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Bible Study Since we know that Noah took two of each kind of animal, including dinosaurs. So where are the dinosaurs? Did they become extinct soon after?


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According to the Creation Museum in Glen Rose Texas, all dinosaurs have a larger abdomen and a smaller chest whereas mammals all have a larger chest cavity coupled with a smaller abdomen. Once the firmament fell, the concentration/pressure of the Earth's O2 content fell accordingly causing dinosaurs to be unable to survive due to their undersized lungs.
Hey All,
You want to know an interesting fact about reptiles? They continue to grow throughout their entire life.
We have all seen lizards like geckos and iguanas. Some people have them as pets. They are usually 3-4 feet long and live 5-10 years.
Now they get to adulthood by about six months or so and the growth rate slows down. But factor in a 1" growth rate per year, and give them the same long life spans like Adam or Methuselah, and you get a lizard that is 75 feet long.

Dinosaurs did not go extinct. Sin corrupted this world and they can no longer live the long lives they once did. Imagine a kumodo dragon at 75 feet long. Not something to get in the way of at dinner time!

I believe the growth rate of reptiles, and the fact that they no longer can live long enough to become dinosaurs, is evidence of the fall of man. Sin corrupted all of creation. The dinosaurs were among the first to feel the effects.

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
It seems like much has to do with environmental and climate change after the flood as the land was not as lavish as before, man hunting the dinosaurs for food and dinosaurs actually killing each other. There are so many different scenarios from evolutionist, paleontologist scientist that speaks about dinosaurs developing into what we have today as large mammals and types of fish etc. etc. that I really do not think this question could ever be answered as many types of things have died out over the course of time. A few years ago my husband and I went to Ohio and went through the Ark Encounter and they had some various types of dinosaurs there. We want to go back to go through the Creation Museum.
According to the Creation Museum in Glen Rose Texas, all dinosaurs have a larger abdomen and a smaller chest whereas mammals all have a larger chest cavity coupled with a smaller abdomen. Once the firmament fell, the concentration/pressure of the Earth's O2 content fell accordingly causing dinosaurs to be unable to survive due to their undersized lungs.

It's an interesting theory, Dan, although I personally think "two by two of every creature" could also be potentially taken too literally. I think the ark was a huge ship, but loading two brontosaurus would be really asking for a lot. Even two young ones would weight several tons each, and the story suggests they all came under their own power, which means they would have had to have already been at least semi-adult. And what on earth do you do with two young T-Rex or two young Mammoths?

Maybe the Lord knew they weren't going to make it in the new world anyway, and since some were too massive on top of it, He just didn't lead two of them like He did with the others. That would be my guess. Many were too heavy anyway.
It's an interesting theory, Dan, although I personally think "two by two of every creature" could also be potentially taken too literally. I think the ark was a huge ship, but loading two brontosaurus would be really asking for a lot. Even two young ones would weight several tons each, and the story suggests they all came under their own power, which means they would have had to have already been at least semi-adult. And what on earth do you do with two young T-Rex or two young Mammoths?

Maybe the Lord knew they weren't going to make it in the new world anyway, and since some were too massive on top of it, He just didn't lead two of them like He did with the others. That would be my guess. Many were too heavy anyway.
I agree. Why save doomed animals?
Personally, I think questions like this do little to help us grow in our faith but rather introduce doubt and controversy. Why concern ourselves with things we cannot answer? Just know and trust that God has everything under control and avoid vain discussions.

Remind them of these things, and charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers. Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. But avoid irreverent babble, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness, and their talk will spread like gangrene. 2 Timothy 2:14-17 ESV

Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. 2 Timothy 2:23 ESV

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV
Personally, I think questions like this do little to help us grow in our faith but rather introduce doubt and controversy. Why concern ourselves with things we cannot answer? Just know and trust that God has everything under control and avoid vain discussions.

Remind them of these things, and charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers. Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. But avoid irreverent babble, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness, and their talk will spread like gangrene. 2 Timothy 2:14-17 ESV

Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. 2 Timothy 2:23 ESV

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV
I know, I was just curious.

Often times in our faith we try to resort to tell others to, "Just believe it because it is", when we may have insecurities about our own belief and since we cannot find an answer and to shield our insecurity, that from is put up a lot.

As renown pastor Dr. Tony Evans said, "There is nothing wrong with questioning God, only don't challenge him". God wants to come to Him with our questions and even our doubts, He's not afraid of them, no question is too big for God to answer. Now they may be too big for humans to answer, hence why we get defensive, but not for our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 3:15 (AMP) "But in your hearts set Christ apart [as holy—acknowledging Him, giving Him first place in your lives] as Lord. Always be ready to give a [logical] defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope and confident assurance [elicited by faith] that is within you, yet [do it] with gentleness and respect."
It's an interesting theory, Dan, although I personally think "two by two of every creature" could also be potentially taken too literally. I think the ark was a huge ship, but loading two brontosaurus would be really asking for a lot. Even two young ones would weight several tons each, and the story suggests they all came under their own power, which means they would have had to have already been at least semi-adult. And what on earth do you do with two young T-Rex or two young Mammoths?

Maybe the Lord knew they weren't going to make it in the new world anyway, and since some were too massive on top of it, He just didn't lead two of them like He did with the others. That would be my guess. Many were too heavy anyway.
Weren't dinosaurs around millions of years ago BEFORE man??
Man hasn't been on earth a very long time....Fossils show that dinosaurs died before man came on the scene.
Weren't dinosaurs around millions of years ago BEFORE man??
Man hasn't been on earth a very long time....Fossils show that dinosaurs died before man came on the scene.
That's assuming the evolutionists theory of millions of years is even accurate. While i don't know about the earth being 7,000 years old.

Wait, I'm sorry, that's actually possible. Animals were created before man, man was created on the 6th day. And it's perfectly plausible that the "days" we'rent earthly 24 hours. They could've been God-days, like 1000 years is a day and vice versa. So creation could've taken millions of years. Depends on your view
Hey All,
Noah could have just brought some dinosaur eggs. So he wouldn't have to deal with the actual dinosaur. Although, I don't know if they would just roll into the Arc or what.

Personally, I like to have fun conversations like this one. I hope everyone understands this as a fun what if type of discussion. I mean who can actually know other than the animals came two by two into the Arc. (Gen 6. It does say every animal.) So the dinosaurs were clearly there, and then now they are not here. The Bible does not account for them. (Although Job, Psalms, and Isaiah do mention the Leviathan. A large ocean creature. And Job mentioned the behemoth, which had a tail like a cedar tree.) Where did they go?

Science always uses the dinosaurs as proof of their long earth theory - that they died out some 70 million years ago. Here, science can be used to support a much younger earth theory. Its nice to get science on our side of the argument for a change. I am not trying to start a fight here. ( Nor will I engage in one. This is just for fun.
Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
That's assuming the evolutionists theory of millions of years is even accurate. While i don't know about the earth being 7,000 years old.

Wait, I'm sorry, that's actually possible. Animals were created before man, man was created on the 6th day. And it's perfectly plausible that the "days" we'rent earthly 24 hours. They could've been God-days, like 1000 years is a day and vice versa. So creation could've taken millions of years. Depends on your view
You don't have to be an evolutionist to believe that the earth is about 4 billion years old, I think. The Universe is 14 billion years old. That's simple science and it cannot be denied.

In Genesis 1, God got the earth ready for man and then created man.
In Genesis 2, God created man and then made earth for him.

However it happened, I believe this has to do with the fine tuning idea....that the earth was made specifically for mankind. Scientists that also happen to be Christian do believe in this. It's evident all around us, just like Romans 1 states. God has always been known by His creation.

As to the DAYS,,,you're right. It most probably was not 24 hour periods. But it could be, this I'm not willing to debate - we just can't know.
Hey All,
Noah could have just brought some dinosaur eggs. So he wouldn't have to deal with the actual dinosaur. Although, I don't know if they would just roll into the Arc or what.

Personally, I like to have fun conversations like this one. I hope everyone understands this as a fun what if type of discussion. I mean who can actually know other than the animals came two by two into the Arc. (Gen 6. It does say every animal.) So the dinosaurs were clearly there, and then now they are not here. The Bible does not account for them. (Although Job, Psalms, and Isaiah do mention the Leviathan. A large ocean creature. And Job mentioned the behemoth, which had a tail like a cedar tree.) Where did they go?

Science always uses the dinosaurs as proof of their long earth theory - that they died out some 70 million years ago. Here, science can be used to support a much younger earth theory. Its nice to get science on our side of the argument for a change. I am not trying to start a fight here. ( Nor will I engage in one. This is just for fun.
Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
I read somewhere that Noah did not bring EVERY ANIMAL on board, but every TYPE of animal.
Then they could have evolved over time...micro evolution, which does happen as is needed.
As renown pastor Dr. Tony Evans said, "There is nothing wrong with questioning God, only don't challenge him". God wants to come to Him with our questions and even our doubts, He's not afraid of them, no question is too big for God to answer. Now they may be too big for humans to answer, hence why we get defensive, but not for our Lord Jesus Christ.
I agree. However, it's one thing to have doubts and something else to create doubt. I think Paul is spot on when he wrote that we should avoid controversies because they can cause doubt.
Weren't dinosaurs around millions of years ago BEFORE man??
Man hasn't been on earth a very long time....Fossils show that dinosaurs died before man came on the scene.
Cave art in Europe that is thousands of years old shows cavemen drew dinosaurs. How did they know what they looked like?
I agree. However, it's one thing to have doubts and something else to create doubt. I think Paul is spot on when he wrote that we should avoid controversies because they can cause doubt.
Depends on who's your audience
I agree. However, it's one thing to have doubts and something else to create doubt. I think Paul is spot on when he wrote that we should avoid controversies because they can cause doubt.
The problem here, WIP, is that some doubts crop up anyway and it's good to face them and get them out of the way.
Also, we live in a post-modern era and atheism is strong in our societies and many doubts are actually planted into person's minds.

So it's good to have an answer ready.

I don't believe the earth is 7,000 years old.
I don't believe in macro evolution.
I believe God began EVERYTHING.
HOW, He did that is up for debate.
The Big Bang seems to be in agreement with Genesis 1:1

I know that actual history began with Abraham. This means that there were persons around that took notes
or told oral stories to the following generations of actual events. What came before is prehistory and a lot of it
is hyposthesis. This does not mean it didn't happen -which I repeat constantly - but we also don't have detailed information.

I think it's good to talk about this.
I try to teach my religion kids to trust God more than science....
I hope I'm doing a good job.

(Science and God can co-exist).
Due to what?
You mean how do we know the universe is 14 billion years old?
Because all scientists agree with this.
Except those that want to insist on the fundamentalist idea that the earth is 7,000 years old.
A person could believe what they wish.
It has nothing to do with their salvation.
Geology, however, shows that the earth is very old.


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