ChattyMute said:
Maybe when I was a Christian I went to a church that was... I don't know the word. But most people there don't believe in witchcraft, or they didn't count Harry Potter as witchcraft..
Did they believe in the Bible? Because the Bible addresses witchcraft (see Deut. 18:10, 2 Kings 9:22, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Micah 5:12, Nahum 3:4, Galations 5:20...) and is clearly against it. The Bible isn't against things that aren't real, is it?
As for Harry Potter, my issue has never been with whether the wizardry in the series was "real" or "pretend." My issue is with Christian parents willingly exposing their children to subtle hints that sorcery can be harmless or even good, when their very Bibles speak against magic.