Peace and safty (balance) from God. Do you ever behold all things obeying His word. His thoughts are many, but they are His. Remember He is omni everything. Oh, Jesus, thank you that you will come and rest the minds and hearts of your people.
Be well, Oh.. greek salvo, means peace and safty, we teach and preach the salvo purchased at Calvory is the salvation that comes with eternal life. That is true balance to me, when we play that against all reality. Like new life in Christ or any other holy actions we experiance
OOOOm , I think I'll leave to someone else to explain if it has any value on our Christian journey.
Well, One drop of His pressious blood, would of been enough, if the world could comprehend how Magnicant God the maker is. Pure and holy, beyond human knowing. He would simply have to be, to have such power to be who and what He is. God is wonderfull, He would have to be or there would be no you and me.
Love you guys,
Be well, Oh.. greek salvo, means peace and safty, we teach and preach the salvo purchased at Calvory is the salvation that comes with eternal life. That is true balance to me, when we play that against all reality. Like new life in Christ or any other holy actions we experiance
OOOOm , I think I'll leave to someone else to explain if it has any value on our Christian journey.
Well, One drop of His pressious blood, would of been enough, if the world could comprehend how Magnicant God the maker is. Pure and holy, beyond human knowing. He would simply have to be, to have such power to be who and what He is. God is wonderfull, He would have to be or there would be no you and me.
Love you guys,