No we are not gonna cherry pick at all. Anyone who doesn't have the ability to recognize their own sinful behaviour, whatever the sin may be, is morally reprehensable and is not fit to be supervising children.
Hmmm.....denunciation. That can just mean show disaproval. Thats not a sin. If its clear and aggressive condemnation or judgement then thats different. Maybe that one can go to the school board for review.
Seriously though...I think we can use our discernment to figure out what is a clear sin and what isn't. (like downloading mp3's)
Ok good question. At this point, knowing they are doing wrong....IF their sin doesn't effect their work and if they are sinning AT work (unprofessionalism) THEN they are in the clear. You could not label them as morally reprehensible coz they have vitally RECOGNIZED their sin and are not likely to be a bad influence to children.
Agreed Handy?
Now here is when things get really sticky...
Seriously though...I think we can use our discernment to figure out what is a clear sin and what isn't. (like downloading mp3's)
See, I happen to think that it's very much a sin (stealing) to download mp3's. No, I'm not going to judge you if you think it isn't, that's between you and God. But, now should you be teaching my kids if you can't see that artists and producers have the right to the profits of their industry, every bit as much as I expect to be paid for the beef we raise?
How about my old gym teacher...she lived with a woman. No, she didn't talk about her relationship at the school, but in a small town, everyone knew. It was kind of the "elephant in the room". We all instinctively knew that if we kids openly discussed it, it would become a serious problem for her, and since we liked her, we didn't.
However, at the ripe old age of 15-17, I knew she was a lesbian who lived with her girlfriend. But, she was also the one and only gym teacher I ever liked. She worked so much like a personal trainer for all of us. Several of my friends were overweight, by quite a bit, and she worked with them to find ways to make more exercise a part of a healthy life-style. She helped me to find the one physical activity that I wasn't a total klutz at (gymnastics) and worked with a physical limitation that I have (bum hip) to work up routines where I actually looked graceful.
So, being that she didn't acknowledge that she was a sinful creature...I don't think she was Christian...should she have been fired?
There were also two teachers at my school who, the woman left her husband and as soon as her divorce was final, married the other. They are still married to this day and were at the 30 year reunion. The Mrs. in the situation wasn't really all that great of a teacher, she was fun and popular, but I didn't necessarily learn much from her. However, the Mr. was a great teacher, and a great mentor. He also was a pretty good coach as well. But, they weren't apologetic about their private life. In a small town, everyone knew what happened, but they didn't face being fired. Even before her divorce was final, they were an open couple at school functions. Something that our gym teacher could not have done with her partner.
So, should these three teachers of mine have been fired for their openly sinful lives, adulterers and lesbian?
If it had been a Christian school and supposedly Christian teachers, I would say yes, yes, yes! But, as far as I know, none of them identified themselves as Christians. So, in that case, I don't see why any of them should lose their jobs.
Christian parents then have a choice to make...who am I going to allow to teach my kids?
If a Christian parent wants only committed Christians who acknowledge sin and keeps it away from young minds...then they must either put their kids into Christian schools or homeschool. There really isn't any other option.
We didn't opt for that. We've homeschooled our daughter, but not because we didn't want her exposed to unrepentant sinful teachers. We've always have had our kids in public school and then we teach our children what is biblical and right and teach them that they must be discerning in life....that people we love and look up to are still sinners and will make mistakes. But, that we must always look to God and the Bible for what is right and what is wrong and live according to how the Holy Spirit convicts us, rather than what others around us do.