Serving Zion
- Nov 30, 2019
- 1,242
- 620
I think the answer comes most clearly in Ephesians 4:13, that is to say that Christ has His plan for how to bring us into unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of God: it is through the appointing of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, that if they do their part effectively, it leads to the building-up of the body of Christ, to increase in the things pertaining to Christ until we reach the maturity of faith - the fullness of the stature of Christ. Until that happens, we are said to be immature, tossed about by the trickery of men in their deceitful scheming. It is said that Christ will continue to give those appointed to the work of building up the body until we come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the son of God. So if we see that there is still not unity of faith and the knowledge of the son of God, but we see division and strife, it means that there is not a lack of the parts given by Christ, but that the parts are somehow not doing their work effectively.I pray, tell us how we are to understand Christ? Just believe as you do? Is that it?
James addressed that in James 4:1, he said the quarrels and conflicts come from the flesh (self-indulgence), because we crave and do not have what we crave, we war and do not getvwhatvwecwar for. We ask and do not receive because we ask amiss - not asking in order to get the thing that will quench our thirst, but the thing that will make us drunk. In that way Paul has shown Jesus to be the perfect example of how we ought to be, if we are to achieve through unity, the things that He achieved: do not consider the equality with God a thing to grasp hold of. It isn't ours to take grasp of, but just as Jesus taught us to pray: "thy kingdom come, thy will be done", and so He emptied Himself (of His desires), and having been found in the appearance of a man (because the fallen can only see the carnal), and having been made as a man, He became a servant. If that mind us in us, then we no longer desire to get any reward from our ministry, only being compelled to offer the bread of life where there is need for the body to be nourished.