- Oct 19, 2005
- 3,472
- 11
BFSmith764 said:There you go again, applying Old Testament Covenant by race with the New Testament Covenant of grace. What was applicable under the Old Covenant is not applicable under the New Covenant.
You really don't listen do you? I clearly said I was applying principles, obviously something you don't understand. I was in no way paralleling Moses to modern day leaders, and if you thought I was then you are clearly confused. I also said that such specific appointments in the OT for leadership, using David's Kingship as an example, I clearly acknowledged was no longer on earth. But I clearly said that God uses human government.
BFSmith764 said:In the Old Testament, God called a nation out from physical slavery to be His chosen people. They were called to be a light to the other nations around them; they also had to have leaders who were men filed with the Spirit of God, to be a representative of God and to pass on God's word to them.
Once again, completely missed my point.
BFSmith764 said:Now in the New Testament, we are no longer under that Old Covenant, but under a far better one; which is by grace. This means that God is calling not a nation out of physical slavery, but individuals out of spiritual slavery. God through Jesus started His Church, in Jerusalem among the former people of God (the Jews) to be a light to Jews and Gentiles. Just as Israel had leaders who were appointed by God, so in the Church He has set up leaders to teach His people. The Church and the individual Christian is suppose to represent God to unbelievers, but we’re not to impose what we believe on them.....they are to see God in us by deeds. The Greek word for Church ekklēsia, and means called out ones.....called out from where? Called out of this world. Since God has called His people out of this world, then why would one want to go back into this world of Satan? The political system of this world is corrupt; it is corrupt because Satan is the god is this world; we are to come out of her as Jesus says in Revelation.
Babylon the Great is the ultimate object of what you are describing, but we are not there yet. Did you not read what I said about leaving that to God's sovreignty? There is no room on earth presently for us to seperate and form a Christian nation, but what you are asking us to do is unreasonable - and you seek to impose a legalistic moral standard which condemns anyone participating in politics (even Christians who are in political offices - and I think we should have Christians in office!).
BFSmith764 said:This world is doomed for destruction and to go back into it is to reap the punishment of God when Jesus returned.
Read: "So lets just jump ship and withdrawl from society like monks do, thinking such seperation is beneficial."
I honestly think the Christian concern in government is what is keeping the leash on horrible atrocities happening in government. We atleast fight against things when they seek to remove the Ten Commandments from Court houses and prayer from schools. We need Christian representatives in government, not to run and back down from it. To back down when we could make a difference is negligence (as I've said over and over). This goes beyond just voting now, because you are making sweeping statements which absolves all Christians from societal services by calling such associations morally wrong. I disagree.
BFSmith764 said:Jesus did not set up His Church to make this world a Godly one, but to have a people ready and prepared for a new one.
Of course not, I look forward to the day when Jesus comes back as much as you, but that doesn't mean we don't seek to make the world a better place while we are in it (which will not be as possible during the Tribulation - as you point out - thus we presently have that grace, and should make use of it). By upholding Christian values in even government we can ensure a better atmosphere for moral goods in society. God knows what would happen in this country if all vestiges of Christianity were expunged!
BFSmith764 said:At Jesus' return He will set up His kingdom on the earth, and those who have been faithful will rule with Him in that kingdom. That is why Jesus said His Kingdome was not of the world/age.
I know that. I think you are misapplying your conculsions.
BFSmith764 said:He also said that He was not off this world, and in another place said that His disciples were not of this world as He was, and by extension that includes us. The scriptures also say that we are pilgrims and sojourners on the earth. Pilgrims are not involved in the political system of the country they are temporarily living in.
Now that last part is an assumption, and one that says "we should not impact the environment we live in". Lets face it government permeates everything, even to those who enforce the law to keep you from speeding each day as you go to work. Should a Christian not even be a Police officer? How bout a mayor? How about even working for the Mayor? I mean c'mon where are you drawing the line here? You might as well cry "Heretic, heretic!" to anyone who aids the concerns of law.
BFSmith764 said:One must be very carful when using that scripture because not all rulers do good and the Bible tells us that many of God's people were persecuted by people in authority.
Yet obviously God didn't lie at the same time when inspiring that Scripture in Romans. Sure we will be persecuted, but it doesn't mean we can't participate in government in any fashion. Our representation in the world we live in should be clear, and sometimes is has to be fought for, and Christians who are in political office can do that for us (although it is by no means the only way - just another front for it to be fought on). Also even if our President is not a Christian that does not mean that the person is unable to enforce good laws based on principles that Christians have fought for and do support.
BFSmith764 said:The Church will be persecuted in the Great Tribulation, and even now many of God's people in some countries are being persecuted by the government....
Yes but now isn't the Tribulation. Once again, I say to leave that timing to God. Also yes, many in other countries (China especially) do persecute Christians physically, but that makes us all the more lucky that we are respected enough to have a voice in our Government when other's aren't. One good thing I can point you to about Christian influence in our Government is our alliance with Israel. Sure the Government may have military concerns with them as well, but at the advice of many ministers who the Presidents of the past have given audience to, their opinions have significantly swayed the US's favor toward Israel. Pastors such as Billy Graham have advised Presidents on such matters, and I think Billy Graham did an outstanding job by representing Christianity to Presidents who were willing to listen. Are you missing my points all together?
BFSmith764 said:Christians are under no obligation to do what the government says if what they are expected to do is a violation of God's will....
I've already said this and qualified my statement. You really should read what I say more closely and maybe we would disagree less. I mentioned what the disciples said to the Sanhedrin about obeying God over men.
BFSmith764 said:a Christian lives by the government of God and not the government of men.
Yes, but we can be God's representatives on earth. No where in the Bible does it forbid Christians to represent Christianity to Government, in whatever form it may take.
BFSmith764 said:There is no real justice under man's government;
That Scripture I quoted begs to differ. No not perfect justice, of course not -and yes some Countries governments are completely corrupt - yet thank God he sovereignly guided the formation of the US (unless we were just an "oops" to God), where we can reform and have decent representation in this country. The idea of "no taxation without representation" was very wise in that is prevents the government from abusing the people financially over taxes that even Jesus says we should render to Government. I think we should take advantage of that representation, and represent Christ. What about you?
BFSmith764 said:A Christian puts no confidence in the mercy of man.
Our hope is in God, but I tell you what, I'd sure be glad when I'm standing in a court if I knew that the judge over my case had high moral integrity. How bout you?
BFSmith764 said:American is regarded as a Christian nation, and makes up 5% of the world's population yet it has 35% of the prison population. Many people have been unjustly put in prison and even executed. In America's prisons, people are used as slaves for the benefit of corporations, but take away jobs from those not in prisons. The countries that call themselves Christians are usually the most racist and oppressive toward the weak and defenseless. American has been and still is very unchristian to Native Americans. I don't believe that they would speak as highly of America as you would.
I think you are coming off as a glass-is-half-empty person. I don't think you give God credit for blessing in this country because you have an agenda to point out the injustices in this country while not doing a thing about it (correct me if I'm wrong). Well there are Christians that do want to do something about it and you would seem to condemn them for trying.
BFSmith764 said:Well then you are trying to serve two masters....
Presumptuous statement. You clearly have not considered my arguement which I so reasonably started to defend but have now forced me to use more stern words about.
BFSmith764 said:to be a citizen of two or more country will put one into a unpleasant situation sooner or later.
And the Bible says to die is gain, so should we then commit suicide? That would make about as much sense as what you are proposing we do concerning government.
BFSmith764 said:I won't go any farther because as just as I am convinced of what I believe, so are you and I will not waste any more time. But you will see what I am saying if you live long enough.
I already know to what you are refering, and you are mostly right in that we will have no cooperation with the government at all in the end times (much less the actual Tribulation), but you miss my points on obtaining balance and cooperation where we can get it.
God Bless,