Now picture this, and I know that some of you remember, there was a time that you could smoke everywhere that you went, in all public buildings, and I mean all, the movies, even on public transportation. And if you did not smoke' well that was to darn bad, because there was no way that you could escape it out in the public. I remember public transportation here in Philly, looking like a smokey bar, and I was smoking on them too, because I started smoking in 1966. And I think they outlawed it on Philadelphia public transportation, in 68 or 69 I think it was 69, but people was still lighting up, bus drivers too. All doctors offices and hospitals had ash trays because smoking was allowed, and you did not have to go to the lobby or outside to smoke. I also remember when cigarettes were 19 cent a pack, in 61 and 62 and they just kept going up, and in 1966 the year I started they were about 45 or 50 cent a pack.