See the truth in what everyone here is saying to you. There is heartfelt concern for your well being. It is good that you have courage to reach out and seek resolve.
Yes, you must let God define you and not define God by your own standards. You must take on the standards of the Holy Word. It is OF God, and will help build Godly character.
If you aren't serious you won't get results. It appears to me, from the way in which you have expressed yourself, that you have not progressed in your studies enough. You need to not give up but to press on. Philippians 3:9-14
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Do you read the bible and see how consequences play out in life, be them good or of harm? do you read the bible and see how the "love" of God is there for our protection and guidance?
Or do you just read the bible as if it were some fantasy story that means nothing?
Do you read the bible with the intent to learn?
Do you actually "study" the words in the bible?
Do you actually take it seriously enough , or do you just skim through it and only read parts of it once in a while?
Scripture. Words of wisdom. books of wisdom and guidance. Book of history and the lessons learned and not learned by people of those times.
Are you taking it all for granted, or not?
You don't just become a Christians without studying the scripture.
Get into some serious study and your faith will come by hearing and hearing by the word. That means you study and learn. There are good and bad examples of life in the bible. We are to learn from them and follow the way of Christ Jesus.
You must want to learn about truth and consequences in life. truth from the word, and consequences from all actions taken in life, be them good or not.
Read and study, then your confusion will be diminished.
The Holy Word does not confuse. The lies of Satan do. Learn to know the difference and learn how to discern the spirits in life.
It's a struggle to OVERCOME, the things of this world. When we live in the ways of this world we will suffer the consequences of the things of the world. Jesus came to save us from the sins of the world through following Him. John 3:17 - For God sent
not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world
through him might
be saved.
Study and get serious about it.
And please know this, when you get to this part in the bible.... when Jesus says to pluck out your eye or cut off your hand, it doesn't mean it literally! It means to stop looking at the thing that causes you to sin. and to turn toward his holy word to distract you from it. And when he says to cut your hand off, it means to not touch the thing that causes you to sin. To stop right there and realize what you are doing with your mind and body. Are you using it for committing sin or for doing good?
Get serious in your study. Learn the lessons of life. You have two choices. choose life, that which is OF God, or choose death, that which destroys and is OF Satan's ways. Choose the things that lead to everlasting life.
If you don't learn the difference between what is OF God and what is OF destruction, then you will be confused.
Godly ways, builds integrity and good character. The ways and whiles of the devil destroys and demeans it. Learn the scripture to know the message of Jesus.
Make up your mind. School yourself wisely and stay away from the unGodly. Get serious. Read and learn the scripture in the bible. Stick with the King James. Other versions of the bible distract from the hebrew and greek meanings. But some people may argue over what I believe about that.
Here is a good study aide you can read and listen at the same time:
and here is a good study aide for your scripture research and commentaries, topical studies, etc. For instance, you can type in the word confusion in the search space and see how many times that word occurs in the bible. check it out:§ion=0&translation=kjv&oq=&sr=1
or you can type in the word save and see how many times it occurs in the bible and do a study on the word save:§ion=0&translation=kjv&oq=confusion&new=1&sr=1
But don't let those topical studies drag you away from reading the "books" chapter by chapter, book by book. You also have to learn of the many other things to consider when you study the bible:
And in regards to praying to God, We must pray IN ACCORDANCE TO HIS HOLY WORD.
Prayer is not asking for selfish purposes, We must be IN accordance to His Good Will for us. If we pray amiss, how do you expect good to come of "it"? We need to know the Good Will of
God, and ask according to it. If you want to learn how to pray in accordance to the Word of God.... here are some links and postings that might help you get started: But please do use your bible as your main means of prayer. The Lords prayer is how Jesus taught how to pray. Matthew 6:9-15 Also, King David's books of Psalm is prayer. Psalm 119:1-150 is a wonderful one to ponder. Psalm 27:1-14
Just READ and STUDY your bible over and over again, and your faith and understanding will grow
Find a good bible study group in a good bible believing church. If they don't use the bible in your church, then find one that does. Always compare what someone tells you with what truth is in the bible. Never trust what is said outside of knowing the difference between what is holy and what is not. Learn to discern the spirit(s) .
Stay connected to Jesus. Don't' lose sight of His Holy Word for you. He speaks directly to you. Read the bible as if it were a letter to you. Speaking to you. Some of it will speak directly to your situation at a specific time. And some of it will just teach you about how certain behavior is corrupt and how certain behavior is sanctified as being pure and approved of the HOLY spirit. It's all in the spirit of things to come and things past. We need to carry the HOLY spirit forward. Read Ephesians 6:11-21 to help you stand your ground in the battle of life.
I could go on forever..... Excuse the long post. I sometimes can't express any other way. :-?
But you can only learn to walk in the spirit IF you SEEK after God on your own accord. We all need to learn how to walk with Jesus and not against or away from Him. Be IN His presence instead of running or ignoring it. We need to Seek and Knock on the doors that lead to HIM. Not on doors that lead us away from Him. Learn to discern the spirit that is in front of you and trying to influence you. The spiritual world is what you need to learn about.
Hope this helps that confusion change to wisdom.
STUDY and keep yourself approved. 2 Timothy 2:15 -
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Don't let confusion and discouragement stop you from seeking after the wisdom and knowledge of God. Be IN the Holy spirit , flee from the spirit that is not of the Holy Godly spirit, and you will grow. To be "IN" Christ Jesus. Learn to know what that means to you and for you.
Read the book of John, Ephesians, Hebrews, James, Galatians, Corinthians, etc. ... Those books should help you initially, and so on.... never stop reading and learning as you grow (being IN the Spirit OF Christ Jesus) , it will change you life. You will not want to have sin in your life once you are continually IN the Holy Spirit. Keep the focus and you will see.