every opportunity is a great way to share the good news home, work, TV, internet, movies, fellowships, shops, events, public transport, BBQs, etc
but remember decisions and discipleship go hand in hand like
we needed to get saved
we got saved and
and we are yet to be saved
and make it to heaven because we can still back slide or fall away
its ironic even in 2017 fellowships and Christians always discuss salvation and saving people
but there's little or no discussion on disciplining people after they make a decision for Jesus
I believe this is the main reason why people struggle in there faith or are lukewarm
i have heard 2 statistics 1-2% of Christians in the body of Christ would actually be make it to heaven if they died or Jesus came back
that may seem low but its better then the other statistic 1 in a 1000
so according to the 1-2% statistic a fellowship of 10.000 means only 100-200 people might be make it to heaven, but its better rather then 10 out of 10,000
this would mean 98-99 percent of the Christians worldwide are lukewarm or not repenting of certain sins including myself
about 160,000 people die per day world wide that's a possible 1600-3200 may have a chance to make it to heaven
but we don't even know how many of the 160,000 are Christians and are walking properly
so its very important that when ever or where ever we are, that we use the chance or opportunity to plant and water seeds until they are ready to be harvested and then disciple them
behold,II send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves Mathew 10.16