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Should Christians go from Church to Church?


Dave Slayer

Should Christians go from Church to Church? Would it be Biblical?
I would guess it would depend upon the reason for going from church to church. If it's to avoid growth and equipping as a Christian, that would be bad. If it's to seek growth and equipping as a Christian, sometimes it's necessary.

I'm kinda depressed because I think we might be in the position of seeking another church next month.
1 Corinthians 12: 27-31 says this:
27Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 28And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues. 29Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? 31But eagerly desire the greater gifts.
And now I will show you the most excellent way.

And according to the dictionary, an apostle is this:

1. Apostle One of a group made up especially of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus to preach the gospel.
2. A missionary of the early Christian Church.
3. A leader of the first Christian mission to a country or region.
4. One who pioneers an important reform movement, cause, or belief: an apostle of conservation.
5. A passionate adherent; a strong supporter.
2. One of the 12 members of the administrative council in the Mormon Church.
1. One who pioneers an important reform movement, cause, or belief: an apostle of conservation.
2. A passionate adherent; a strong supporter.

According to the Bible dictionary:
Bible Dictionary


a person sent by another; a messenger; envoy. This word is once used as a descriptive designation of Jesus Christ, the Sent of the Father (Heb. 3:1; John 20:21). It is, however, generally used as designating the body of disciples to whom he intrusted the organization of his church and the dissemination of his gospel, "the twelve," as they are called (Matt. 10:1-5; Mark 3:14; 6:7; Luke 6:13; 9:1).

So, IMHO, if you are called to be an apostle and you are called to travel from church to church, as Paul did, then yes it would be Biblical. More important, it would be Spirit-led.
Dave Slayer said:
Should Christians go from Church to Church? Would it be Biblical?
Since WE are the 'church' there is nothing unscriptural about getting to know more of our brethren. :)
follower of Christ said:
[quote="Dave Slayer":2wur07t3]Should Christians go from Church to Church? Would it be Biblical?
Since WE are the 'church' there is nothing unscriptural about getting to know more of our brethren. :)[/quote:2wur07t3]

I tend to believe that God calls us to be part of one church (one congregation)
If the purpose of going to another churches is dependand on knowing other people, on ocasional visits, then, its ok. But going from a church to another, not being part of one body , not being a membre of a church, i personnaly find it wrong.
But that's just my opinion. :thumbsup
Dave Slayer said:
Should Christians go from Church to Church? Would it be Biblical?

Something for reflection...

What would Paul say to a Christian who first followed Paul's teachings, then became a Judaizer, then a Gnostic? Would Paul still consider that person to be "part of the Church"?

What does Jesus say (see Matthew 18:15-17)?

Christians should break bread from house to house. Those who minister should go from church to church so that they might in turn break bread from house to house. :yes
francisdesales said:
What would Paul say to a Christian who first followed Paul's teachings, then became a Judaizer, then a Gnostic? Would Paul still consider that person to be "part of the Church"?

What does Jesus say (see Matthew 18:15-17) ?


It's about a sinning brother. How's it related to the thread ?

I would think jumping from church to church could be harmful to you. If you are doing it to find a better church, don't. The grass is not always greener. If you are doing it because your pastor is teaching false doctrine, don't. Rather stay to lead the church in the right direction. If you are weak in your faith then yes leave the church. If you are doing it to meet more christians and to minister to others, then it might be alright. Your reason for wanting to leave one church for the next all the time is the pivotal issue!
Tina said:
francisdesales said:
What would Paul say to a Christian who first followed Paul's teachings, then became a Judaizer, then a Gnostic? Would Paul still consider that person to be "part of the Church"?

What does Jesus say (see Matthew 18:15-17) ?


It's about a sinning brother. How's it related to the thread ?


There are many sins, Tina, such as scandal, schism, dissension, and so forth.

Now what would Paul say about the "church jumper"?

Adullam said:
Christians should break bread from house to house. Those who minister should go from church to church so that they might in turn break bread from house to house. :yes

Or, rather, every church should have its own minister and pastor. why going from house to house. Youre neither a pastor/minister in your own house, or in other houses of prayer. That is not biblical :)
Christians ARE the church, so we cannot go from "church" to "church"

We can however go from denomination to denomination, but that is skipping from one man's view, to another man's view. Denominations are wrong by themselves, so there is no correct way to change from one to another.

At the moment there is no place you can go with four walls, no Cathedral, no anything, (contrary to what some believe) that you will find the church in. It has never been between walls. The true church is simple the "called out ones". How do you take a planet full of believers, who God calls the Body of Christ and give it a tag and call it something else.

Denominations are in reality "disagreements", which the Bible speak against. We call them OK, but God does in fact not call them OK. They are factions, broken shards , incomplete, pieces of the truth. Every man on his own heap of doctrine and protecting it with his life.

Cornelius said:
Christians ARE the church, so we cannot go from "church" to "church"...

Denominations are in reality "disagreements", which the Bible speak against. We call them OK, but God does in fact not call them OK. They are factions, broken shards , incomplete, pieces of the truth. Every man on his own heap of doctrine and protecting it with his life.

Ok, so what is your answer to the thread question???

Since there is in reality only one church per city,,,the original statement would read....Should Christians travel from city to city?

I think that it is good to visit other brethren bringing our gifts from the Lord to be shared among all. We can encourage another church in this way. :yes

I am of course in complete agreement with Cornelius about the institutions being "disagreements" among men. :salute
These disagreements are then exploited by the enemy so as to render all subsequent efforts ineffectual. One should leave our gifts at the altar, as it were, and be reconciled with our brothers...outside the camp.
francisdesales said:
Cornelius said:
Christians ARE the church, so we cannot go from "church" to "church"...

Denominations are in reality "disagreements", which the Bible speak against. We call them OK, but God does in fact not call them OK. They are factions, broken shards , incomplete, pieces of the truth. Every man on his own heap of doctrine and protecting it with his life.

Ok, so what is your answer to the thread question???


Adullam is correct. The Biblical church has always been identified by the city in which it is. The church in Jerusalem, or the church in Ephesus .Never the Baptists or Catholics, or Pentecostals etc.

So I am writing to you from the church in Pretoria.

Good one Cornelius!

Paul went from church to church didn't he. And I'm pretty sure there is another Paul in the US who goes from church to church also - Paul Washer.

As for me - I am part of the church in Auckland, NZ.
Cornelius said:
Adullam is correct. The Biblical church has always been identified by the city in which it is.

There is an assumption that each "church" shares one faith, one baptism, and one Lord. They share in one Eucharist. According to your and Adullam's line of thought, there is only one church in each city. However, we all know there are many "churches" in each of these cities, some identified with Mithra, some with some other cult, some with Emperor cults, some with miscellaneous Greek gods. Furthermore, it is certain that there were OTHER people who did not consider themselves of the same "church" that Paul originated in Corinth and Ephesus. We know there were Judaizers and Gnostics who were a "church" of their own. Christianity was rarely monolithic.

By definition, a "church" (religious sense) is a body of believers who have the same beliefs. We know that there were more than one "church" in each of these cities, in this sense. Thus, this attempt to say the church is "identified by a city" is fallacy, since it ALREADY PRESUMES that the writers are writing to THE CHURCH identified with the community Paul had formed, not some other community.

Clearly, Paul is not identifying church solely by geographic location. He is writing to the same one Church, geographically separated, but sharing in the SAME loaf and the SAME Spirit.

Cornelius said:
The church in Jerusalem, or the church in Ephesus .Never the Baptists or Catholics, or Pentecostals etc.

So I am writing to you from the church in Pretoria.

As per my explanation, you would be correct in saying "I am writing to you from A church in Pretoria". Not necessarily THE Church. THE Church is identified by a visible community. Paul writes to real people who he can point to and teach and urge on. Not some invisible body that is only known by God.

clearly, Paul does not write to "baptists or pentacostals" or, "judaizers, gnostics, essenes, or adherents of mithra". Just catholics.

Denominations are at best fragments of the whole body of Christ.
I go where I am led. The Lord uses me, I learn things, I seek His face and submit my heart to His will.
There are times when He has moved me and there has always been a specific purpose but each time I moved it was simply to another part of the Body of Christ.
When the church leadership is corrupt you can be sure the corruption will take no time to filter down. By that i mean, those who are also corrupted in the church will find an insentive to live out that corruption without ever being accoutable. Its really the best thing to leave then. We are not told to say 'god speed' to the wicked because then we become partakers of their wickedness.

(PS: A good deal of self-inspection is also good before simply hitting the road)
