Depending on definitions and relationships a previous age can indeed be true, but the first earth age you promote is myth.
Simple breakdown for ya,believe what you will........
1. Spiritual Body and Soul Created by God
2. First Earth Age of Dinosaurs
3. Spiritual Existence on Earth During First Earth Age
4. Spiritual Beings Divided with Two Options
4.a – Satan’s rebellion and one third of angels follow
4.b – Other two thirds of angels follow God
5 First Earth Age Destroyed – Current Universe Created
6. Six Day Creation – All Races Male/Female on 6th Day
7. Adam and Eve – 8th Day and Eons of Time Later
8. Original Sin, Nephilim Irruption, Noah’s Flood
9. Israel in Bondage in Egypt 400 Years
10. Law Given to Moses at Mount Sinai
11. Covenent Broken – Messiah Promised
12. New Covenent with Two Options as Christ the Messiah Born
12.a – Christ rejected by non-believers, crucified, risen, and at right hand of God
12.b – Christ accepted by believers as God in the flesh nailing sin to the cross
13. Tribulation – Satan on Holy Mount Does Miracles – Claims to be Messiah
13.a – Deceived humans worship false Messiah and have “mark of the beastâ€
13.b – Believers reject the false Messiah and witness as Holy Spirit speaks through them
14. Millenium – Christ Returns as True Messiah as ALL Transform to Spiritual Bodies
14.a – Satan bound for 1000 years
14.b – Christ and the elect teach truth to lost souls
15. Satan Loosed for a Season and Immediately Defeated
16. Judgment Day and Beginning of Third Earth Age
16.a – Lost souls cast in lake of fire and soul extinguished never to be remembered
16.b – Believers have life eternal on earth refreshed as new heaven and earth created
17. God Dwells on Earth with Believers, so Earth is Heaven with God Amongst Us
Had satan not rebelled we would never had been made flesh..........