The majority is free to say no to old age opinion and belief being forced on them!
In the case of science, only science is permitted. You're quite free to discuss the Bible in a religion class. However, science is the consensus of scientific findings and cannot be modified by religious belief. If you don't like that, you really need to find a country more in tune with your ideas.
Also, the bill of rights seems like it was not meant to stop children from learning about God, or saying the Lord's prayer in school./quote]
That's already settled. You can't impose a prayer on kids in a public school. That's the Constitution.
[quote:faf73] They did that for many years after the bill, just fine.
They also bought and sold human beings, and beat confessions out of unpopular people. That we violated the law in the past is not license to keep doing it.
What it is is a hijacking of the intents of older laws to fit an Anti Christ anti God agenda!
Don't bother with that drivel. You don't even believe it. You're upset because you can't impose your religious beliefs on other people.
Barbarian observes:
As you learned earlier, we can tell about things like the speed of light from the eyes of fossil arthropods. And that's just one of innumerable ways we can do that.
This is a very far from the truth.
It's precisely the truth.
[quiote] I learned you make silly hit and run statements, with big empty claims.[/quote:faf73]
If you think about it for even a little, you'll see that it's obvious. Lenses refract light, because light changes speed and direction as it moves from one medium to another. The curvature of the lens determines the amount of refraction. Turns out the lenses on trilobite eyes are tuned to light at the present speed. So we know it was the same then.
Barbarian observes:
You'll have to find another country, if you want that. The founders deliberately made it impossible for the majority to take the rights of others.
Teaching about God, and simple prayer is not taking anyone's rights, it is a majority right.
That's already settled too. Minority rights are not subject to the will of the majority. Don't like it? Find another place to live.
It's about time the minorities, (most of whom would not mind at all, so don't say you speak for them)pay attention to the rights of parents to train up a child in the way he should go.
If they can't do it at home and in churches, the government is prohibited to do it for you.
Barbarian observes:
Incidentally, almost all polls show that YE creationism is a minority viewpoint. And over the years, it's become more so.
[quiote]In the US, most people believe there was a flood, I think, from one recent poll I read. Most people believe in God as well.[/quote]
And only a minority agree with creationism.
Be careful what you wish for.
No one says we need to indoctrinate kids in flood geology here. But neither should they be terrorized by being taught there is no God, or hope, or afterlife, or creation, etc!
Which school district does that? You made it up, didn't you?
We don't need lectures on some baseless dream past that cannot be evidenced that sees some dark Godless origin.
As you know, there is much evidence for the evolution of living things, including directly observed speciation. And, of course, you just made up the part that schools teach there is no God.
Give the kids real science that deals with the known present.
Not much wishing involved, the knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth, as waters cover the seas. No man anywhere will say 'know the Lord' then, cause all will know Him.
The only difference is, I accept the way He did creation, and you won't.
You old agers who preach suns that will burn out, and no spiritual, afterlife, God, or eternity ought to be careful what you wish for.
Wouldn't be a dad post without a false accusation, would it?
Mt 18:6 - But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
definition of OFFEND
"to put a stumbling block or impediment in the way, upon which another may trip and fall, metaph. to offend
to entice to sin
to cause a person to begin to distrust and desert one whom he ought to trust and obey
to cause to fall away "
That's what YE does. I've seen a lot of people whose faith was damaged when man's doctrine of YE was taught to them as God's truth. Some of them lost their faith when they realized it was a lie.
YE will have much to answer for.