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Save yourself from the Angel of Death. Eat the Communion.


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768. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 July 1995 at 9:06 AM. in Spanish.

Pass Over. Yes! It will Pass Over. The Pass Over has arrived. Did you hear Me? The Pass Over has arrived. Do you understand? The Pass Over has arrived. All will go correctly and in the manner of God. All will go to the letter, to the point; The Pass Over. The Pass Over has arrived, the ones who eat the Communion. It has arrived the Pass Over. Remember, the Communion; everyday. You have to eat the Communion. It has arrived the Pass Over, the Pass Over. Did you hear Me?, all the Christians that have the hunger for God; that seek God, with all of their mind, with all of their heart, with all of their spirit. The Pass Over has arrived. You have to eat the Communion, with the Heart of the Holy Spirit, with the Heart of My Son, Jesus, with the Heart of the Father. I tell you CLEARLY. I tell you to the POINT. If you want to pass the Pass Over.

I know the ones that are going to eat Communion everyday. I know the ones that are going to laugh. I know the ones that are going to get mad. But you My Sons and Daughters, the ones who seek Me with your hearts, the ones who eat the Communion everyday with their love pointed toward the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You are the ones that are going to pass the Pass Over, the Pass Over. I know there are many that don't believe in the Communion. They want to do what they want, and in the manner they want.

But, I tell you on this day to the point, if you don't eat the Communion. You are not going to pass the Pass Over. Because here comes the Angel of Death. Here comes the Angel of Death. Hear comes the Angel of Death. And when He comes you're not going to have the time to eat the Pass Over, the Communion of God. What I tell you is the Truth! What I tell you is to the POINT. It is CLEAR! This is your Father telling you the Truth, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit.

I know that this minute, there are some who are sitting and thinking about what I have just said. That's good, but if you sit there and wait a long time, you're not going to pass the Pass Over. There are others that are going to take these Words and are going to laugh, and they are going to make a joke of My Prophecy and the prophet that sends My Word. I know what's going to happen to them, when the Pass Over comes. For the things of God are serious and are to the point. They are the Words of LIFE! They are the Words of DEATH!, with nothing in the middle.

If you hear Me, and if you do what I tell you; You will live. If not!.., I WILL KILL YOU!, with the Force of My Word. Did you hear Me? This is clear and to the point. This is NOT A GAME! This is NOT A JOKE! This is the Word of God, CLEARLY AND TO THE POINT! You will live or I will KILL YOU! I know that you are not thinking right now (shocked) because you got frightened with the Words that I have told you. But you don't know what it is to be frightened until the Angel of Death comes. But you can't say that I didn't tell you.

Remember, when He comes and knocks on your door, what I have told you. If you want to save yourself eat the Communion to the point. I don't care if you are the President or if you clean the floors for the President. If you eat the Communion, I will save you. If you don't, I will KILL YOU! Did you hear Me?, CLEARLY and to the POINT. It has arrived the day of the Angel of Death. (over)
im always a little wary of these "revelations". Sometimes, they really just dont add up. the basic message is clear, but yeah... sounds odd.
I'm no huge theologon but I'm pretty sure that the passover is symbolic and can be 'eaten' in spirit if you can't eat it in body. It is a tool of rememberance. Christ said to remember him when we ate the bread and drank the cup, not to eat the bread and drink the cup as a regulated ceremony of rememberance.
Though I dislike the OP-- it seems to me to be rather demeaning and sarcastic-- the "eating" in the Passover was not symbolic, but very, very literal.

In fact, it was one of the conditions--the lamb HAD to be eaten (cf. Ex 12:8 & Ex. 12:11)
CatholicXian said:
Though I dislike the OP-- it seems to me to be rather demeaning and sarcastic-- the "eating" in the Passover was not symbolic, but very, very literal.

In fact, it was one of the conditions--the lamb HAD to be eaten (cf. Ex 12:8 & Ex. 12:11)

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to condemn taking communion physically, but I don't think that not literally eating it is going to damn your mortal soul. I don't drink alcohol and have therefore only ever had grape juice for communion, does that mean it does not count? What if I only had dirty water to drink? What if I had no bread, only a cup of rice? Communion is a rememberance of a the greatest sacrifice, not a binding ritual.
Eskarina said:
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to condemn taking communion physically
Oh, no worries! I didn't think that you were. I was just stating the necessity of eating the paschal lamb during Passover... which, by extension I would extend to Jesus as the Paschal Lamb (cf. 1 Cor 5:7), so I guess we will have to disagree in that respect.
CatholicXian said:
Eskarina said:
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to condemn taking communion physically
Oh, no worries! I didn't think that you were. I was just stating the necessity of eating the paschal lamb during Passover... which, by extension I would extend to Jesus as the Paschal Lamb (cf. 1 Cor 5:7), so I guess we will have to disagree in that respect.
On a related note I'm curious as t owhether or not you agree with the traditional view that the communion bread and wine transform into the body and blood of Christ when they are ingested?
actually, its not when they are ingested that they transform. the transformation, called transubstantiation, occurs on the altar when the priest raises the two elements up to God as Jesus did at the last supper, before they are eaten, so that the communicant can eat the body and blood of Our Lord, as we were commanded to in John 6.

personally, i agree with the assessment, but you asked CXian, so... yeah... :oops:
Somebody is always trying to sell a "type" as the "Actual".

Jews wrongly believed the animal blood sacrifices took away sin.

Today people believe that water baptism saves.

Today people believe that communion saves.

Types can't save, they can't take away sin. They only point to the one Who can.

Hebrews 10:1-18 For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. For then would they not have ceased to be offered? For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins. But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins. Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: "Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, But a body You have prepared for Me. In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You had no pleasure. Then I said, 'Behold, I have come-- In the volume of the book it is written of Me -- To do Your will, O God.' " Previously saying, "Sacrifice and offering, burnt offerings, and offerings for sin You did not desire, nor had pleasure in them" (which are offered according to the law), Then He said, "Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God." He takes away the first that He may establish the second. By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, From that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool. For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. But the Holy Spirit also witnesses to us; for after He had said before, "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the LORD: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them," Then He adds, "Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more." Now where there is remission of these, there is no longer an offering for sin.

Romans 3:21-26 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, Even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, Whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, To demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

I find it interesting that Satan continues to use "types" to lead people astray.


I think you misunderstand. It's not the baptism itself, nor the communion itself... but Christ, who saves and forgives sins. Christ entered into baptism, and became our paschal lamb precisely that through them we might receive HIS saving grace and faith.

Baptism and Communion are not acts apart from Christ. They cannot be separated from Him.
Eskarina said:
CatholicXian said:
Eskarina said:
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to condemn taking communion physically
Oh, no worries! I didn't think that you were. I was just stating the necessity of eating the paschal lamb during Passover... which, by extension I would extend to Jesus as the Paschal Lamb (cf. 1 Cor 5:7), so I guess we will have to disagree in that respect.
On a related note I'm curious as t owhether or not you agree with the traditional view that the communion bread and wine transform into the body and blood of Christ when they are ingested?
As BWOG suggested, it's not when we ingest communion that it becomes the Body and Blood of Christ... but rather, through the power of the Holy Spirit ordinary bread and wine becomes the Sacred Body and Blood of the Lord during the Eucharistic Liturgy (the priest proclaims "this is my body", "this is my blood" and elevates the host and chalice... offering them to God).

I hope that clarifies and satisfies your curiosity. :)
I've seen brainwashing techniques when I was in the Army but, I think the Catholic church does a much more admirable job that what I've ever seen. You have been brainwashed, CX, and you should run, not walk from an organization that will cause you to spend an eternity in Hell. Catholicism is sheer idolatrous paganism...about 80% pagan and maybe 20% Christian...maybe. Just as Constantine wanted...a blend of both beliefs as not to offend the masses (no pun intended).

Look at Jesus the Eucharist who bleeds. And I though it was an "unbloody" sacrafice. Well, I suppose satan can do just about anything he desires when he has a willing and receptive crowd. What utter nonesense!! The Catholic church wasn't the first ones to come up with this blasphemy. Egyptian priest offered up a cookie like yours to their God, Osiris, claiming that he too, would be manifested in their dough through their priests long before you called it Jesus. You can't confine my God to a sun shaped cookie! It's hard to believe anyone with an IQ over 50 could believe this stuff.
I'm still hoping you'd respond to phatcatholic's post, D46. I have studied and continue to study Scripture... and it's all there. Christ said "this is my body" (cf. Matthew 26:26 et al.)... and then He pointed to Himself and proclaimed "this is the bread" (cf. John 6:50). He even clarifies in saying "my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed" (cf. John 6:55)

God is not contained in the Eucharist, D... He pervades and encompasses it... It is truly He who died and rose again. No longer bread and wine, but the Sacred Body and Blood of He who controls the universe.

And I'm sure the pagans to whom Paul was preaching thought he was crazy for claiming that God took on human flesh. I'm sure the Jews thought he'd begun preaching an old pagan tale like the "god" Mithra, etc. Truly, "it is a hard saying... who can hear it" (cf. John 6:60)?
Now, this probably isnt the response your looking for lewis, just food for thought.

1. Isnt it just possible that because we have common descendents (Adam and Eve, and Noah and his family) who all knew the One True God that those ideas and worship were retained on some levels? The book of Wisdom (not in your bible) tells us how idols came about. A parent lost a child and made an image in remembrance of them, then over time deified them in their mind, and other people came to follow this. However, if there was a true religion behind that, then wouldnt it be safe to say that there would be some carry over? If there is only One God, but His truth is written on our hearts, then it would stand to reason that we would have some instinctual ties to Him.

2. Whats the problem with using Light imagery when venerating our Lord? He calls himself the "Light of the World". Whats the sun? Well, it provides the light for our world. Yeah, big stretch there... You dont have to be pagan to come to this imagery. You just have to be conscious.

3. As for the 'wafer god"? Yeah, if I called it that, it would sound awful pagan. I like to call it Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour.

Well, off to the class. Ever taken German 4? DONT!!!! Esp. if you didnt take 1-3. :oops:

Hopefully a catholic here will have something more intelligent to say than this...

But personally, I would like to see a rebuttal of phatcatholics post too. Im interested to see how that plays out.
Ephesians2:8,9 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, Not of works, lest anyone should boast.

it's not when we ingest communion that it becomes the Body and Blood of Christ... but rather, through the power of the Holy Spirit ordinary bread and wine becomes the Sacred Body and Blood of the Lord during the Eucharistic Liturgy (the priest proclaims "this is my body", "this is my blood" and elevates the host and chalice... offering them to God).

CatholicXian, lets cut to the chase. If I have a true authentic faith in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross, but have never taken communion, and never been water baptised, am I saved?

I have no problem being pronounced "anathema" by the Catholic church.

This deals with exactly what we are talking about.

hey Dave have you seen this site yet ?

Not yet. But I will. Thanks Lewis. Looks interesting.

CatholicXian said:

I think you misunderstand. It's not the baptism itself, nor the communion itself... but Christ, who saves and forgives sins. Christ entered into baptism, and became our paschal lamb precisely that through them we might receive HIS saving grace and faith.

Baptism and Communion are not acts apart from Christ. They cannot be separated from Him.

Even as a Prot, I have to agree with your statement. It's sad when scripture becomes so dry, that you need the wine to wash it down...

Revelation Verses 19, 20
As many as I love, I reprove and chasten; be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Notice the SUP... Was this a one time offer for the people in Christ's time? If any one takes this verse literally, then what does that say?
belovedwolfofgod said:
Now, this probably isnt the response your looking for lewis, just food for thought.

1. Isnt it just possible that because we have common descendents (Adam and Eve, and Noah and his family) who all knew the One True God that those ideas and worship were retained on some levels? The book of Wisdom (not in your bible) tells us how idols came about. A parent lost a child and made an image in remembrance of them, then over time deified them in their mind, and other people came to follow this. However, if there was a true religion behind that, then wouldnt it be safe to say that there would be some carry over? If there is only One God, but His truth is written on our hearts, then it would stand to reason that we would have some instinctual ties to Him.

2. Whats the problem with using Light imagery when venerating our Lord? He calls himself the "Light of the World". Whats the sun? Well, it provides the light for our world. Yeah, big stretch there... You dont have to be pagan to come to this imagery. You just have to be conscious.

3. As for the 'wafer god"? Yeah, if I called it that, it would sound awful pagan. I like to call it Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour.

Well, off to the class. Ever taken German 4? DONT!!!! Esp. if you didnt take 1-3. :oops:

Hopefully a catholic here will have something more intelligent to say than this...

But personally, I would like to see a rebuttal of phatcatholics post too. Im interested to see how that plays out.
The Catholics have taken this stuff to another level, and changed many things, they have done a lot of good and they have done a lot of bad. They do good things like feeding the poor. But the Catholic doctrine is corrupt and can lead to hell. And a lot of it's members don't even know it. The Catholics use a lot of practices that came straight out of Babylon wich is very cultic.
And the book of Daniel saw them coming.
And did you visit this site ?
You know Lewis, I'd have to agree with much of what you've said.

But ya know, and I'm not sure, but it seems to me that so many people (Prots) run so far away from anything that the Catholic Church does, we kind of dry up the scriptures in area's that are full and rich in spiritual meaning.

Take Communion for example.

1. We know that Jesus himself instituted it. 1 Corinthians 11:24 Notice, he says, "This do in remembrance of me". When was the last time you partook? Jesus tells us how often to do it, "this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.". Verse 26 sums it up.

2. We are told how to partake by Christ himself. 1 Corinthians 11:27 tells us that we must do this in a worthy manner. (contrast with Revelation 3:18)

3. We have an example of the 1st Century Apostles coming together to break bread. Acts 20:7

I've only scratched the surface here, but in my understanding of scripture, we are to partake and give thanks for the body and blood of Christ.

True, Catholics believe that the body is the bread and the wine is the blood, but let me go in this direction instead.

Jesus said that when two or more gather in His name, he is present. Of course, in context this verse is speaking when Christians disagree. Show me two Christians that agree 100 %, get my point? But it is through Christ that we are able to come together.

When we partake of the bread, we, as the body of Christ are giving thanks and are in Christ and through his sufferings, are being perfected in our faith. When we partake of the fruit of the vine, again, we are partaking in Christ and are reminded of the blood that was shed for the atonement of our sins as that blood that was shed once, is still covering our sins for after all, even as a Christian, we still need Christ's blood for our forgivness, time and time again, for this is also the perfecting of our faith because we are not called to be just Christians, we are told to mature towards Holyness.

Again, this is a light view, but the question I have is this. If scripture supports communion "As often as you meet", then why do so many church's neglect it?
StoveBolts said:
CatholicXian said:

I think you misunderstand. It's not the baptism itself, nor the communion itself... but Christ, who saves and forgives sins. Christ entered into baptism, and became our paschal lamb precisely that through them we might receive HIS saving grace and faith.

Baptism and Communion are not acts apart from Christ. They cannot be separated from Him.

Even as a Prot, I have to agree with your statement. It's sad when scripture becomes so dry, that you need the wine to wash it down...

Revelation Verses 19, 20
As many as I love, I reprove and chasten; be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Notice the SUP... Was this a one time offer for the people in Christ's time? If any one takes this verse literally, then what does that say?

It seems to go along with John 6:53, huh? then of course comes John 6:63 in bottom line explanation! And if that still does not do it? :roll: Matthew 4:4 might work??? But if one is still catholic? they might consider 1 John 4:6 for where they stand. :sad



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