westtexas said:
You seem a little unsure of yourself to be so precise with your dates. I just did a quick glance thru your "evidence" but here is my favorite one so far. In your chapter titled "Evidence for a Sept. 23, 2010 Rapture", the VERY FIRST sentence says, "The time of the rapture, like that of the second advent, is not definitely known as to the day or hour." I would like to quote Pard from a different thread, "HUH???????" I thought you just said it was Sept. 23???? I, like everyone else, will be sure to bump this thread up again in Oct.
See ya in Oct, the Good Lord willing, Westtexas
That's right, you said it, you did a "QUICK" glance. I suggest you do more than a quick look here and there before you speak against something as an absolute...
The state I made, that you partially quoted, makes perfect sense with the entire sentence AND the entire introduction of that short chapter. Furthermore, the entire study is not one of surity, it is one that points to a numerous amount of evidence to those dates. If you understood the timing in the end times, such as the 7 years, 2300 days, 1260 days, 1290 days, and the 1335 days; then combined it with all the events, then you'd get it. ALL the days fit.
Amazing how I can be sarcasticly called a
prophet by one smug post, yet the claim I made is not one of a prophet.... I am no more a prophet for seeing the Second Coming, as mapped out by the skies and prophesies, then the kings of the east were (the magi, "3 wise men"). I am one who studies prophesy, no more, no less. I watch as I am commanded. I am confident about the timing, as it relates to the years and months.... I am also confident about the days or I would've never given them; they are based on solid biblical facts. I even make the statement more than once that a couple may be wrong.... but not by more than a few days.... and that would only relate to the Rapture and the Second Coming.
No one has to wait till September or October. If by July 20, there has been nothing in the world that is considered ground breaking news above the norm, then I am wrong, but I won't be. More specific, July 11 or July 20... on one of those days.... most likely involving Israel
But even then, you won't believe the rest till it's too late for you (2 Pt.3:3-4). You are blind, asleep, not soberly watching for His return. You scoff, you won't even examine what's given to you as a gift and hold it up to the Word of God to see if it is true or not. Though if you did hold up the truth of the knowledge from God with the Word of God.... you would still not know what you were looking at. You are all scoffers.
For this, I'm sure you will be here in October. Please do everyone a favor, including yourself, remember this as you said you would and re-post it.
And while you're on the computer, learn why you were left behind:
Hold your sympathy David505, it is all yours .....scoffers of men and scoffers of the Word of God and His doctrines. My Jesus, my God, only comes as a thief in the night for those who are not watching... not ready. As for me and those watching, we see His light coming from over the hill; we are watching, sober, not blind, not dead, and not lukewarm. We are ready.