Hi Dirtfarmer, It grieves me of those who think they can lose THEIR salvation. The Holy Spirit is a permanent possession (Guaranteed) in which we are SEALED!!!) (Eph. 1:13-15). Many of the Scripture that people use to try to defend they can lose their salvation are meant for the SELF righteous and DECEIVED. How can a man that is Justified, sanctified, righteous in Jesus Christ, and Born of the Spirit, and, the promise of never loosing us out of his hands, lose his Salvation? (Romans 3:21-30) (Rom. 8: 14-39), Not my God and Savior Lord Jesus Christ. Now, there are those who hear the way and the knowledge of Salvation, and how to escaped the wrath to come, but instead, return to the mud like a pig or a dog to vomit. Theses Scriptures are clear that these people are not saved or never were, The word washes us, it is God who saves us in Jesus Christ. You can know the Truth, and not be saved. (2 Peter 2:15-22) (2 Peter 2:1-22). We were saved to be God's workmanship to the world, representing and conformed to the image of Christ to do good works...so there is nothing to boast about, (Rom. 3:26-30) nor are the works akin to keep our salvation (Eph. 2:4-10). The word is Spiritual, not carnal. Too many read the book by the flesh.
In His eternal mercy for me, you and all who have trusted in Christ, and His promise to keep us. I know no other way of Salvation, nor have I ever been abandoned by the Holy Spirit, But I have as a babe surely grieved and hindered Him many times, but he never ever left me.
In God's Eternal Grace
Douglas Summers