You seem to have the 2 beast confused....
The first beast is a political system.
Revelation 13:1 "And I [John] stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy."
This is John's vision, and the sea that John is standing on and the beast is rising out of represents the masses of peoples of the world.
This symbol of the "sea" being people is documented in Revelation 17:15. This "sea", or masses of people are looking to this "beast" [political beast] as their peace system. The "seven heads" are seven dominions of the people, or seven continents of this world body; as even the activities and divisions at the North and South Poles are governed through the United Nations Charter. It covers the entire world land masses.
"Horns" are always symbolic of "power". These "ten horns" are ten agencies, or units of power flowing from this beast, or political system. These horns are the Military force, the world health organization, UNICEF for children, the world bank, the world court, and so on. This is very similar to the system of government given in Genesis 11, under Nimrod.
The second beast is satan...
Revelation 13:11 "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon."
This beast coming up out of the earth looks like a Lamb [Jesus Christ], yet he speaks like a dragon; because he is the dragon [Satan]. He claims to be Jesus, and most Christians will believe him. He has plenty of sweet talk, blessings, wealth and what ever valued price you put on your soul, to sell your soul. Have you thought of what price you would put for your soul?
Revelation 13:12 "And he exerciseth all the power [authority] of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed."
Satan [the Antichrist] uses all the power and authority he has, because it is given to him by God. God allowed the "one worldism" to take place, because it is in God's plan. He gave us that plan, and that is what we are studying now. It is Satan that will cause the wounded political beast, "one world system" to come back together after it falls apart. Then that system, and all the people on the face of the earth will worship Satan. All, except the elect of God, and those sealed in their minds.
Revelation 13:13 "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men."
Satan will snap his fingers and lightning will come down from heaven. Satan will bring miracles, and supernatural wonders with him, and these wonders are given by God to perform the test the people of the world.
Revelation 13:14 "And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles [signs] which he had power [it was given him] to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live."
This is the whole object for the great tribulation. "DECEPTION"! Satan is going to make an image of this "one world system" [religious beast] and breath life into system. Their will be something symbolic created within the system that will cause the whole world to bow. This reminds me of the "image" created in Babylon's "one world government" under king Nebuchadnezzar, in Daniel 3. At that time there were only three that would not bow to the image.
Revelation 13:15 "And he had power [it was given unto him] to give life [breath] unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."
Satan while sitting in his temple in Jerusalem is given the power to assign his authority to the new religious beast, the "one world system. He has been given the control of all the people on the earth, and he will require them to worship him as god. Satan [the Antichrist] will require their respect, and he will give protection to them and his system. So both the system, and the Antichrist will demand the respect and worship of all people.
This is in reference to the two witnesses that will be killed, for the trouble they caused to Satan, the people of the earth, and Satan's religious system.
The moment the political beast is healed, it becomes a religious order, and set of moral codes and controls. It will be a copy of Christ's kingdom that will follow, however, it is a complete deception, and cheap imitation.
So in otherwards you speak no Greek nor Hebrew and are unwilling to consider what those who do have to say.....
No, the first beast is part of a political system but is also a man, the man of lawlessness, who recieves all power, throne and authority from the dragon, he is the little horn.
He is the one who exalts himself above God, speaks out againts God and all on earth who are not wirtten in the Book of Life of the Lamb will worship him, take his mark and worship his image.
The second beast will lure people in deceptively to take the mark and worship the image, he will have all the power of the first beast, which is the power of the dragon given to the first beast.
The first beast is the man of lawlessness, the second beast is the false prophet, the dragon is satan.
The 10 horns are kings who do not have power right now, but they recieve thier kingdom, thier power for an hour the sole purpose of giving it to the beast, the man of lawlessness.
Again the beast is not Satan, he recieves his power, thorne and authority from the dragon, the second beast is not granted any authority unless he is in the presence of the first beast which is granted all power, throne and authority from the dragon.
The beast and false prophet are captured and thrown into the lake of fire at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, they are the only ones cast into the fire, satan who is cast out of heaven is captured by an angel of God and bound and sealed in the bottomless pitt for a thousand years, then he must be released for a short time.
The rest are slain with the sword of Christ from his mouth.
Then we are shown the judgement seat and throne all of His will stand before and be judged, then we are shown the first resurrection and are told the rest of the dead, the ones who are killed with the sword of His mouth are not raised until the end of the thousand years and the short time of satan, which afterwards we are shown the great white throne judgement, the judgement of all the dead and the last judged is Death and is cast into the lake of fire.
Then we are shown that the new heaven and new earth are created and we are presented New Jerusalem and God the Father dwells with us.
Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.