- Oct 23, 2003
- 12,380
- 664
Since there is some minor discussion on the 'scholastic' endeavors of scriptural study I thought to jot a few notes on matters of harmony and more importantly 'why' such efforts usually doomed to fail entirely and more importantly they will not harmonize and can not harmonize no matter their vain efforts.
You will not read or find this dissection anywhere in commentary. God gave it to me after 20 years of diligent prayer and study 'in the Spirit.' It is not a shallow presentation. Some will read it and be able to understand. Some will never get it. There are reasons in the scriptures themselves put forth as to 'why' some will get it and more importantly why the majority will NEVER get it or understand how to 'harmonize' in this direction.
In the Gospels we find many accounts that vast vast numbers of scholars have tried to 'explain' as a defense, mostly to other blinded scholars who all keep running around in circles trying to figure them out. To the untrained eye, the mockers of The Word, they point to such things and say LOOK, there is an obvious CONFLICT and ERROR right there in front of your own nose and you REFUSE to acknowledge that the BIBLE is therefore IN ERROR, because there is no 'logical' explanation to get past those conflicts.
I would say first off that conflicts are put into the text, and many such in the Gospels PRECISELY to get the 'students' of the Word and the Spirit to observe them, as I did, seeking to understand 'why' and to have God Bring the answer. But to others, the doors of understandings to them will remain FIRMLY LOCKED. No 'man' will be able to OPEN them. It is only The Lord who will bring to LIGHT. If you have no interest in WORD/SPIRIT Light, what I write will remain a mystery to the viewer, and I'm OK with that and expect the blind to not see and to mock. This too is a sign that is actually sent by God to confirm the understandings.
Often when Jesus walked, the DEMONS would cry out of men. There is your lesson for those who desire to FOLLOW HIM. You might observe what happened to Jesus and expect the same. If not, well...not following would be the observation.
I'm going to make this dissection quick.
There is a principle involved in handling the Word. It is as sure as the ground under my feet. Yet neither feet nor ground can compare to it as they are UNseen matters. Matters of the Spirit pitted against the workings of the anti-Christ spirits. If you do not believe that such evil spirits exist, you have no room for discussions with me as you are factually spiritually blinded by same.
IN the accounts of the Gospels there is one account, the account of a man possessed with such spirits of the EVIL kind. And in typical fashion those spirits in that man compelled the man to throw himself before the feet of Jesus IN FEAR. Yes, these spirits have great reason to fear. They ARE going to be utterly destroyed.
The account is listed by 3 writers. I could write 'why' John didn't write about the account but it would be meaningless to most readers.
The account in brief is written by Matthew, Mark and Luke.
I am going to focus on only one aspect of this encounter. You will find some blindmen actually say it is two or 3 different accounts because they all vary in their details, but it is ONLY one account written and detailed PRECISELY by THE HOLY SPIRIT in those writers in painstakingly meticulous fashions in their variations.
In brief, Matthew describes the encounter with TWO MEN...they being of the GERGESENES. Gergesenes translates as 'dweller on clayey soil.' If you know your textual construct, you know that mans body is is also CLAY as in A POT, WET DUST. Even CLAY.
Got that? Two men, dweller on clayey soil.
Mark and Luke however describe the man accurately. A man, singular, but with an evil spirit in the case of Mark and in Lukes depiction a man with DEVILS plural, meaning many. They also describe the 'man' singular as being from the GADARENES.
Yes, on the surface these accounts are VERY much in conflict.
It was when I took it 'personally' to be a FACT that where the Word is sown, Satan enters immediately to steal and no longer LIED to myself about this fact happening to me that God opened up my understanding of this matter and many others. Because the WORD does deal with entities UNSEEN. But the person engaging the Word must have GOD instill HONESTY in them on this fact before they will EVER see. Otherwise the door of understanding is and WILL REMAIN LOCKED to such and for precise purposes.
We all know that Jesus CAST OUT LEGION from that man, who then returned to his 'right' mind.
The meaning of Gadarenes...?
Some will see and be amazed. Others will read and not have ONE CLUE. No, not ONE CLUE.
I only wish someone would have shared this fact with me before the 20 years. I hope other children of God will find benefit with the breaking of His Bread, therefore I distribute.
You see the answer was always right there in front of my own eyes. I just was NOT LED to see it. And you can search this entire earth and all the history of commentary and NOT ONCE will you find this answer. No, not ONCE.
To be a Dr. of Theology one must have a provable original thesis. This one is certainly a qualifier. But I wouldn't trade what I have for all the knowledge of all the doctors and scholars in the world. What they have is meaningless to me.
You will not read or find this dissection anywhere in commentary. God gave it to me after 20 years of diligent prayer and study 'in the Spirit.' It is not a shallow presentation. Some will read it and be able to understand. Some will never get it. There are reasons in the scriptures themselves put forth as to 'why' some will get it and more importantly why the majority will NEVER get it or understand how to 'harmonize' in this direction.
In the Gospels we find many accounts that vast vast numbers of scholars have tried to 'explain' as a defense, mostly to other blinded scholars who all keep running around in circles trying to figure them out. To the untrained eye, the mockers of The Word, they point to such things and say LOOK, there is an obvious CONFLICT and ERROR right there in front of your own nose and you REFUSE to acknowledge that the BIBLE is therefore IN ERROR, because there is no 'logical' explanation to get past those conflicts.
I would say first off that conflicts are put into the text, and many such in the Gospels PRECISELY to get the 'students' of the Word and the Spirit to observe them, as I did, seeking to understand 'why' and to have God Bring the answer. But to others, the doors of understandings to them will remain FIRMLY LOCKED. No 'man' will be able to OPEN them. It is only The Lord who will bring to LIGHT. If you have no interest in WORD/SPIRIT Light, what I write will remain a mystery to the viewer, and I'm OK with that and expect the blind to not see and to mock. This too is a sign that is actually sent by God to confirm the understandings.
Often when Jesus walked, the DEMONS would cry out of men. There is your lesson for those who desire to FOLLOW HIM. You might observe what happened to Jesus and expect the same. If not, well...not following would be the observation.
I'm going to make this dissection quick.
There is a principle involved in handling the Word. It is as sure as the ground under my feet. Yet neither feet nor ground can compare to it as they are UNseen matters. Matters of the Spirit pitted against the workings of the anti-Christ spirits. If you do not believe that such evil spirits exist, you have no room for discussions with me as you are factually spiritually blinded by same.
IN the accounts of the Gospels there is one account, the account of a man possessed with such spirits of the EVIL kind. And in typical fashion those spirits in that man compelled the man to throw himself before the feet of Jesus IN FEAR. Yes, these spirits have great reason to fear. They ARE going to be utterly destroyed.
The account is listed by 3 writers. I could write 'why' John didn't write about the account but it would be meaningless to most readers.
The account in brief is written by Matthew, Mark and Luke.
I am going to focus on only one aspect of this encounter. You will find some blindmen actually say it is two or 3 different accounts because they all vary in their details, but it is ONLY one account written and detailed PRECISELY by THE HOLY SPIRIT in those writers in painstakingly meticulous fashions in their variations.
In brief, Matthew describes the encounter with TWO MEN...they being of the GERGESENES. Gergesenes translates as 'dweller on clayey soil.' If you know your textual construct, you know that mans body is is also CLAY as in A POT, WET DUST. Even CLAY.
Got that? Two men, dweller on clayey soil.
Mark and Luke however describe the man accurately. A man, singular, but with an evil spirit in the case of Mark and in Lukes depiction a man with DEVILS plural, meaning many. They also describe the 'man' singular as being from the GADARENES.
Yes, on the surface these accounts are VERY much in conflict.
It was when I took it 'personally' to be a FACT that where the Word is sown, Satan enters immediately to steal and no longer LIED to myself about this fact happening to me that God opened up my understanding of this matter and many others. Because the WORD does deal with entities UNSEEN. But the person engaging the Word must have GOD instill HONESTY in them on this fact before they will EVER see. Otherwise the door of understanding is and WILL REMAIN LOCKED to such and for precise purposes.
We all know that Jesus CAST OUT LEGION from that man, who then returned to his 'right' mind.
The meaning of Gadarenes...?
Some will see and be amazed. Others will read and not have ONE CLUE. No, not ONE CLUE.
I only wish someone would have shared this fact with me before the 20 years. I hope other children of God will find benefit with the breaking of His Bread, therefore I distribute.
You see the answer was always right there in front of my own eyes. I just was NOT LED to see it. And you can search this entire earth and all the history of commentary and NOT ONCE will you find this answer. No, not ONCE.
To be a Dr. of Theology one must have a provable original thesis. This one is certainly a qualifier. But I wouldn't trade what I have for all the knowledge of all the doctors and scholars in the world. What they have is meaningless to me.