has been taught to pray by the Roman Catholic "church". What blasphemy!

Consecration of the Blessed Virgin

My queen and my mother
I give myself entirely to you and in proof of my affection
I give you my eyes, my ears, my tongue, my heart,
My whole being without reserve.
Since I am your own,
keep me and guard me
as your property and possession,
for love of your Divine Son

Here we go again.

Gary, give it a rest. It is too soon to try peddling your twisted half truths again. Only a week ago, we have determined you to be hiding the truth. What has changed?

Thessalonian, does this rate, in your opinion, as harassment? Do such posts belong here?

Look at this way, we can't love Mary anymore than Jesus does. We're just not capable.

Mary is God's creation, she belongs to God. In giving myself to Mary, I give myself to Jesus Christ because she can point the Christian to no other but her Son.

I pray daily for the heart of Mary... in which she kept all the mysteries of the life of Christ (cf. Luke 2:19, Luke 2:51).
  • 1 Timothy 2:5. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,
    6. who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,
judy said:
  • 1 Timothy 2:5. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,
    6. who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,


Catholic devotion to Mary does not circumvent the One Mediatorship of Jesus Christ - as it is ONLY Christ who is God AND man. We merely SHARE in this mediatorship (since we are part of the Body of Christ). Even you and I, as we can ALSO intercede to God through Christ for the sake of another person.

Devotion to Mary merely strengthens our love and its intensity.

CatholicXian said:
Mary is God's creation, she belongs to God. In giving myself to Mary, I give myself to Jesus Christ because she can point the Christian to no other but her Son.

Putting aside that there is no mediator between us and God other than Jesus and putting aside that Mary is asleep in grave and knows nothing, even putting aside that the NT completely ignores Mary in any theological sense, you might as well pray to a nut and say that the nut is God's creation, it belongs to God, and by giving yourself to the nut that you're giving yourself to Jesus Christ because the nut can point the Christin to no other than The Son.

I pray daily for the heart of Mary... in which she kept all the mysteries of the life of Christ (cf. Luke 2:19, Luke 2:51).

Luke 2:19 refers to "what the shepherds said", Luke 2:51 to what Jesus said. Those verses just say Mary treasured what she heard, as many of us also do. Yet, you distort this pedestrian thing into some form of omniscients.
Gary said:
Roman Catholics pray to the wrong person

The "prayer" below is what a young girl I know has been taught to pray by the Roman Catholic "church". What blasphemy!

I may not go so far as to call it blasphemy, but I would say that I beleive that we are required to give our whole lives to God and focus on god alone. And worship no idols. Sorry to the catholics here, but I believe that worshiping mary is idolatry, whether she was Jesus' mother or not.

And with that, I bid you goodday, lol.


Catholic devotion to Mary does not circumvent the One Mediatorship of Jesus Christ - as it is ONLY Christ who is God AND man. We merely SHARE in this mediatorship (since we are part of the Body of Christ). Even you and I, as we can ALSO intercede to God through Christ for the sake of another person.

Devotion to Mary merely strengthens our love and its intensity.


Scripture and verse please...
When I pray for another it is a live person not a dead one. Once you are dead that is it, no second chance.
Judy said:

Catholic devotion to Mary does not circumvent the One Mediatorship of Jesus Christ - as it is ONLY Christ who is God AND man. We merely SHARE in this mediatorship (since we are part of the Body of Christ). Even you and I, as we can ALSO intercede to God through Christ for the sake of another person.

Devotion to Mary merely strengthens our love and its intensity.


Scripture and verse please...
When I pray for another it is a live person not a dead one. Once you are dead that is it, no second chance.

First, the most explicit quote that man is made to share in the divine nature follows:

"Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." 2 Pt 1:4

Since God is Love, God is mercy, God is justice, any time a person does these because he is influenced by God's Spirit, He is partaking in the Divine nature - since God IS love, mercy, and justice... Also, God, being love, allows man to share in redeeming and in sanctifying. That is what love does. It shares of itself with others!

Secondly, God is not a God of the dead but of the living. Certainly, you don't think that the two prophets whom Christ was conversing with on Mount Tabor were "dead men", now, do you? Certainly, God didn't conjer up dead men? Those IN Christ are alive.

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Rom 8:38-39

The remark on "not having a second chance" is true. But those in Purgatory (I presume that is whom you are speaking of) are NOT receiving a second chance. They are ALL saved - just awaiting their final purification - since NOTHING unclean shall enter heaven...

Praying to Mary (asking Mary to intercede for me) is no different by way of mediation than asking any person on this forum to pray for me. Thus, the verse from 1 Tim 2:5 is unnecessary as regards this thread.

chart of "intercession"
Me-->Mary-->Jesus-->the Father
Me-->Judy (or any other member on this forum)-->Jesus-->the Father

All Christian prayer is effacious only through Jesus Christ. Mary and the other Saints in Heaven do not circumvent this unique mediation of Jesus-- they can't!--and thus, nor do we by asking for their intercession. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to pray for one another which doesn't make any sense at all in light of 1 Tim 2:1-4 where Paul exhorts us to pray for everybody! Paul is asking us to intercede for one another in those previous verses.

Thus, prayers to Mary (or the Saints in Heaven) do not violate the mediatorship of Jesus Christ.
Oh yes,I also just wanted to throw this verse out there as something to chew on:

Mark 12:27 "God is not a God of the dead, but of the living."