The pleasure is all mine, this is an interesting topic, and I will read the article you posted. Since I don't know much about petrine controversies, I tried to find more resources I am sharing below.
First, we need to understand
why the authorship of 2 Peter was questioned. Here is a summary:
1- There are major differences with 1 Peter.
2- This letter was acknowledged as pseudepigrapha.
3- There is literary dependence on Jude (indicates late date).
4- The reference to Paul's letters as Scripture (indicative of the second century).
5- There was difficulty in acceptance of 2 Peter to the canon.
Here are more helpful resources:
The Authorship of Second Peter, by Hampton Keathley
The Authenticity and Authorship of 2 Peter (
Is 2 Peter Peter’s?, by Wayne Stiles’s
2 Peter ("Early Christian Writings") - supports pseudepigraphal authorship
Now, I am going to read all this and jot down key points, will be back soon.