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Sin, Sickness, and Job


Satan afflicted Job. He only had the general right because of sin coming in through Adam and Eve. There was NO other reason Satan could come before the throne to ask to tempt Job to sin. He really thought Job was a sinner and would prove his true nature. Read Job chapters 1 and 2 please.

Do not miss one of the MAIN points of the book. Job's friends contended that no man could be made righteous before God by any means. Job contended he was righteous by grace through faith in His redeemer Christ which Job states.

Satan is the god of this world and it was Satan who afflicted Job, not God. Satan can do NOTHING to a believer without God's say so. God in His GREAT mercy even stays the hand of Satan on behalf of the unsaved. In this case it was God exercising His determinative control. Job called on God for deliverance and healing and did not run off to the arm of the flesh. By trusting God ALONE he defeated Satan's assertion, defeated Satan as the source of sin and sickness, and did not sin against God. Job was declared right by God in his contention that a man can be righteous by grace through faith in Job 42:7, was given more authority and power with God 42:8, healed, and MORE than restored.

Job was rebuked by God in Job 38 and 39 for not rejoicing in his trial see James 1:2-4, not behaving as James 1:19-12 says to in trials, and not recognizing the TOTAL and COMPLETE sovereignty of God to do what He wishes with His people for His glory and their good.

Please tell me why it is that if God gives His children a loathsome affliction to make them better Christians run off to the arm of the flesh calling it 'faith' to seek 'healing' and be rid of it spending thousands and then not be rid of it but drugged to live with it. Really!! The Bible no where teaches dualism i.e. trusting God and the arm of the flesh for any promise God has made to His people. In fact the very opposite. No one in the NT EVER went to the medical system for a physical issue, sought their advice, or referred anyone to them; not Jesus (use and referrals), not Paul, not Epaphroditus, not Trophimus, not Luke and all had occasion. Those that sought to the physicians in the OT did not end well.

All the medical system today does is do enough to keep sinners comfortable in their sin which is the ROOT of their problem. It keeps Christians under the LIE that God gives them that system and keeps them in the same sin, UNBELIEF.

The devil comes before the throne and says, if you will allow me to give them this or that physical issue they will PROVE they have no trust in you ALONE to do as your word promises, AND will not avail themselves of your clear method of healing set in the church, James 5:14-15. And guess what?

God can and does use physical issues through Satan to discipline His children when all else fails then heals when they repent. Also they can be used as a teaching/training tool by the Holy Spirit to train a disciple in faith for healing. He started with me allowing and then healing injuries, aches and pains and even severe burns which were healed instantly or very quickly. As we saw Him faithful we became faithful to trust Jesus alone to heal us of EVERYTHING and have now for 35 years. A major aspect of approved character is Bible faith, Hebrews 11:6, that trusts God alone to do as He promises to do within the meaning of SAVE.

MOST will not even consider submitting to any training in this. It is inconvenient, requires some courage, and most of all humbling oneself to do what Romans 12:1 says. Maintaining the right to oneself is the essence of all sin i.e. pride, stubbornness, and willful ignorance. Christians believe they can turn their blood bought bodies over to man's carnal medical system, #3 in cause of death, to be stripped naked, drugged, and cut up. Please explain where in the Bible it even implies this is God's plan for His bride.
Sufferings aside, the book of Job is written with such beautiful prose.

"From six troubles I rescued you, in seven no harm shall touch you". (Job 5:18 -20)

It also describe the dinosaur in Job 41 >>

verse 12: “I will not fail to speak of Leviathan’s limbs,
its strength and its graceful form.
13 Who can strip off its outer coat?
Who can penetrate its double coat of armor?
14 Who dares open the doors of its mouth,
ringed about with fearsome teeth?
15 Its back has[c] rows of shields
tightly sealed together;
16 each is so close to the next
that no air can pass between.
17 They are joined fast to one another;
they cling together and cannot be parted.
18 Its snorting throws out flashes of light;
its eyes are like the rays of dawn.
19 Flames stream from its mouth;
sparks of fire shoot out.
20 Smoke pours from its nostrils
as from a boiling pot over burning reeds.
21 Its breath sets coals ablaze,
and flames dart from its mouth.
22 Strength resides in its neck;
dismay goes before it.
23 The folds of its flesh are tightly joined;
they are firm and immovable.
24 Its chest is hard as rock,
hard as a lower millstone.
25 When it rises up, the mighty are terrified;
they retreat before its thrashing.
26 The sword that reaches it has no effect,
nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin.
27 Iron it treats like straw
and bronze like rotten wood.
28 Arrows do not make it flee;
slingstones are like chaff to it.
Strength resides in its neck;
dismay goes before it.
23 The folds of its flesh are tightly joined;
they are firm and immovable.
24 Its chest is hard as rock,
hard as a lower millstone.
25 When it rises up, the mighty are terrified;
they retreat before its thrashing.
26 The sword that reaches it has no effect,
27 Iron it treats like straw
and bronze like rotten wood.
28 Arrows do not make it flee;
slingstones are like chaff to it.
29 A club seems to it but a piece of straw;
it laughs at the rattling of the lance.
30 Its undersides are jagged potsherds,
leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge.
31 It makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron
and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment.
32 It leaves a glistening wake behind it;
one would think the deep had white hair.
33 Nothing on earth is its equal—
a creature without fear.
34 It looks down on all that are haughty;
it is king over all that are proud.â€
I think you missed the whole purpose of the story of Job. God was showing Satan that Job was righteous before Him and that no matter what Satan caused to happen in his life he would never denounce God even though at times Job got in the flesh and was angry at God, but then repented of his anger. It's the same even today that we face many trials and tribulations before the coming of Christ and this is why Jesus said in Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Saved from what, Gods final lake of fire judgement.
I think you missed the whole purpose of the story of Job. God was showing Satan that Job was righteous before Him and that no matter what Satan caused to happen in his life he would never denounce God even though at times Job got in the flesh and was angry at God, but then repented of his anger. It's the same even today that we face many trials and tribulations before the coming of Christ and this is why Jesus said in Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Saved from what, Gods final lake of fire judgement.
I was sure I made that and more clear in the OP. Did you miss the point that Job did trust God ALONE by grace through faith for healing and restoration and was healed, restored, and given more authority in God's Kingdom?
I was sure I made that and more clear in the OP. Did you miss the point that Job did trust God ALONE by grace through faith for healing and restoration and was healed, restored, and given more authority in God's Kingdom?

I'm sorry. It must have been in the way your worded your post as to me it was a little confusing in the following:

You said: Job called on God for deliverance and healing and did not run off to the arm of the flesh. Yes Job did get in the flesh as he was angry with God for allowing this to happen to him and then he repented of his anger.

You said Job did not sin against God, but then turned around and said Job was rebuked by God in Job 38 and 39. If we are being rebuked by God then I would say we sinned somewhere.

You said: if God gives His children a loathsome affliction to make them better Christians. God does not put sickness on us as this would make Him a respecter of person. It was Satan that caused Job to be afflicted.
I'm sorry. It must have been in the way your worded your post as to me it was a little confusing in the following:

You said: Job called on God for deliverance and healing and did not run off to the arm of the flesh. Yes Job did get in the flesh as he was angry with God for allowing this to happen to him and then he repented of his anger.

You said Job did not sin against God, but then turned around and said Job was rebuked by God in Job 38 and 39. If we are being rebuked by God then I would say we sinned somewhere.
Job was in ignorance. He was walking in the light he had. The rebuke was giving him information on the attitudes expected in trials and God's total sovereignty and goodness. Job had no Bible.
You could call it sin but correction by a Father of a son would seem better. Repent means to change one's thinking when corrected.