- May 17, 2009
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Because those men were not alone. Children of the devil were upon them i.e. in their minds and bodies, controlling them and twisting the Word of God. That is what devils in men do.
An no, those devils that Jesus addressed were not the people they inhabited, as Lehigh claimed. They got into those men by The Word being handled in the Temple. The Pharisees were the frontline victims of what Jesus taught, and imho, religious masquerading devils are the absolute 'worst' kind, which Jesus NEVER cast out. They were stone cold calloused.
I believe those same devils that were in those men are still here, standing in pulpits today. I hear and see almost identical activity that Jesus pointed to in those men then, still happening today. One would have to be blind to miss the direct correlations and activity.
Any believer can make any claim they please. I simply do not see any person as alone in these matters. At the same time a child of God repents, there remains a devil within still doing their deals in that persons mind. And that doesn't change after the salvation experience. We just get better at keeping those workings 'in check' supposedly because we are aware of the activity and intent, and the resulting spiritually ill consequences.
Jews uphold The Word of God just as well if not better than Christians. Most Christians either mitigate or discount altogether the O.T. Jesus accepted and taught Every Word from the O.T. because it was HE working in them and with them as a people. God has not forsaken His people, nor will He, EVER. You can say otherwise. Paul was clear on this matter:
Romans 11:
1 I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid.
Anti-semetic people all over the world call Jews devils. They do so from an evil spirit in control of their minds, so I know who to look at when I see it bubbling up to the surface. Just another common deceiver spirit that is 'not them' as people.
I'd say the identical about any form of prejudice.
its not predujiice in the context that lehigh 3 used it.
i am a jew, i have family that died in the holocaust. i knew how the anti-semites post often. if she said khazari then i would be all over that but she didnt. either one serves the devil or not.
so let me guess i as a jew dont need christ i can go to the local synagouge and be alright? they deny christ just like the pharisees do. sure they dont cause problems are good people but that doesnt get you to heaven. the jews even orthodox sound so new agey its sad.
or are you know accusing me of being anti-semitic. thats a joke. i dont think any one is special because he is jew in the eyes of God towards salvation. for their is neither greek nor gentile , nor male nor female but RIGHTEOUS OR UNRIGHTEOUS.
THEY denied the lord and he condemned them to hell when they told him he casteth out by the power of belzebob.(blaspheme the holy spirit).
paul spoke of the gentile being grafting in the tree and what was the tree? the faith that the jews that pleased God had. moses knew jesus and so did the prophets. abraham met him. we are contunation of what the jews are supposed to have. i dont go to the synagouge to hear what i need to on the torah and tanakh and the prophets.
God when he said that didnt mean that he would save all jews but rather that he would have a reserved set of jews that would come to him. or do you think that birthright was more important then what abraham did?
and what did abraham do? he pleased god and his faith caused God to impute righteousness on him. why would jesus say this
i am of these rocks to raise seed of abraham if being a jew is so special?
i understand my heritage and what God promised to my kin but that doesnt mean i get to heaven and can ignore clear scriptures on the way to heaven. the jews that dont repent wont be in heaven.
for theres no other name in heaven whereby men might be saved. and no sir, i am not even implying jews are devils but to say that they have the full understand of their bible is not even close to what jesus told them.
for in it ye think ye have life, for it spake of me. the jews of today dont see christ in the bible.
their are blind. and they choose to remind blind that blindness is lifted when the nation of isreal(not the indivual jew) proclaims this baruchba be shem adonai.
individual jews do come to christ. its happening today in isreal.